
chapter 4

Eve's POV

"This is your room" Mr Maya took me upstairs later after his son, Liam left us in the living room.

"My room is downstairs. Anytime" He patted my shoulder but I took his hand off me.

"Don't worry about my son cold attitude towards you. You are safe here, he can't send you away. Moreso he is going back to his school tomorrow okay?"

I nodded, collected the key to my room from him..?

"I would like to be alone" I opened the door and locked it immediately without letting him come in to finish what he started in the living room.

I sat on the floor and rested my back on the door.

Yeah the room is nice too.

It's exactly what I expected after seeing the living room and the outer part of the house.

Unlike my other house, here there was a queen sized bed and the room was well furnished. Infact it's the kind of fancy room i've always wanted to have.

But Money doesn't always bring happiness.

I began to sob silently.