
chapter 7

The walk back to safety was a tense and uneasy one, the weight of Damien's confession still hanging heavily in the air between us. I clutched Rosalyn's unconscious form tightly, my mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions - anger, confusion, and a growing sense of betrayal.

Why had Damien brought me into this perilous world, only to reveal that his feelings for me were nothing more than a means to an end? And what was the true nature of his bond with Rosalyn, the woman he had once claimed to despise?

As we moved through the shadowy forest, I couldn't help but steal sidelong glances at the werewolf in my arms. She seemed so fragile and vulnerable now, a stark contrast to the fierce, primal being I had witnessed in battle.

Suddenly, Rosalyn's eyes fluttered open, and she fixed me with a piercing gaze. "So, the precious human has finally realized the truth," she murmured, her voice dripping with disdain. "Damien doesn't love you, you know. You're nothing more than a convenient tool for him to wield."

I flinched at her words, hating how they seemed to confirm the doubts that had been gnawing at me. "I don't understand," I said, my voice small and uncertain. "Why did he bring me here if he doesn't truly care for me?"

Rosalyn's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Isn't it obvious? Damien needs your strength, your vitality, to sustain himself and maintain his position of power. Royal werewolves require a strong, fertile mate to ensure the continuation of our bloodline. You, my dear, are simply the vessel he's chosen to carry out that duty."

Her words felt like a punch to the gut, leaving me reeling and unsure of how to respond. I glanced up at the path ahead, hoping to catch a glimpse of Damien, but he had disappeared from sight, leaving me alone with the very woman who had just shattered my world.

The shadows seemed to press in around us, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were being watched. Clutching Rosalyn tightly, I steeled myself for whatever challenges lay ahead, determined to uncover the truth and find my way back to Damien, no matter the cost.