
chapter 8

After my conversation with Rosalyn, I left her chambers feeling a mixture of unease and betrayal. The revelations she had shared about the palace's dark history and Damien's true intentions had shaken me to my core.

As I made my way through the ornate hallways, two maids approached me and guided me to my quarters. The spacious, beautifully appointed room felt cold and impersonal, the weight of the palace's secrets bearing down on me.

Once the maids had left, I sank down onto the plush bed. Damien's deception and the reason for my being here suddenly felt overwhelming, and tears welled in my eyes. I curled up, shoulders shaking with sobs as the realization dawned on me - Damien was using me to maintain his own power, just as Rosalyn had warned.

When a servant arrived with my dinner, I couldn't bring myself to eat - the food sat untouched as my anguish and betrayal consumed me.

It was then that Damien returned, sensing my distress. Without knocking, he entered the room, his expression shifting to one of concern when he saw me.

"Emila?" he murmured, hurrying to my side. "What's wrong? What happened?"

At the sound of his voice, I looked up, my eyes red-rimmed and glistening with tears. A surge of anger rose within me.

"How dare you?" I spat, my voice dripping with contempt. "Using me as a pawn to maintain your own power - did you really think I wouldn't see through your manipulations?"

Damien reached out, but I recoiled from his touch. "Don't you dare try to sweet-talk your way out of this," I snarled. "I'm done being a piece in your twisted game of control."

Turning away, I hugged my knees to my chest, the weight of my betrayal overwhelming me once more.