
chapter 12

(Damien POV)

"How can it be?" I said to myself as I paced around my office, mind racing. "How could she escape?" I asked, the question directed at no one in particular.

"I checked the security camera footage," Rowan explained, his voice tinged with a hint of trepidation. "After so many failed attempts of passing through the force shield, one of her efforts was successful."

I clenched my fists, frustration simmering. "That's impossible. No human can leave or enter the palace."

Rowan hesitated, then said carefully, "Maybe she is not human."

I shot him a pointed glare, and he quickly added, "I'm sorry, my lord."

I heard Dante's gruff voice echo in my mind. "She left us, our mate left us. You are so weak."

I gritted my teeth, refusing to dignify Dante's taunts. As much as I hated to admit it, my wolf's assessment stung with truth. I had failed to keep her safe within these walls - failed in my duty as her alpha and as the king.

Dante is the name of my wolf. Every werewolf has a primal other half like him, the two of us bound by an ancient, mystical connection.

What sets us apart from mere humans are our wolf and these supernatural abilities - enhanced senses, blazing speed, and accelerated healing.

But none of that had been enough to prevent her escape.

I called Rowan back and ordered him to gather the palace guards. "She couldn't have gone far. I need every available man searching for her immediately."

My kingship, my very claim to the throne, now hung in the balance. I could not afford to lose her, not now. I needed to find her, to bring her back - for my sake, and for the sake of my people.Why did the Moon goddess make me the unfortunate by giving me a mere human who can't be any help to me and my kingdom.

With grim determination, I prepared to lead the hunt myself. Failure was not an option.