
Married to my worst nightmare

Hey, you don’t go! Please wait and read this… Calla and Davis attended the same high school, while Calla was shy and kept to herself, Davis was popular amongst the students. Someone discovered Davis’s secret while in school, For his secret to be kept, Davis had to make Calla’s life miserable. Because of the way she was treated and humiliated by Davis, Calla swore to exact revenge on him no matter the cost. Six years after high school graduation, Calla and Davis got into an arranged marriage. Calla was no longer who she was back in high school, she was now the most feared and respected killer in the underworld, and she was ruthless, She killed without remorse, and she made sure to use the most torturous way possible! Calla could have objected to the marriage but she opted to marry him, she saw that as an opportunity to get revenge on him. Davis on the other hand secretly arranged the marriage between them so he could make it up to her for the way he had treated her in high school. He kept asking for her forgiveness but she told him the reason she had married him was simply to get revenge on him. A few days into their marriage, Calla was given a task by her boss, the grandmaster which was to make Davis fall in love with her within ninety days and get some files from him that would ruin his life and that of his family forever, Calla loved the idea because that way, she could get her revenge and also accomplish her task. According to Calla, what keeps her going is her desire for revenge… What do you think would happen to these two enemies? Find out by adding the novel to your collection. Disclaimer: The book cover is not mine, if the original owner wants it taken down, it would be taken down.

Perfect_praize · Urban
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53 Chs

Disobeying the rules

"Stop driving slowly, or else they are going to catch up with us." calla said.

Liam was shocked, any other girl would be scared by the way he drove, but this girl wasn't, rather she asked him to increase his pace.

"I am the best racer in the world, and you call my driving slow?." He asked in disbelief.

"Pff, the only reason why you got that title was because I didn't compete in the race due to my injury."

She knew she was a better driver than he was if they were to race against each other, she would win without a doubt.

"You keep saying that all the time, what about this, let us race on Saturday by six." He said in a challenging tone, all the while keeping his eyes on the road.

She laughed. "See you on Saturday, Liam. The loser gets to grant the winner's wish."

He was excited about the race, he couldn't wait.

"It seems Mr. Williams is bent on catching up with us, let's take him on a ride," Calla said with a devilish grin on her face.

"Evil, I like," Liam responded smiling at her.

If she wanted to have fun, she had to drive the car herself.

She looked at Liam, the look on her face told him she wanted to drive the car.

He nodded at her and they swapped seats.

Davis who was following them closely, frowned at her actions, how dare she follow another man and also sit on his lap in an matte to enter the driver's seat. He was going to punish her for disobeying the rules.

Garcia was shocked by the boss's wife's driving skills, she drove even better than most international racers. He admired her, hopefully, when this came to an end, he would ask her to teach him a little bit of racing.

Calla drove the car towards the forest where her secret base was located. Once she was there he wouldn't be able to find her.

"Isn't going to your base a little bit risky, because he is just a few meters away from you," Liam said, he was happy about her idea.

"No need to worry, I got this," she responded confidently.

He didn't say a word about it anymore, he just had to wait and watch.

"RR, ask Amelia to come out immediately." RR was the name of her car.

"Yes, boss. Sending a message to RR." The car responded.

Soon, they got in front of a large tree. Calla touched some parts of the large tree, a beep sounded, the tree moved away from the path and she drove further into the forest.

A few minutes later, Davis's and Marcus' cars arrived in front of the last three.

"Why is there a tree blocking the path," Davis asked.

"Didn't the young madam just drive past here?". Garcia asked wondering how she had managed to pass without hitting the tree.

Marcus got down from his car and went to Davis's car.

"I think we have to walk since there is no way for us to continue without having to hit the tree," Marcus said.

"Where is my wife and that man," Davis asked in a cold voice.

"Boss I lost signal after entering the forest."

Calla was aware of the fact that Marcus had inserted a tracker into her phone when she wasn't watching but she had decided not to disable it since she was aware that there was not any signal in the forest.

As there were about entering the forest on foot.

They saw a little girl of about five years of age walking toward them with a cute Barbie doll in her hand.

What was such a little girl doing in such a lonely place as this?

Marcus suddenly felt scared remembering those horror movies with little girls holding dolls and then they would turn into vampires and drink your blood.

She got to them.

"What are you three doing on my mom's property?." she asked in a cold tone. The way she sounded someone would think she was Davis's daughter.

"I am looking for my wife," Davis responded in like manner as the girl.

"What would your wife be doing on my mom's property?." The little girl asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What is your name, little girl?." Davis asked.

"I am Amelia and you are?."

"Davis Williams." He responded not minding to ask for her last name.

"What about those two?" she said pointing at Garcia and Marcus.

"That is Garcia and that is Marcus." He introduced them respectively.

"Okay. You all can now leave." She said in an authoritative tone.

"You don't sound like a little girl at all," Davis said.

"And you don't sound like a man looking for your wife at all." Amelia retorted.

Garcia and Marcus couldn't help but chuckle at the little girl's response.

"Are you afraid that we might be kidnappers?." Davis asked raising an eyebrow.

"No am not, besides I haven't seen kidnappers who wear suits and drive SUVs and also look for their wives." She responded.

Davis had to admit the fact that she was really smart.

"How old are you?." He couldn't help but ask.

She smiled. "I am five years old but a lot of people think am older because of how smart I am, even my mom." She said proudly.

"Where is your mom?." Davis asked, he believed he would be able to find Calla and that man if he could talk to this girl's mother.

"My mom is at home but she doesn't like talking to strangers. If there is any you want to talk to her about, you can tell me, and I will go tell her," she said with a serious expression on her face.

"I want to talk to her myself." Davis felt if he spoke to the girl's mother, she would have an idea about where his wife was.

"If you can't tell me what you want to tell her, then I will be leaving," she said turning back toward the direction that she had come from.

"Wait!." He called her back.

"Yes, Davis," she said with a smirk on her lips.

Who is Amelia and does she have anything to do with Calla? find out in the next chapters.

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