
One, Two Paw-Paw!

With Itachi's ambush, the full out operation had begun. Naruto and Sasuke were aware of the people following them ever since their lecture ended. As planned, the werewolves said their goodbyes like they normally would and rushed back to defend the kindergarten where Iruka was. The alpha was still with his mate but that didn't mean anything. They didn't really have time.

Tsunade knew exactly who that stench was coming from. She had scores to settle with him from a century back. Thinking about it, the witch could hardly believe they were once in a party.

"Orochimaru..." her voice was sober despite the many empty wine bottles littering the table. "I thought I made it clear the last time that I would kill you if I ever saw you again."

The necromancer laughed. "And so you did, old friend. However, I'm here on a mission. Can't have my payment docked for not doing a good job, can I? I would rather not fight you but I will if you insist."

The witch wasted no words and teleported them both to the trap she and Kakashi set. Orochimaru was taken by surprise and cussed when he found himself trapped in a complicated spell array.

"It's time for us to end this once and for all," the witch growled and started casting enhancement spells to boost her mobility.

Orochimaru didn't have much time to react but he defended the slam of Tsunade's wand with his sword. For a necromancer, he was at a disadvantage against a battle mage. Fortunately, he had a few tricks up his sleeves thanks to Danzo's information.

Kakashi arrived at the battle scene to the sight of Tsunade rapidly ageing. Orochimaru was so focused on droning his opponent that he didn't feel the werewolf entering the barrier.

There was a solid smash to his skull and the necromancer wondered if his body would survive the beating it was taking.

The alpha wolf shifted, not caring about the clothes tearing. He ripped the undead wizard apart and tore bits of flesh away from bone. Orochimaru tried to retaliate but against a more powerful monster, it wasn't possible. Still, the cunning magician used his last trick and transferred his soul out to another prepared vessel he had waiting in his lab.

Kakashi... he would remember the name. It took him years to put together the current body he had, but all that hard work was undone in a matter of a few minutes from a sneak attack. Before he left, the necromancer took a look at Tsunade. With the life force drained, it will take the witch incredibly long to recover. That should buy Danzo enough time to finish what he started. Orochimaru wasn't going to stay and risk his life any longer than required and fled the mauled up body.

The werewolf didn't stop until all traces of life left the body. After all, one could never be too sure if the undead will stay dead.

Tsunade shuddered with the close to death experience. If Kakashi didn't arrive in time, she would have been at Orochimaru's mercy.

"How are you holding up?" the werewolf asked, unfazed by his momentary state of nudity. Tsunade coughed and took some time to appreciate the washboard abs. Even near death's doors, she could take some time to appreciate the masculine beauty.

"I'm not going to kick the bucket anytime soon, brat. The barrier will hold, just go and help the two kits."

The werewolf nodded and was about to leave but the witch called him back.


Tsunade smirked. "You're naked."

Kakashi looked down and cussed, making the gravely wounded witch chuckle.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

While the werewolves returned to the den to guard Iruka, Sasuke and Naruto hastened to one of the five prepared battlegrounds Kurama prepared. there was a batting cage not too far from the campus and it was where Sasuke and Naruto chose to head to. Hardly anybody goes there now because it was announced that it would be torn down soon. Kurama and Itachi chose that location because of the privacy they will get.

Kabuto wasn't fooled. He knew a trap when he saw one and from the design, it must be Kurama's doing. How predictable of the Hunter... the snake magician gave silent signals for the small group to split up. There were four of the better combat fighters ready to pounce in and restrain the foxes when Kabuto distracted them. Lord Danzo's strategy never failed, Kabuto would make sure he could preserve the beautiful fox furs for his lord to wear them upon his victorious return.

Naruto'sears perked. "They're coming from the left and above," he told his mate.

Sasuke nodded and got into a battle stance as he was taught, watching his lover's back. The raven-haired beauty was worried. All of Kakashi and Kurama's lessons had suddenly left his mind. He didn't remember any of the moves or the basics. All he could hear was the pounding of his heart and the fear in his veins screaming at him to get out of here. He'd seen he battle against Hagoromo Gitsune before and it still terrified him.

"Don't think, Sasuke. Believe in your instincts," the golden kit told his mate when he smelled the uncertainty.

The warriors didn't even bother concealing their presences as they entered the battlefield. The snake demon warriors grinned and readied the poison coated daggers, brandishing it in the air. Sasuke tried to not let the sight of a weapon affect him but he couldn't stop the fear taking over him. During the training they never used weapons and Sasuke didn't know how to deal with them.

Naruto noticed his mate's distressed and tossed Sasuke the weapon Kurama had prepared for him. Sasuke wasn't fast to react but when the familiar feel of metal shurikens and kunai's reached his palms, the young Uchiha calmed down a little. His demeanour changed into one of a cold and calculating fighter. That's right. Even if he wasn't used to fighting with weapons in close combat, he was good at ranged weapons. not even Itachi knew how good Sasuke was with ranged weapons. The student usually hung out alone at a darts cafe to pass time when he didn't go to Akatsuki. It was good fun while it lasted and the owner taught him a few tricks to throwing with higher accuracy. Sasuke was practically born for it with flexible wrists.

Naruto sniffed the air. There were three snakes in sight but he smelled four. One of them reeked of magic but he wasn't any of those in the field yet. Kurama was smart to disguise his regular trap setup over Tsunade's more complicated one. All they had to do was to lure the magician into the array so that Tsunade's seal will activate.

Sasuke waited for Naruto's cue. He held the kunai steadily and waited as the warriors closed in from both sides with one still hiding above them, waiting for the opportunity to strike. The golden fox had to suppress the urge to go berserk on the threats to his mate. They had a plan and Naruto didn't want to risk their chance of success while his brother was fighting it out with Danzo.

Kabuto mustn't leave alive.

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