
Married to God of Death

It was an unbelievable surprise for Feng Zixin to be suddenly thrown into a world where he didn't even exist...in the body of a stranger, his soul became trapped...there was no turning back, even if he wanted to. Zixin was able to pull himself together until he discovered he had been married to an unknown woman named Yu Yan, who claimed to be the daughter of a powerful mage. Her father offered her to him as a ritual sacrifice. That lowly mage thought he could obtain black magic power by offering his daughter to the underworld god...a heinous act! Zixin decided not to kill that innocent woman and instead took her in as his wife. But that was just the start of his misery... Heaven's gods were hesitant to accept his decision to marry a human in the underworld. No matter what one believes... Heaven and the underworld were places where only gods could reside... Alive beings were not permitted to enter... Zixin was dethroned as god and banished to the mortal world alongside Yu Yan. From there, his only goal was to triumph over this injustice, reclaim his position as god of the underworld, and discover the reason for his reincarnation in this body. But things did not go exactly as planned...he was obligated to look after Yu Yan, who was so delicate and troublesome. __________________________________________________________ We have read the love stories of main protagonists but this is a love story of antagonist. He who will fight for her against whole world. A story focused on male lead's view. Note: This my imaginary creation of netherworld and their deities, it has nothing to do with myths and religious beliefs. Cover: it's not mine, taken from pinterest. Happy reading..( ╹▽╹ )

Savage_writer · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Transmigration in netherworld as god

When the crimson gaze unfurled,a puffy haze escaped his lips as the chilling sensation crawled under his skin. His mind felt muddled and a painful throb ensued, causing him to gasp for a second. Until he snapped back and realised the image of reflection right before him.

'Am I dead , is this heaven?' He mumbled softly.

The long silky, black hair flowed down and some strands of shaded red caught his attention. Reaching out his hand, the tip of his finger felt the cold temperature and the clear water made a ripple. Distorting his fair countenance and snow white skin


A unsettled feeling slithered within whilst his other hand touched his face. In time, his heartbeat drummed and his brows furrowed in focus . While the jumbled and countless muse emerged in his head, a reeking stench assaulted his nostrils.

Turning his head , what awaited him was the scene of butchery, ordained with a bloody pool and littered limbs scattered everywhere his eyes laid upon. Shattered steel and handles across the rotten field, a heap of corpses formed in dozens. For an instant, his heart skipped a beat as he rooted on the spot.


A shimmering glint flashed at the corner of his vision, prompted him to trace the source and he sighted a lying sword downwards. Though his hand moved to grab the weapon, it froze for a second as he flipped his saliva. Before long, he lifted the sword and tried to stand, ignoring the slight aching pain on his legs.

"This is no heaven, and whose body is this ?" That man murmured to himself in bewilderment, as he looked at his reflection in the water.

A soft growl fell on his ears right after and earned his wariness. Recalling the standard stance within his memory, he confronted the sound behind him while he tightened his grip. Soon, he found the moving beast, clad in black fur and on all six as it displayed its pointy fangs.

Multiple pairs of feral amber directed to him whilst they tried to gain closer in wary pace. Each with two heads, those beasts released a spark of ember out of their mouths. Their stature and appearance were resembling those of wolves but every drop of their drool easily sizzled the soil beneath.

When they reached a certain distance, the beasts stopped and lowered their figure. Seeing that, he half relaxed his muscles and subtly gritted his teeth. Legs positioned and ready while he raised the blade.

A moment later, one on the far right rushed in a sudden charge, followed by its brethren. Closing in with such speed, he let out a low shout and swung his sword. As the humming blade arched in the air, the sensation of cutting through flesh and bone travelled to the handle, making him put more strength and let the body split in halves from the power of its own rush.

Some of the blood splattered on his face yet his gaze was more resolved than ever. Another howl greeted him on the left, he titled his body and evaded the lunge by a hair's breadth away. Ignoring the passing enemy, his eyes already wandered to the front where he thrusted the blade. Right towards a gaping maw before him.

Penetrating the brain of the beast in one move, he manoeuvred the sword to the side as the body of the beast slumped to the ground. Just when he was about to turn around, an excruciating throb burst on one of his shoulders, causing him to gasp in pain and he used the end of the handle to pummelled the head of the last beast.

Following an unexpected yelp, the beast let go of his shoulder and he tried to gain distance between them. With their situation now became a stare off, he panted heavily and shifted the blade to another stance.

As they glared at each other, the gentle breeze flew and brought them to rush at the same time. Fixing his eyes to every motion of the beast, he saw one of the beast's heads open wide and breathed a ball of flames.

His heartbeat grew faster and in his already charging position, he tried to leap to the side. In his awkward manoeuvre, the scorching heat travelled right past his cheek and now he was faced with a sweeping knife-like claws.

With the stinging pain appearing on the side of his neck, he gritted his teeth and shouted. Conjuring the strength from his legs and arms, he swung the blade right at the unprotected neck of the beast. And at last, lopping it off from its head and letting the blood splatter in the air.

"Yay, lord Zhong Xing Wang is great. What a satisfying fight it was."

Suddenly there appeared many knights dressed in black armour as they cheered for victory.

'W-Where the hell I'm? I clearly remembered that I died in the car accident!' Feng Zixin murmured, wiping the blood off his face.

"Brother you were really cool. When you fell down after receiving the brutal attack of the beast, we thought you collapsed but you came back to senses so quickly," a young man said.

Feng Zixin was so confused about where he was and who exactly Zhong Xing Wang is ? He thought of asking that young man but what if he tells anyone than he will be killed again. For some reason Feng understood that his soul has transmigrated into someone's body who lives in the ancient period. So, he need to find out where and who he was!

He joined his hands and muttered a prayer.

"Thank you god for giving me another life, I'll pray regularly from now."

"Brother what are you doing?" That young man asked in curiosity.

Feng gave that young man a warm smile and answered,"I was praying to God."

That young man looked cluelessly at him , and then bursted into laughter.

"Why do you need to pray to god? When you are the god of death?"

"Exactly_W-What? G-God of D-Dead?"

"Yes, you are the first deity of the netherworld , Zhong Xing Wang and I'm your brother Qiang Xing Wang, the third deity of the netherworld," that young man explained as they both entered inside the enormous palace.

"Greetings to lord Zhong and lord Qiang."

The guards at the palace bowed their heads down when Feng and that young man arrived.

In puzzlement Feng's hands trembled, he couldn't have ever in his life imagined to get transmigrated in someone's body and here he was in the body of god who rules the netherworld. Before he starts panicking he needs to understand everything.

"Can you show me my room ? I think I need to rest!''

"Hm..sure." Qiang took him to one of the palace's rooms which was unexpectedly large.

Transmigration because he is not recarnated. His soul by mistake gets trapped in netherworld's deity Zhong Xing Wang

Savage_writercreators' thoughts