
Chapter 158

What worried Adam happened when the plane arrived in Red Pine City.

Lumma told Harry that she was going back to Red Pine City today, and brought a female friend with her. So Harry drove to the airport to pick them up.

When Lumma walked out of the airport, Harry not only gave her a hug but also took her suitcase naturally, getting acquainted like old friends for many years.

These actions were all done under Adam's nose!

Harry also said to Lumma in front of him, "I heard that you are bringing friends back, Ruby immediately ordered a table of dishes at Cloud Restaurant. We will have a good meal tonight."

"Ruby still understands me." Lumma immediately introduced him, "Keeley, this is friend Harry. Harry, this is Keeley. From now on, you must treat her as well as you treat me and Ruby."

Harry patted his chest, "Your friend is naturally my friend. Keeley, in Red Pine City from now on, I will cover you."