
Chapter One

Emilia had never imagined her life would take such an unexpected turn. Just a month ago, she had proudly accepted her law degree, completing her master's program at the top of her class. Her parents had beamed with pride, envisioning a bright future for their brilliant and compassionate daughter.

Emilia had always been driven, excelling in her studies and developing a keen legal mind. During her time at university, she had formed close friendships with a small group of like-minded scholars. They would spend hours debating the intricacies of the law, dreaming of using their skills to enact positive change in the world.

Now, those dreams seemed so distant as Emilia found herself being dragged to the castle, forced to marry the fearsome werewolf king, Damien. The kingdom's people despised her, viewing the young, bookish woman as weak and unworthy of their powerful ruler.

As the castle walls loomed before her, Emilia's heart raced with a mixture of fear and bewilderment. How had her life taken such a dramatic turn? One moment, she was an independent, ambitious woman, the next, a pawn in some grand, political scheme. Emilia could scarcely believe this was reality as she was ushered into the imposing throne room, preparing to meet her new husband - the stuff of nightmares.