

Princess Arianna, that was her name - pretty, funny and most importantly, crazy. She's not the usual type of princess found in places of learning and being under a tutor and served by maids every single minutes. She's Arianna, always found making troubles around - marketplaces, farms, just mention, Arianna will always be there making trouble and fighting people around, playing and causing commotions. When her father, King Cesar had tried always possible way to tame Arianna but all to no avail, and so he had to Marry Her Off to the Cruel Master. Master Aldo, the man who kills without giving a second thought and had lost two wives mysteriously. ~ Let's watch it on how Arianna got MARRIED TO THE CRUEL MASTER and becomes the Master's third wife.

Lily_Ink · History
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16 Chs

Chapter 13: BEING CALLED ON.

Aldo turned immediately, hearing the scream and his eyes glinted when he saw Arianna.

She crawled down from the window immediately, falling to the floor and almost hurting her leg due to the speed she used.

"Ariana!" Hera shrieked.

She had been surprised at the way she screamed.

Immediately, Arianna climbed down and ran to the nearest bush and threw up.

"Arianna?!" Hera called in surprise.

What the hell is wrong with her??

Her hand was on her chest as she emptied everything in her mouth and by the time she stood up straight, she was panting heavily.

"Oh my God… Oh my God…" She gibbered, Hera holding her so she doesn't fall.

"Hey! Arianna, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"We need to go. We… We need to…" She held Hera's hand and they ran off immediately.


In the room,

Arianna sat on the bed while Hera handed her the glass of water.

"Thank you." She muttered and gulped it down.

She was looking so pale like a ghost.

"Goodness, Arianna! I warned you not to go up there. Now, take a look at yourself, you're looking like an expired ghost." Hera said as she took a seat in front of her.

"So… he really killed the man?" She asked and Arianna nodded.

"God! But that Aldo is so heartless. What could've been his offense to warrant him being killed, huh?" Hera mumbled.

"I really need to get out of here," Arianna finally said. "I just… I just need to find a way, anyway at all".

"Stop it, Arianna. You're married to him and you can't just leave. You guys don't have any issues either. So, it's going to be an offense that could get you killed if you leave." Hera warned as she tried discouraging the idea and Arianna gave a thought to it.

Indeed, it was true. Unless the couples were having an issue, the wife wasn't expected to just run away - especially if she's married to a ruler.

"But I really can't stay here with this guy, Hera… I can't afford seeing him as my husband. Like… he's a killer - a ruthless one. What kind of marriage life do you expect me to have?"

She sighed and stood up.

"I just wish I can go far from here and be free from him, Hera - be free from everyone. This isn't the life I dreamt of."


"She gambles??" Frida asked in Surprise as she sat on the bed with Helena, while her maid stood in front of them, telling them the news.

"Yes Ma'am. My betrothed was there in the tavern when she came in with her friend and set a bet. She wasn't even having any money to gamble with, so she set a bet with her body."

"Whaat??" Helena shirked after listening to her maid. "She did that??"

"Yes, My Princess. They'd agreed… if she fails the game, then the man would take her home with him. Although… she won." The maid replied.

"That girl is unbelievable!" Helena flinched. "How can she do something so outrageous! Like… she was willing to sleep with a man? Goodness!!"

Frida didn't say a word.

"I knew it!" Helena continued. "I've heard stories of how unruly and care-free she was as a princess and I heard that was actually the reason her father had married her off to your brother - because she was a burden to him and he wanted to be free from her. Oh, Frida! This is really a bad idea. That lady doesn't deserve to be here."

"It's quite unfortunate, Helena." Frida sighed and stood up. "But there's nothing I can do about it."

And she walked away, going into the bathroom.

'Annoying thing!' Helena thought angrily. She never contributes to anything that concerns her.

Either way, she's still going to get what she wants.

And for the first step, what could she possibly do that would get Aldo so angry and make him punish Arianna?


Arianna and Hera were both in the room, trying to eat when a knock came on the door.

"Who's it?" Arianna rolled her eyes and asked.

She wondered why everyone kept knocking on her door.

Then, the door opened and a guard walked in.

It was Cole and somehow, Arianna felt nervous and had a feeling he was there because…

"Sorry to disturb you, princess, but you need to come with me. Lord Aldo wants you in his chambers." He announced.

Whaaatt?? Gasps escaped Arianna's and Hera's lips.