Uchiha Sasuke, younger brother of the last Uchiha heirs to a billion-dollar empire, is a normal University student. By a stroke of luck, he winds up saving an injured animal of what he thought was a dog. Meet Naruto, the youngest son of Hagoromo Gitsune. In debt to his saviour, Naruto offers to pay back the debt through one request. A misunderstanding occurs when Sasuke says "Be my lover." What happens when the naïve fox takes it literally? Warning: Boys love and ratings may go up (if not already). Don't like don't read.
Two curt knocks resounded in a spacious office. A handsome young CEO barely looked up from his paperwork when he told the person to enter.
"I'm here for the documents," the young Uchiha spoke.
Finally glancing up, Itachi smiled. His little brother had grown to be quite the fine man while he had been busy with work. It was rare for Sasuke to initiate anything although the brothers often sent chats over cats and meaningless stuff. Itachi Uchiha never expected for Sasuke to send him a text asking for favours.
"The passport and identity cards are ready. Having an identity made in such a short notice can be hard even for me, I think I deserve an explanation?"
Sasuke grinned. "It's a long story, not sure if the young and handsome CEO of Uchiha Inc has the time."
Itachi scoffed. "Nonsense! I'll always have time for you, little brother. Now spill. What's happening?"
Sasuke started from how he picked up a stray animal in the rain. His brother listened intently without interrupting apart from a few occasional questions.
"I see. In short, you picked up a very sexy fox demon that lives with you and you have a major crush on him?"
Sasuke spluttered. "How did you come up with that conclusion? I do not have a crush on him!"
Sighing dramatically, the older Uchiha lamented. "I set you up with a nice lady and you shot her down easily. Now that there's a sexy blond in your house, you won't even admit your feelings for him. I don't know who to feel sorry for, the fox or the lady."
"Neither. You should feel sorry for me. That blond has been nothing but trouble. The girls fawn over him, he doesn't quite know the human way and he's rather clumsy at times."
"Well," Itachi mused. "It seems like someone will need to care for that poor fool. Who else but you for that job? I mean, for someone who mistook a fox for a cat that's the least you could do."
Once more the sophomore blushed and denied it. However, the CEO would have none of that.
"Bring your sexy blond to Akatsuki café this Saturday, I want to meet him. After all, it's not every day I get to meet a fox demon."
Sasuke nodded. "Thanks, Itachi."
"Anything for you, foolish brother," Itachi smiled with fondness only for his brother. It was rare to see such a smile on the famed cold-hearted young raven of the Uchiha Inc.
Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX
"I'm going to what?"
"You're going to meet my brother."
The documents Sasuke handed him earlier clattered to the floor and the blue-eyed blond swore as they landed on his toes.
Naruto felt his heart seize at the sudden news. "But I don't have anything to wear!"
Rolling his eyes, the sophomore helped Naruto gather the documents. "Well then, we'll just have to go shopping. I believe you aren't working for Neiji any longer and have some time on your hands. I don't really have afternoon classes tomorrow so we could go find you some clothes for Saturday."
Naruto remained silent. There had to be a way out of meeting Itachi on Saturday. Kurama had contacted him earlier that he had come to the human world for a visit and they would be meeting on Saturday.
"I… I just can't ok? Not this Saturday."
The raven-haired man frowned. "Do you have something going on Saturday?"
The fox demon chuckled nervously, not daring to make eye contact. Annoyed at the ambiguous behaviour, Sasuke grabbed him by the jaw and made their eyes meet.
Blue and black clashed and for a moment Sasuke thought he was going to lose.
"Alright! Stop that! I'll tell you already so let go…"
Smirking his infamous Uchiha smirk, the man waited patiently. After five minutes of stumbling over words, fidgeting and coughing, the sophomore had enough.
"If you're not going to tell me I will resort to less desirable means of getting information out of you."
Paling at the serious look in obsidian eyes, the fox demon trembled but stood his ground. "I'm not afraid."
A predatory grin appeared on his pale face, Sasuke approached slowly in a silent aggressive manner like how a hunter would to a cornered prey. The young fox demon looked around, calculating an escape route. Darting to the left, he tried to make a break to the bedroom when arms circled around his waist.
A dull thud later, both men find themselves on the couch and Naruto yelped in surprise as fingers made their way underneath his shirt.
It wasn't too bad initially but as Sasuke explored different regions, the fox demon began squirming in an effort to keep his laughter suppressed.
The moment hands went to the side of his ribs, Naruto let out a high pitched whine startling both males. "Was that…?"
The blond clamped both hands firmly over his mouth and eyes widened in fear when the Uchiha leered. Hands mercilessly tickled the sides that the fox demon was sensitive to, tears were following and laughter resounded in the apartment. In the vicious tickle attack, Naruto yielded and Sasuke allowed him to breathe again.
"So? Tell me now before I tickle you again!"
"Ku-Kurama's coming to visit on Saturday."
The name sounded familiar but Sasuke couldn't quite put a finger on it. The confusion must have shown because Naruto grinned. "Kurama, my brother remember? He's the one good at Math."
Then it clicked in the young Uchiha's head. "Is that so? It should be no issues I think. You can let him know that you'll meet him at the Akatsuki café on Saturday with Itachi and me."
Naruto bit his bottom lip and Sasuke noted how cute the blond was when he furrowed his brows in thought. "I don't know if it's a good idea…"
Sasuke patted the silly blond. "Why won't it be a good idea? Your brother is checking in on you because he's worried about you. If he knows who you're living with it would take a lot off his mind."
The blond shook his head. "That's not what I'm worried about. Itachi is a rich young man and Kurama's victims are always rich people. I don't want anything bad to happen to your brother after he's done so much for me."
Sasuke chuckled and flicked the fox on his forehead. A whine of protest left Naruto at the treatment but the blond did nothing more than throw the Uchiha a pouty glare.
"Don't worry about it. Itachi knows what he's doing. He's a genius you know? More so than me. He's held the company together when he was only fifteen after my parents passed on. It wouldn't be possible if he wasn't capable."
Naruto nodded even though the uneasiness still showed. Sasuke got up from the couch and headed to the small kitchen. "No use worrying over it, you're still not getting out of school."
A groan could be heard from the kitchen and Sasuke chuckled. He couldn't wait for Saturday.
Like my stuff? Check out my original works - Ball of Nothing & Love Journal - As Told by an Emotionally Constipated Half-Genius.
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