
Full-Time Husband or Bodyguard?

Tenten was slightly surprised when her boss introduced the handsome gentleman as his personal bodyguard.

"From today onwards, he will be following me everywhere. Please inform my clients that he will be tagging along for meetings as well. That's all."

The secretary bowed and blinked in confusion as she caught a glimpse of Kurama's feral smirk before he proceeded to cop a feel of her boss' bottom, earning him a hard smack. Itachi hissed a complaint about being seen in public but Tenten wondered if she should tell her boss that it was way too obvious. There wasn't a single person in their office who wasn't aware of how they made out in the empty meeting rooms or took way too long to retrieve a file from the archives. heck, someone even found long strands of red hair on the copier machine. Nobody dared use that copier machine after that day. Thankfully the couple didn't choose to christen the staff pantry as well or people will start to starve. Truthfully, she wanted to ask if Kurama was employed as a full-time husband or bodyguard. The charming gentleman always fed Itachi during lunch, gave the CEO shoulder massages and carried his files for him. Sadly, the secretary didn't have as much courage to ask that question. She still liked her job very much.

Itachi was surprised at how efficient Kurama was. Not only was he attentive to his personal needs, but the fox also had a very good idea on how to run a business. Tenten was good but Kurama was better. he knew exactly what Itachi wanted without being told. he knew exactly how to shut the troublesome shareholders up and deal with the politic-playing directors. He wasn't afraid to dismiss some brainless senior executives on his behalf and had become the unofficial business consultant Itachi had always wished for.

They didn't have much need for communication. Itachi didn't even have to read through most of the documents he signed because Kurama would have already looked through them and rejected the ones he thought didn't meet the standards. Those thousands of emails that Itachi had to look through every single stupid day was now only two or three hundred after Kurama set the topic filters. For the first time after becoming the CEO of Uchiha Corporation, Itachi felt like he finally had time to think through his business strategies and understand the organisational structure better to make improvements.

When he ran his idea through Kurama, the fox would ask him relevant questions that helped him improve the strategies. Their teamwork was flawless and being with Kurama was as easy as breathing. The Hunter added value to his life and Itachi finally felt the weight on his shoulders lighten. Raising Sasuke after their parents passed on hadn't been easy. Itachi was always full of worry and he couldn't talk about it with anyone. The CEO only shouldered it all and faced it head-on. Even when it gets too unbearable to bear, the CEO would always take a look at his little brother and forge forward.

Right now, he was reminded of how different things were. he no longer had to face the insurmountable walls alone, he had Kurama beside him.

During lunch in the office, he noticed that Kurama never ate even though he drank coffee and smoked.

"Hm? Oh, I just don't really like eating. Coffee and cigarettes help me keep the stress levels manageable but that's about it. I prefer taking my source of energy from elsewhere. Food is not an efficient source of energy for demons. It's also why Naruto can eat anyone out of house and home while complaining that he's still hungry."

Itachi blinked. "What do fox demons eat then?"

Kurama chuckled and patted Itachi on the head. "You don't want to know."

That only made Itachi more curious. "Tell me!" he demanded.

Kurama exhaled a puff of smoke and hummed. As a hunter, he consumed the life forces of smaller demons and humans. Occasionally he would consume the occasional mana pills but that was about it. With the faith in fox spirits going strong, they didn't really have to hunt or consume anything unless it was the mating season. It was also why fox marriages will cause some sort of strange phenomenon on Earth, upsetting the balance of mana. Still, he wanted to tease Itachi and leered at him, staring at Itachi's crotch openly instead of answering.

Itachi noticed the directed line of sight and turned scarlet. From how Sasuke and Naruto are going at it every day, he thought that the same might be for Kurama. It's just not something Itachi was very comfortable talking about because the Hunter was being polite the whole time by rejecting his further advances. It was clear as day that Kurama wanted him as much as he wanted the Hunter but the fox demon would always stop just before things hit the third base.

"If you want to... I could..." Itachi blushed and couldn't meet Kurama's eye when he said that but the fox Hunter stiffened at the cloying smell of shy arousal. It made him growl and his pupils turned red with excitement.

"Don't.... tempt me..." he growled the words out lowly, sounding animalistic while doing so.

Itachi was slightly shocked at the demonic voice. It aroused him more than scared him for some reason. Neither of them was very sane in this relationship so the CEO decided to cast all consequences to the wind, allowing himself to get swept away with the moment.

>>Xxx Destiny Aitsuji xxX<<

Tenten cleverly turned up the music and plugged in her earpiece when she heard furniture creaking. After reading enough office romance novels, she knew what was happening. the secretary looked at the time. Although they were very caught up in their little world of romance, she knew she could count on Kurama to get her boss to the next client meeting on time.

Perhaps it was prejudiced of her but she didn't think the new bodyguard was a bad influence. True, her boss was now going home earlier than anyone else and no longer obeys the office hours or attire but Tenten could sense that he was a lot happier than he was. Also, work efficiency increased and having two very capable men working in a team without many words was like watching a teenage romance fantasy come true.

Tenten's work became a lot easier with Kurama's suggestion to implement a new process. Little by little, Uchiha Corps. was progressing forward and tenten wondered if she could convince her boss to retain such talent even if she didn't think Kurama would be leaving the CEO any time soon. Still, the secretary was worried for Itachi not as an employee but as a personal friend. she'd seen her fair share of gold-diggers both male and female who tried to get close to Itachi. She sincerely hoped that the new bodyguard wasn't one of them.

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