
Chapter 1.

He is cool, isn't he ??. But i heard he is gay and aloof , Kendra said loud enough for those present to hear. She smiled knowing very well the impact of her words on the man who suddenly turned down her marriage proposal. If i can't marry him no one else will. Caleb strode gracefully with calculated steps towards the direction of the voice . His steps emitted a cold and powerful aura that made even men shudder in fright and break out in cold sweat. Her insides were in turmoil but she managed to smile and maintain a calm demeanor on the outside. He walked to her and bent his head down close enough that there was only an inch away.She stared into his misty and deep penetrating eyes that seemed to bore down to the hearts of one's soul and to reveal everyvburied secrets.

Suspense is part of life. My chapters are short but please bear with me. Thanks for understanding.

Arkhosua_Dhimplecreators' thoughts