
The fight

After Allen had eaten his fill, he asked, "Why did you decide to do what a servant is usually paid for?"

Lilian replied, "I'm not accustomed to being served. Unlike you, I didn't grow up in luxury, so it felt uncomfortable. Besides, as your girlfriend now, I should care more about you than anyone else."

Allen said, "Okay," brushing it off before remembering something. "I wanted to ask, how do you notice Aurora's little quirks so easily?"

Lilian smiled, saying, "A lot of people have asked me that, but I've never given a detailed answer. But since you're her father, I'll tell you. When she's happy, Aurora has faint dimples when she smiles. You have to smile and let her smile back to notice them. Her dimples are a giveaway."

Allen nodded, admitting, "I've never noticed that before. I'll try it this morning."

"I'd like to stay back today and see how quickly she's recovering," Lilian requested.