

Christina in an unknown land with no father nor mother, she has nobody there and she needs a lot of help to get back at her step mother. Her step mother took everything away from her and she must have them back and have her revenge. And the only one that can help her have her revenge is an underworld king and she went to seek help from him. On the other hand Michael A.KA lord xanxus an underworld king a powerful and fearful monster. His parents made him the monster he become, xanxus was a sweet little boy until his parents left him in the street and he grow up in the street and become an king in it. He became powerful, fearful, and wealthy. An underworld king the master mind of evil an underworld controller the fear of all and an womanizer. And he can't take his eyes off women what will happen when beautiful christina came to him for help. And the only way he agreed to help him is to have her all to himself what will happen? Will christina agree to give herself away to the master of dark world or will xanxus agree to help her with her revenge plan or will things work out well for both of them. Find out in this adventure ride of revenge against love so many secrets to be unfold, don't miss out on this revenge fun. Go get your popcorn the fun flight is about to begin enjoy your wonderful trip to wonderland Time to take off Your captain captain Becky LOVE YOU'LL WITH ALL MY HEART HAVE FUN!!!

Becky_Moses_3266 · Teen
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16 Chs

the deal

Karla POV

Ring! Ring!! Ring!!! Was the sound of my phone Ringing that Wake me up from my Sweet sleep, hello! I answer the phone, Hi! Meet me at the Finley stack house by 11:00 am today or the deal is off and don't be late I have other meetings to attend okay bye! He said as hang up the call. The moment the call ended I check the clock then I realized that the time was 9:00 am, I must have over slept again, so I have just two hours to my meeting so I need to get ready now, so I get out of bed and went to the bathroom. I have a quick shower then I come out of the bathroom, then I dress up put on a very light makeup, when I was done I went downstairs I didn't bother of having breakfast . when I get downstairs I couldn't see my Dad he was in his study having a meeting and my mum in the living room watching some TV show then I greeted my mum and went out, mum I'm heading out see you later and if Dad ask for me tell him that I went to see viceman that I will be back soon I said, okay dearie be back home before dinner my mum replied as I walk outside. Mr Carlos was cleaning up the car when I got outside then I told him to hurry up a little bit , Mr Carlos please Hurry up a little bit I have a meeting to catch up with I said to him I'm already through am get in the car he replied to me okay I said as I get into the car and we drove out of the house, where are we heading to Mr Carlos ask, drive me at the Finley stack house I replied okay ma'am .

When we get there I went in alone, wait here I'm coming I won't take long I said as I rush in , then I check my watch and the time was 10:55 am, five minutes to the set up time for the meeting so I sit down and waited

over for them with a cup of coffee I was sip the cup of hot coffee little by little the weather is pretty cold today.

Hi! sorry for keeping you waiting the voice said to me, I recognized the voice as that of viceman oh he is here, so I turn my neck to the direction of the voice. And I saw that it was him he was dressed in a business manner and he dress and act differently from the way he was at our date two days ago, its okay I just got here five minutes ago so I didn't wait that much I said. Okay so let's get to business he said, okay let's proceed I replied, lawyer Kim please give her the papers for the marriage contract he said, okay the lawyer said as he open his briefcase and brought out the papers and hand it over to me. Thank you Sir I said as I go through the papers and signed it.

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