
Married To Hell

"I'm your wife". I found myself saying despite the warning bells. I never expected the next thing he did. He snorted. That bastard snorted. "Wife in paper". "The only reason I agreed to this silly marriage is because I was threatened with the company. Get this into that thick skull of yours. Left for me, I wouldn't settle for less". "Get out of my sight". He shouted at the top of his lungs pushing me hard such that my ass collided with the hard floor. I barely had time to blinks back the tears that threatened to fall when he broke me in pieces with his words. "You're a disgrace of a woman. I'd never see you as a wife even with a gun to my head". .................... Life is really cruel How will innocent Jade survive the devil's den? Especially when she is his favourite new toy with the aim of making her pay. But what exactly is she paying for?. ................. Join them in their journey to find out. A journey of revenge, hate and......... love? *Note* It’s gets interesting as you read

brace_christopher · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Arranged to be married

Jade's POV

The entire room went silent as everyone was lost in their own thoughts.Grandma who sat beside me was sniffing silently, while others just stared into space. As for me, I was shocked, confused, angry, all the feelings one could name were swimming in me all at the same time. Did grandpa actually right that of his own will?, or was he blackmailed? Differrnt thoughts rushed through my head confusing me even more. I barely had time to recover from the shock when the front door burst open. And in walked Mr Wayne and his wife Sage. Just great. Now the Wayne's are here to probably add to my misery.I looked behind them to see if Greyson was also here, but to my relief there was no sign of him nor Rachael.

"Bad timing?" Asked Mr Wayne noticing tie thension that was in the air.

"Not at all, please seat". Grandma said wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Mr Wayne nodded then took a seat beside Mr James offering him a file, while his wife sat next to him looking bored out of her mind. Like she didn't want to be here. Well, that makes two of us.

Clearing his throat, James read;

"An agreement between Mr Fredrick Stones and Mr Derick Wayne. Dated April 20th, 2019. Immediate actions should be taken as regards my grandaughter Jade Stones and Greyson Wayne.The wedding is to be conducted a week after the reading, then can she claim ownership of her shares. This goes also to Mr Wayne. Until he is married to my daughter, will he have full control of his father's company, and the 50 percent of shares which his father owns in my company will be given to him". He paused, took a look at all of us then continued.

"Under no circumstance must the pair be divorced. But if for any reason they breach this agreement, their shares will be taken from them. In the case of Mr Greyson, it will be given to his younger sister Rachael Wayne".

"Signed Mr Fredrick Stones, and Mr Derick Wayne". Mr James concluded and handed the file to Mr Wayne.

"This is ridiculous". I said before I could stop myself catching the attention of everyone.

"Jade honey sit down". Grandma's voice said from beside me, making me notice I was now standing.

"What is this about?" It's one thing for him to make or rather force me into marriage, and the other make me do it in a week time". I said ignoring grandma. "How am I even sure he agreed to this". At this point, I was screaming. My voice could be heard a mile away.

"Watch your tone Jade. How dare you accuse Derick?". Grandma said.

"It's okay Veronical. She has all right to be mad. And to answer your question, James was present when your grandfather and I wrote this agreement". Mr Wayne said.

"This is absurd. He can't just make me marry someone just because he said so".

"Jade dear calm down". Came grandma's voice.

"No grandma you should be on my side. You should be as angry ad I am right now not unless... " I trailed when it dawned on me. Grandma already knew. That explains it. Now it all made sense. I mean she even called Mr Wayne to tell him we were coming. I looked in her eyes and I saw what I failed to see all along. Regret, pain, sadness. She had always known that was why she was hesitant to tell me about our trip to New York, and here I was thinking it was because of the memories New York held. The lunch with Elizabeth came rushing to me. She was about to say something relating to Greyson and I, but grandma had stoped it. She knew all along and so did the others. I was the only one left in the dark.

"Unbelievable". I said looking them in the eyes and went out of the room.

How could they? I knew something was fishy from the beginning but I never expected this. How could grandpa do this to me? Hoe could he say he did it for the best? He had practically ruined my life and he calls it the best? I barely knew the man he wants me to marry. I mean he could walk past me and I wouldn't even know. I couldn't even stand his presence when we were young.

Entering into my room, I paced its length and breath, trying to see reasons with grandpa but all I saw was selfishness. My thought came to a halt when grandma walked in.

"What do you want?"

Sighing, grandma closed the door and walked towards me.

"If this is about the will I don't want to hear it". I said.

"No dear, I'm here to apologize". She said sitting on my bed. "I'm sorry Jade. I should have told you".

"Damm right you should". i spat angrily.

"Language". Grandma said giving me the watch- your- tone- with me look. "But what difference would it make if I told you a year ago, two weeks ago, a week ago. It would have ended up with the same reaction".

"At least I wouldn't be this shocked. Tell me, what part of this were you aware of? The will, or the agreement grandpa made with Mr Wayne?"

"I only knew about the will Jade. Although your grandfather never told me why he did something like this. I, on the other hand never questioned him because I trusted his judgement. As regarding the agreement I knew nothing of it. But believe me or not your grandfather made that agreement for your own good".

"Grandma you aren't making any sense. How for Christ sake am I to benefit from that?". I asked becoming angry.

"Am sure that agreement was made to ensure your safety once you are married to Greyson". Grandma said.

"Ensure my safety by ruining my life and making me stuck with him for life?". No let me rephrase that. "Making me stuck in a marriage with a man whom I barely know, and for all we know doesn't want this marriage as much as I do. How ironic".

"I know you need space and time to process all this. So I'm going to leave you to clear your head. A meeting has been set for tomorrow. There was something you had to sign but seeing how you left earlier, Mr Wayne decided to stop by tomorrow. Don't stress too much over this Jade". She said and left.

Sighing, i sat on my bed head between my hands. September 21st is officially the worse day of my life. Who would have thought my life would go from being Jade the normal girl who just wanted what every other girl dreamt of. To make friends, get a job, go on dates, go on tours, fall in love, and the list goes on. To Jade who has to marry a guy she barely knew, who has to choose between a will and her freedom, who has to choose between a dead man's wish or fulfilling her own wish. My whole would turned upside down within three days, leavung me hurt and confused.

Life has a mind of its own.