
Shameless Wolf

Kakashi froze up. Gay?

"Humans are so shallow-minded," he rolled his eyes and got up, sniffing the air and perking up almost at once.

"I smell meat!"

Iruka saw the change in atmosphere as the half-naked stranger padded his way over to his abandoned groceries and sniffed them.

"Ah yes, I bought some ingredients for hot pot thinking that you might finally be awake. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

Kakashi swallowed and his stomach growled, answering on his behalf. Iruka laughed at the expectant look he received. The scary and mean man from earlier completely forgotten as Iruka got to preparing the food.

Kakashi cast a fond gaze over his shoulder when he saw his fated mate cooking. In their short conversation, he learnt about the teacher's name and smiled. Indeed, this gentle soul was like a dolphin. His name suited him very much.

Over dinner, Iruka kept giving Kakashi troubled looks.


Kakashi added a few more slices of pork to the hot pot and waited. "Yes?"

"Aren't you feeling cold?" the teacher asked and referred to the still topless torso.

Kakashi raised a brow. The smell was getting good. "While eating hot pot? I don't think so."

Iruka deadpanned. His windows were open and it was autumn. How was it possible to now feel cold? He didn't really want to nurse a sick person who'd just been stabbed back to health from refusing to wear a shirt but what rights did he have? Kakashi wasn't a child and they were still technically strangers.

"It's autumn..."

Kakashi paused and eyed the meat, ready to take it out the moment it was ready to eat.


There was a pause and Iruka gaped at the shameless man in front of him. Was he also hit in the head after he was stabbed? The teacher remembered telling him that he was gay. Was this man seriously dense? Why couldn't he see that not wearing a shirt indoors was affecting him?

Angry, Iruka snatched the cooked meat from under Kakashi's nose and ate it without pause. The werewolf was shocked and protested but Iruka ignored him.

"Sheesh! It's just a shirt, I'll wear it then. You didn't have to be so mean..." the alpha mock pouted but was secretly amused by how his dolphin reacted.

Ever since a while ago, Iruka had been emitting this very delectable scent indicating that he was rather turned on by what he saw but the wolf simply ignored it. He counted this as progress towards courting the beautiful sun-kissed man. They haven't spoken much yet but Kakashi was in no rush. He wanted to take time to get to know his future mate and was very content that he got to learn Iruka's name.

Once Kakashi wore his shirt, Iruka appeared more settled down. The hot pot was delicious and Iruka started asking Kakashi questions that the werewolf had already prepared answers for.

"You really don't recall?" the teacher asked in disbelief. The man might really have hit his head when he got stabbed. How could this be? Surely heaven was playing tricks on him by gifting him a hot stranger with amnesia.

Kakashi shook his head. "I don't remember where I should be going but I do recall having to meet someone in the area when I got jumped. They took my phone and my cash but I still have my cards. For a short while till the people I'm supposed to meet starts to find me, could you house me for a little longer? I'll pay for expenses."

Iruka looked slightly uncomfortable at the idea but Kakashi was very good at convincing others. Somehow, the alpha had even gotten Iruka to agree to chores routine. Kakashi would stay home to clean and help Iruka with his work if he could while Iruka was in charge of making food simply because Kakashi proved to be useless in that department apart from hot pot.

"What are we going to do about sleeping arrangements?" the innocent teacher asked and Kakashi pretended to think.

"I think you should have it. After all, this is your home and you need to have a good rest in order to go to work."

Iruka immediately refused by saying that Kakashi should take it because he was still recovering from his injury. It was not rocket science for Kakashi to figure out where Iruka had been spending the last few nights. The thin blanket that the human used on the couch was clearly not enough protection against the cold autumn wind at night.

"I refuse," Kakashi was adamant and Iruka didn't feel like giving in either until Kakashi proposed something that made the teacher flush scarlet.

"We can share since neither of us is willing to compromise."

"Sh-sh-share?!" Iruka wanted to faint on the spot. How was he going to get any rest with such a handsome stranger sleeping beside him? He wanted to refuse but seeing that Kakashi was as stubborn as him if not more, the teacher had to agree. He didn't want Kakashi to sleep on the couch that was small for him. The man was at least half a head taller than Iruka so he would have terrible cramps after spending a night on the couch.

The fight didn't last long and Iruka excused himself to shower while his head spun. What was going on? how did he agree to such a ridiculous arrangement? Although there were many things about Hatake Kakashi that he didn't understand, he didn't think that the man was a bad person.

Kakashi was handsome while he was unconscious but when he was awake, Iruka didn't know what to think. his personality was simply too drastic. One moment he was threatening to kill him and the next, he was trying to seduce him. If Iruka wasn't already in a relationship, he would have taken the man up on his offer but alas, he wasn't single.

After brushing his teeth and blowing his hair dry, Iruka sat down to look through his students' homework. Kakashi was in the shower and Iruka sighed in relief. At least this gave him some time alone to think. Maybe if he was fast enough, he could sleep before Kakashi joined him so that it would be less awkward.

With his mind made up, Iruka worked with twice the speed. He was determined to get to bed before Kakashi finishes his shower.

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Ball of Nothing <- 90% Fluffy friendship adventure, 10% reality that hits you in the feels.

Love Journal - As Told by an Emotionally Constipated Half-Genius <- 90% Badass Kids Rule the World, 10% Awkward in Love so I furiously Google How to be a Good Girlfriend.

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