
chapter 6

The aftermath of Rosalyn's collapse left a palpable tension in the air, as Damien gently cradled her unconscious form. I watched, both fascinated and unsettled, my mind reeling from Damien's earlier confession. He didn't love me - I was merely a means to an end, a vessel through which he could harness the power he needed to rule his kind. The realization stung, and I felt a growing sense of anger and confusion bubbling up inside me.

"Will she be alright?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of bitterness.

Damien let out a heavy sigh, his brow furrowed with concern. "She is strong, but the intensity of our battle has taken a toll on her. We must get her to safety, away from this cursed place, if she is to have any chance of recovering."

I nodded mutely, my mind racing with questions. Why had Damien brought me into this perilous world, only to reveal that his feelings for me were nothing more than a means to an end? And what was the true nature of his bond with Rosalyn, the woman he had once claimed to despise?

Suddenly, Rosalyn's eyes fluttered open, and she fixed me with a piercing gaze. "So, the precious human has finally realized the truth," she murmured, her voice dripping with disdain. "Damien doesn't love you, you know. You're nothing more than a convenient tool for him to wield."

I flinched at her words, hating how they seemed to confirm the doubts that had been gnawing at me. "I don't understand," I said, my voice small and uncertain. "Why did he bring me here if he doesn't truly care for me?"

Rosalyn's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Isn't it obvious? Damien needs your strength, your vitality, to sustain himself and maintain his position of power. Royal werewolves require a strong, fertile mate to ensure the continuation of our bloodline. You, my dear, are simply the vessel he's chosen to carry out that duty."

Before I could respond, Damien suddenly halted, his head snapping up as if he'd sensed some unseen threat. "We must hurry," he said, his voice tense and urgent. "There is a grave emergency that requires my immediate attention. Rosalyn, I'm entrusting you to Emilia's care. Protect her with your life."

With that, Damien gently transferred Rosalyn's limp form into my arms, and then, without another word, he vanished into the night, leaving me alone with the very woman who had just shattered my world.

I stared after him, my heart pounding with a mix of fear, confusion, and betrayal. What had I gotten myself into? And could I truly trust Rosalyn to keep me safe, when she so clearly resented my presence?