

After he lost his throne to the hands of his younger brother, Reginald is banished from the vampire kingdom, never to return, and sent to the human realm. He stumbles upon Hezab, and due to his thirst to rule and conquer, he devises a plan along with traitors from the royal family, to take over Hezab and rule for himself. He enters the palace and killed  the present King and some of his children, forcing the rest to escape for their life and go into hiding along with his wife, but before she left, being a powerful witch, she laid a curse on him and his generations to come for destroying her home and killing her loved ones, then she went into hiding never to be seen again. Reginald toiled all the earth trying to find her to reverse the curse but she could not be found. A curse of blood, a curse of death and bad luck, a curses passed to all his bloodline. Many years later : Astriana the beloved princess of Nardsia forced into marriage with the king of Hezab whom she had never meet, but had only ever heard his name of him being ruthless and heartless "THE BLOOD KING" or so they call him. What happens when she finds out the true reason why he married her, and the truth about what he is ? As she finds out she is his... *************************************************** Are you a virgin" he asked me, as l felt his hot breath fan my face, and I looked up to see his bright green eyes staring directly at my face with an emotion I can't dispere. I shivered when I felt his hands move upward my bare thighs, as my hands trembled unconsciously, and I clenched my fist together tightly to avoid showing any emotion to his touch. "because if you are not, I will send your disambered body to the front gate of your brother's palace, I don't like used goods" he said as his nose trickled my neck, while his hands pressed down on my legs in a tight grip, as his eyes roamed round my body. "I am" I stuttered as I tried to keep my voice and emotions abay, which I am obviously doing a terrible work at. " Good" he said, as he .......

Naomi_lia · Fantasy
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24 Chs


"Your highness, may I know what I did wrong" I said to him trying to show boldness, while I nervously held onto my dress at the side, a habit I learnt to do whenever I am nervous.

"What did you do, what did you did" he shouted as his voice echoed in the whole throne room as I shivered and cowered my head in fear, as he came to stand directly in front of me, holding tightly on my neck and as I strungled to breathe.

"How dare you make me a laughing stock in front of my people, do you think you are better than me, or you now have the rights to change the things of my palace" he said as he breathe in heavily while his chest raised and fell in synch like he is trying to keep his rage abayed to keep him from exploding.

"Your highness please I do not know what I did wrong" I said holding on his hands that are pressing my neck and cutting my air supply, with tears forming in my eyes and flowing down my face.

"so you are still going to keep acting oblivious to your actions " he said as he pressed on my neck tighter, while I struggled to breathe,

"why did you wear blue clothing to the hall today, representing Nardsia, when I clearly sent a red gown for you to wear", " do you know what that means, it is one of the highest form of disrespect you can give to Hezab, by doing this, you did not just insult me and my throne but Hezab directly" he shouted as he left my neck and threw a golden vase at the wall, missing my head by a few inches.

"your highness I had no idea, this was the dress my mauds prepared to me to wear" I said to him, while shifting back into the wall, praying for it to swallow me so that I might not experience his wrath.

"who knew the little Princess of Nardsia was a Liar" he said with an evil glint in his eyes, laced with killing intent as he came to stand directly in front of me me and held back on my neck pushing me further into the wall.

"so you are putting the blame on the maids in the palace, they all know the traditions in this palace, that once a woman is brought in to stay, she represents Hezab where ever she goes, and does not wear clothing's to represent her past kingdom, are you saying Hezab is not worthy of you " he said adding more pressure to his hands on my neck as I lost oxygen and continuously tapped on his hands for him to let go or I might die, before he finally let go looking at me with wide eyes and turning to face the opposite direction.

" Get out, tomorrow we shall judge this in court, it is late" he said as he turned to face the opposite direction, not looking at my face.

I quickly ran out of the throne room door, without looking back to see his concubines and their maids gathered outside the door as the all stood erect once I came out like they where listening to what was happening.

"it seems like our kings wife is not his favorite person after all" one of them said as she walked forward giving a fake sad expression with a smirk on her face, "tsk tsk tsk, she tried to get his attention by wearing Blue clothing, but it seems he would take her head in return as an appreciation" she said as she looked up to me with raised eyebrows and a wide smirk,

"I am his highnesses wife, and you should speak to me with respect , wait for tomorrow and don't spread false rumors" I said to them with my heads raised high, I will never let anybody disrespect me, nor would I let their words get to my head, I am his hisgness wife, and I know where I stand in these ladies, and they can not disrespect me as they like.

"oh poor princess, you are too young for the ways of this harem, find a way to go back to your shiny little castle" another said with clear mockery and sarcasm in her voice, and I decided not to answer but walk away, it seems useless arguing with the, and I got better things to do like to find who change the clothes his highness sent for me.

I hurriedly passed the hall of the harem, to my chambers amdi saw Safeera standing by the door looking at me with a smirk on her beautiful face, "it seems the King lost his temper on you" she said looking at me from head to toe while studying my features , " you are nothing special like I expected, when Kaden told me he was bringing a wife, I expected something better, not this hmph" she said with a sarcastic laugh, she us calling the king by his first name, she must be really dear to him I thought in my mind.

"neither are you what I expected to see, when I heard your name, I expected something better" I lied although she is more than I ecp, but I would never tell her that, her tone is not respectful to me at all, so why should I be with her, I was taught as a royal we should treat people the way we want them to treat ourselves, and she is not treating me well, so why should I treat her well.

"it seems our little princess has a sharp tongue, for a minute there I thought you where dumb, and can't speak, let me tell you something, and I'll make my self very clear, I rule thus Harem, the women are mine, the maids and servants are mine to control as I like, and most importantly Hus highness is mine and mine alone " Safeera said to me with proud eyes as her hazel eyes shone directly at mine as if warning me.

" well you don't have to worry about that, mostly about the harem, because very soon, and I will make sure if it, he won't have a harem, only a queen chambers for me, and as for his highness, I am his wedded wife, while you are just one of his concubine, you are no threat to me so do not deceive yourself " I said as I stared back at her showing her I am not backing down.

"well it seems you do not want to heed to my warnings, we would see about that, I would make sure your body is sent to Nardsia front gate tommorow " she said with an evil glint in her eye,

"don't mess with me princess, you might come from a glass house, but my mindset is everything better than you can imagine, bye bye princess enjoy your wedding night" she said as she turned to walk out with a smile on her face while swaying her waist.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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