
Frans Crazy!

Frans was amazed. The woman in front of him dazzled himself. Ouch! Beautiful! Frans silently praised him. The sexy woman seduces his faith. Her mouth is open. "Wow!" Frank hissed to himself.

Ouch! Frans was shocked in pain. Evie pinched Frans's hand. The ant pinch is painful. "What are you looking at?" Evie is jealous. She saw her husband's face which was fixed on the back of the woman who has a nice butt.

"What?" Frans asked back. Pretend not to understand. Evie carefully confirmed her husband's face. Frans put on an innocent face.

If only acting was putting on an innocent face, Frans was an expert.

Frans rubbed his sore arm from his wife's pinch.

The skin of his arms turned blue.

"It hurts, huh? So ... watch your eyes!" Evie put on a fierce face. Frans grinned. Evie has now changed wife who

In the past, Evie volunteered herself to be the second woman in Frans and Nindy's marriage. Become a shadow of the two of them. Evie was willing to do it because of the future that Frans promised. Evie comes from a broken home. Her father is somewhere, her mother Evie is a famous fashion designer, but since childhood, Evie has been looked after by her grandparents.

After Frans officially divorced Nindy, Frans and Evie formalized their marriage. Evie is no longer Frans's mistress.

Without Nindy's knowledge, Frans and Evie got married in a series. Evie was always by Frans's side. So, when Nindy and Frans honeymooned in Spain, Evie was also in the country, in the same hotel as Nindy and Frans.

Every night when Nindy was fast asleep, Frans sneaked quietly into Evie's room, enjoying a real honeymoon.

Likewise, when the couple was on vacation in Switzerland to celebrate the first anniversary of their marriage, Evie was also in the country, becoming the couple's shadow. Evie becomes a replacement mattress for Nindy

All for what? For the future with Frans.

Frans slyly moves Nindy's assets into hers, giving it all to Evie. his name.

But then their domestic life changed. All that happened when Evie's mother, Esther Melody, married a conglomerate, Mr. Yudisthira Salman.

Suddenly Evie Melody turned into a wealthy woman and owned her own company. Classy and luxurious

Have boutiques everywhere, minimarkets and restaurants, car showrooms.

Frans is no longer special to Evie. He's just a man. Husband throwing away can be ordered! Evie is in charge!

Evie's wish to be rich came true without Frans's help.

Now ... Frans has even become an employee of his stepfather's company. He was not a servant to his wife

Evie is no longer a sweet wife and a resigned face because she is the second person in the marriage of Frans and Nindy.

She is a wealthy mistress who dominates her husband.

"Just so you know, I'm not a destroyer of people's homes, their homes have been in chaos for a long time and it's not me! I was next to Frans first! I married Frans first.

Nindy was the one who broke my relationship with Frans! How dare she buy Frans's love.

I took what should be mine! Just because she is the daughter of a rich businessman! Look who got to step aside in the end!"

Evie was irritated when a classmate of her class said bad things about her and Frans. Not accepting was accused of being the third person who destroyed Nindy and Frans's household.

Even though she didn't care about the crooked gossip about her, Evie decided she didn't care about it that news again

"Whatever! Don't bother with them! What else to say, please. Don't take care of it! They didn't give us the treasure!"

Evie covered her ears.

At first, her friends who cared about Nindy stayed away from Evie, but after Evie turned into a rich woman, they approached like insects, huddled in a bright place. Party and eat free at Evie's cafes and restaurants. It was clear that they weren't real. They only wanted to be friends with people who had money.


Frans rubbed his arm, which had turned a purplish-blue. Domestic violence. Since a long time ago, when I was hurt and jealous of Nindy. Evie always gave gifts a little pinch and left a red mark on her body.

One day, Evie became inflamed when she saw an intimate photo of Frans and Nindy on their IG story. Evie was burning with jealousy. Her emotions exploded. When Frans came to drink the honey of his love, Evie ferociously covered the man's body with a pinch here and there.

"You must immediately divorce the dolphins!" Evie went berserk.

"Patience dear .... our goal has not been achieved. We have not bought a luxury house and a luxury car ... we also have not taken to be able to move the jewelry cart on the dolphins to our homes!" Frans cools Evie's heart with a diamond necklace and world-class branded bag.

Evie calmed down again. But he still made sure that Frans made the transfer of power from the dolphin fool carefully.

"Okay! You stay with him ... but remember ... next month ... I want a thin vacation to Bali with my friends! Provide the money. I don't want to be humiliated and embarrassed in front of my friends because you married the dolphin! "

"Okay honey ... be patient ?! Don't be angry anymore!" Frans stroked Evie's hair softly. After that, Frans stayed over at Evie's house. Frans made an excuse for a meeting outside the city to Nindy.

And Nindy ... that innocent woman, just believe it.

Frans still had time to steal glances at the woman who stood up gracefully and entered the doctor's office.

Too bad Frans didn't see the woman's face. She wore a white mask and glasses that were no less beautiful with beautiful eyes and thick lashes. Even if it's just a lash extension, it doesn't detract from the beauty of those beautiful eyes.

Ahh! Frans complained to himself,

"If only the dolphin was as beautiful and sexy as that woman, there was no way I would turn to Evie or other beautiful women!" Frans regretted himself. Married Evie whose material makes her life like a cash cow.

Now he couldn't even glance at other women.

Evie didn't want her bad experience to happen again. Becoming a second woman, being her husband's mistress.


"Where did Nindy Chan go!" Suddenly, Frans gave a nickname to the beautiful woman he had just seen.

Nindy Chan! Nindy is beautiful, sexy, and sensual.

360 degrees different from Nindy the dolphin. It can't be compared. Heaven and earth. Dolphins and mermaids. Different levels.

Frans lost track of Nindy Chan. The woman's steps were fast.

What car is she in?


A remote sounded opening the car door. In a special parking lot, guarded by special security.


Frans was amazed. Nindy Chan gets into a luxury red sports car.

Jeez! How rich is he!

When the dolphin was still rich, she never wanted to buy a luxury car that cost a villa.

Especially Evie, even though her mother is married to a conglomerate, how could Evie the stepdaughter be rewarded with such a luxury sports car.

"Crazy ... Nindy ! Turns out you are rich! Nindy ... where are you? Where do you live?" Frans went crazy.

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