
Married To The Cursed Monarch

[Matured Content] He was a man cursed to be a human by day and a beast by night. And she was that unlucky woman who was made to marry him even against her will. Camelia was a girl born with powers stronger than any other but because of the fact that magic was banned by the Emperor, in other to keep her powers hidden, her parents had kept her within the palace walls not letting her out to the world. But everything changed when she switches places with her twin sister and marries the Cursed Monarch in her stead. But little did she know that it was the beginning of a new story in her life as evil force's threaten the life of her husband and people and only she could stop it. Join camelia as she overcome a world with secrets, betrayers and royal battles all for the sake of love and a new world. • The Synopsis might not seem to captivating but pls do give the book a try, it's really worth it. • Cover doesn't belong to me, credits goes to the Artist. • The author hopes for no Bad or discouraging comments or reviews, it won't be taken likely.. thank you and enjoy the book.

Sharon_Rose18 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The escape

Making her way out, Camelia made sure she made no single noise in other not to get caught.

The entire hall and palace was quiet. As she walked towards and futher towards the Front huge door.

She heard voices of people approaching, but before she could react, she was dragged away by a pair of hands.

And those same hands covered her mouth as the group of men who seemed to be dukes left.

With them gone, Camelia then gently removed the pair of hands that were covering her mouth and to her surprise, those hands belonged to 'Eliza'

"E-eliza? What are you doing here?" She asked a little taken aback.

"Umm.. my Lady I should be asking you the same question, it's so late why are you still up?" She asked as she stared at the still surprised Camelia.

Eliza looked different for some reason. Her hair was down making the white, long strend at a side visible.

Her blue dark eyes was now glowing like a boblight, She looked somehow different.

"Well.. I just wanted to go out for a walk!" Camelia lied.

"Huh.. why didn't my Lady take a walk at her private garden?"

"Because I don't want to, Listen Eliza.. I'm new in this palace but I have an Aunt!" She lied once more.

"An Aunt?"

"Yes, you see I have an Aunt who lives here and She stays at a Mantic around here so I really need to meet her, she's my only relative after all!" Camelia said with a pair of puppy eyes.

And hearing that, Eliza said, "But it's late, why don't you go to sleep and ask the monarch to take you to her tomorrow!"

"No, no, no… it can't wait today, I'll be so busy tomorrow and people might recognize me if I go with the monarch tomorrow, what if harm come to me?"

"Then the monarch will protect you!" Eliza said bluntly.

After minutes of arguing, finally Camelia finally convinced her, "I just want to half a little walk and see the world, all my life I've been trapped in my palace back at home and even here in my husband's Kingdom I'm still trapped!"

Camelia faked a cry as Eliza just sighed..

"Well.. then what do you want me to do for you my lady?" Eliza asked accepting defeat, her lady was just to convincing.

Smiling brightly, Camelia then said, "I need you to help me find a way to leave the palace without getting caught, that's all!"

Shs said as Eliza nodded and took her hands passing another route.

And after different turns and sneaky stunts, they finally made it to a old looking door.

"What's in there?" Camelia asked as she covered her nose at it's dust and funny smell.

"Well my lady, this is the maids door linking to the outside!"

"Ah I see.."

"Usually when there's a banquet or any special party or gathering in the palace, in other not to disturb the front door the maids and servant tend to use this door to come in and bring things and it's more nearer than the back door.. come on, let's go before we are caught!"

And with that, they made their way into a little underground tunnel which stinked really bad.

The place was filled with touches and light and Eliza took of one.

"Why does here stink so bad though?"

"Well I guess it's because of the people staying at the prison, they are only allowed to bathe once a month so they most stink!" She said with an embarrassed face.

"Prison?" Camelia asked a little surprised.

"Yes my lady, This tunnel down here doesn't just link to the outside, it also links to the Underground Prison or we could say dungeon. Where all the offenders and prisoners are kept, mostly magical beast are kept!"



After some time in the tunnel, they finally got out if the palace and sneakily ran oast the guards who were a little sleepy fromm their night petrol.

With them now out of the palace tneu made their way to the Capital.

Although it was alright late (9PM) the entire capital still looked Bright with lights from different shops as people all moved around like it's still daytime.

As they walkedwthe bustling street they could see some kids playing while some were watching different display.

"Its late but they are all still living their life normally like there's no worry's in the world!"

"Yss your highness, here no one needs to be told when to sleep, what to wear or how to behave.. expect the kids but we are so free here, life of normal people I guess!"

"I'm sure My lady also had alot of fun with her friends too!"


Camelia had no friend. All her life she was trapped in that palace walls, only allowed to see the world outside from that small Windsor in her bedroom.

Her parents had given all she wanted, they were less strict with her and more strict with her sister.

She even stopped learning etiquette because it was boring and they didn't object, it was like they wanted her to remained by their side for the rest of her life.

She remembered once Having a friend. 'Jacob' he was the gardener's son and Amelia, The head cools daughter.

Because Jacob's dad only came once a week, when Jacob arrives the three of them would spend the whole day having fun.

And her parents never said anything, they knew that Camelia wanted friends and if thses would keep her from trying to leave the palace then they won't mind.

But when she turned sixteen, Jacob has decided to show her the world from the palace walls.

It was the ebst gift she could get but before she even enjoyed such a joyful experience, her parents had found out and she was dragged back to the palace.

Because of that incident, she never saw Jacob again. She heard from Amelia that he was finally giving his dream a try, he was aiming to be a knight and he applied to school and train in a knights academy in the north and since then she hadn't heard from him at all.

And as for Amelia, At Least she was there until she wasn't. Few months later, her Faith of getting married approached her and she left for the west with her merchant husband.

In the end she was the only one remaining in that palace, well at least until she married the cursed monarch.