
Married to my worst nightmare

Hey, you don’t go! Please wait and read this… Calla and Davis attended the same high school, while Calla was shy and kept to herself, Davis was popular amongst the students. Someone discovered Davis’s secret while in school, For his secret to be kept, Davis had to make Calla’s life miserable. Because of the way she was treated and humiliated by Davis, Calla swore to exact revenge on him no matter the cost. Six years after high school graduation, Calla and Davis got into an arranged marriage. Calla was no longer who she was back in high school, she was now the most feared and respected killer in the underworld, and she was ruthless, She killed without remorse, and she made sure to use the most torturous way possible! Calla could have objected to the marriage but she opted to marry him, she saw that as an opportunity to get revenge on him. Davis on the other hand secretly arranged the marriage between them so he could make it up to her for the way he had treated her in high school. He kept asking for her forgiveness but she told him the reason she had married him was simply to get revenge on him. A few days into their marriage, Calla was given a task by her boss, the grandmaster which was to make Davis fall in love with her within ninety days and get some files from him that would ruin his life and that of his family forever, Calla loved the idea because that way, she could get her revenge and also accomplish her task. According to Calla, what keeps her going is her desire for revenge… What do you think would happen to these two enemies? Find out by adding the novel to your collection. Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine, if the original owner wants it taken down, it would be taken down.

Perfect_praize · Urban
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53 Chs

The boss’s wife

Everyone turned towards the two people who just entered the building. They recognized the man as Marcus, he worked for the boss, but who was the beautiful woman beside him?. She looked like a goddess.

"Who's that woman beside Marcus?." One of the employees asked the other employee in a low voice.

"I don't know, maybe she is the model for tonight's show." She responded.

"She can't be, she isn't famous, this is the first time am seeing her, and the boss only uses famous models for his shows." A male employee said.

"Yeah, that's true, but she is so gorgeous, look at that red hair." The employee who spoke earlier said.

"She has such sexy long legs." The male employee said in a dreamy tone.

Calla was not comfortable with the way everyone was staring at her, she wanted to leave this place immediately.

She hurried towards the elevator. Marcus increased his pace in other to catch up with her.

"I apologize on their behalf, Ma'am. They aren't just used to seeing such a gorgeous woman as you." He was really flattering her, but she didn't pay attention to his words.

She was only interested in seeing Davis. She didn't think she would be able to continue with the show because of the way everyone was staring at her.

Davis was in the meeting room with his board members, his mind wasn't there at all. He was thinking about Calla, what was keeping her so long?.

The elevator stopped at the last floor, where the boss office was.

Calla saw a young blonde woman sitting at a desk beside the door.

"She must be Davis secretary." She thought, remembered seeing her at the wedding.

Fiona was surprised to see Marcus with a beautiful woman.

"Where on earth did he find such a beautiful model?. She must be an international model." So she thought.

"Marcus, the boss is in a meeting, you will have to wait for an hour." She said in a polite manner.

She turned towards the woman. "You have to be patient, Miss."

Calla was shocked to hear the woman address her as miss. Wasn't this woman at her wedding?

Marcus understood why Fiona addressed Calla as miss, she looked different from how she looked on her wedding. He was about correcting her, but Calla signaled him to stop.

"Tell Davis, I can't wait for an hour. I have to see him now."

Fiona was surprised by Calla's words. Did she just address the boss by his first name. Did she want the modeling contract to be taken away from her?, she wondered.

This woman was really pompous, the admiration that Fiona once had for Calla immediately disappeared.

She turned to Marcus.

"She wants to loose her contract." She felt disgusted by Calla's words.

"Tell the boss, we're outside." Marcus responded.

She was shocked, has he forgotten the rules?.

Don't interrupt the boss during a meeting, no matter how important matter was.

Noticing the hesitation of the Secretary to inform them about their arrival, Calla decided to use her other self to deal with the situation.

"Go in there and inform your boss about our arrival." She commanded her in a cold voice that sent shiver down her spine.

Who the hell is this woman?. Fiona wondered.

But she wasn't ready to loose her job, so she shook her head in denial.

"I can't do that, miss. You have to wait like the other models usually did whenever the boss was in a meeting. If not I will have to ask the security guys to throw you out." She sounded like she was threatening her.

Calla let out a hysterical laughter, she would deal with this lady later on for threatening her.

The others were surprised to hear her laugh, what was so funny?. Thank goodness the boss's office was sound proof, he couldn't hear what was happening outside.

"Marcus, tell her that if she doesn't want to loose her job, then she should go in there and inform my husband about our arrival."

Fiona gasped in shock as she heard Calla's words. She knew the boss got married yesterday. She attended the wedding but she didn't get the chance to see his wife's face properly. She thought it was a coincidence that the boss's wife and the woman in front of her had red hair.

She quickly bowed down to Calla.

"Am sorry for my actions Mrs. Williams, I was only doing my job."

Calla didn't even throw an eye at her, she simply walked into the meeting room. Marcus looked at Fiona pitifully, if the boss found out about what happened, she would definitely be fired.

Meanwhile in the meeting room…

The board members kept looking at the woman who just walked into the room. Did she have plans of losing her life? No one dared enter the meeting room without the CEO's permission, not even his mother.

Davis noticed the board members were no longer looking at him, but at the door. He turned around an saw a gorgeous goddess walking slowly towards him, he was so engrossed in his work that he hadn't noticed when she walked in.

"Babe, you look beautiful." Admiration was evident in his eyes.

Calla smiled warmly at his words, she was only pretending to be happy, because of the people who were staring at her.

The board members were surprised, so this woman was the boss's wife. They were not invited by Davis to their wedding, because he said the wedding wasn't related to work, so there was no need for them to attend, that was why this was their first time of seeing her.

He glanced at them. "The meeting is over."

They were surprised, weren't they talking about something important right now?, they hadn't even come to a conclusion yet and he was saying the meeting was over, because of a woman. So unimaginable.

The boss was really full of surprises. Firstly he had looked at someone with admiration, which was totally a new thing, secondly he had praised a woman's appearance, and thirdly which was the most unbelievable, he dismissed a meeting without coming to a conclusion about the matter at hand.