
married to a manwhore

Ningxi29 · General
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71 Chs

chapter 47

Fred 💔

"Mr Russell, doctor Luther is waiting for in his office" a nurse inform me.

I nod and head straight to Luther's office.


"Young boss"

We shake hands.

"Please have a sit"

I sat down and rest my arm on his table, I tap my finger tips on the table.

"You said you have some news for me"

"Yes" he pause. "So, good news or bad news, which one do you want first?"

"Good news"

He clears his throat.

"Jerry is awake!"

I stop taping the table and look at him.

"He's awake?" He nods. "When?"

"About three hours ago"

I stand up.

I rush out to Jerry's ward. I open the door and rush in, I see Jerry sitting on the bed, his head resting on the headrest.

He is on his phone, so he doesn't see me.


He lifts his head and sees me, he smile widely and open his mouth to speak, I guess, but nothing comes out. No sound at all.

His smile wipes off as he frowns deeply in confusion. He pass Luther a questioning look.

"Mr Adams, I'm sorry but you're gonna stay dumb for some time, your tongue needs time to heal" Luther explain.

Jerry nods. A look of realization flash through his eyes, he starts making gestures with his hands, he seems to be telling me something but I don't get him at all.

"Luther, get him a pen and paper"


Luther takes out his own and small note, he hands it to Jerry. Jerry quickly scribbled something down and turn it to me.

It's a description, according to his description he is talking about Grayson. Remember Jerry doesn't know who Grayson is, as Grayson has never showed himself in front of him before, so Jerry doesn't know his name.

He starts writing again for some minutes before turning it back to me.

*It's him, he had his men

Pull out my tongue and

Shot me*

He writes.

I clenched my jaw, Grayson!! You pig!! How dare you betray me?

Jerry writes again and turn it to me.

*Boss, hunt him down and

Get revenge for me*

I nod.

"Yes, I'll get revenge for you. But right now, you just stay put. Rest well and let your body heal" I told him.

He nods and puts down the note and pen.

I turn to Luther.

"What is the bad news?"

"Oh, t-that..." He stutter.

I furrow my eyebrows and studies him. He seems nervous and tries to avoid my gaze, he takes out his handkerchief and wipes his face as if there's sweat.


"It's erm.."

"It's what?! Speak!!"

"Its-the-other-guy-he-is-missing-from-his-room" he rush out in one breath but I get everything he said clearly.


"I.. I..."

"You what? Luther, how the fuck did he managed to leave the hospital? I thought you said his condition is critical and he'll need more time to recuperate? So how come is he missing? Or are you trying to say he was kidnapped?"

I punch his chin and take him by the collar and throws him against the wall. He quickly falls on his knees and holds his chin.

"Young boss, I don't know what happened, his room is heavily guarded"

"How in hell did you become my dad's left-hand man?!!"

"Young boss..."

"One hour, you have one hour to find him and get him back here! I don't care how you do it but it's one hour or else you'll be a dead man!!"

"Yes, yes, yes sir"

I kick the first thing I saw in front of me and angrily steps out.



Eva 💘

I take my hand bag and head downstairs, I met Bianca in the living room. Her focus is on her laptop, I move closer and notice she's looking at different apartments.

I sigh.

"Bianca, are you really, seriously planing to move out?" I ask in a sad tone.

She laughs and turns to me.

"Come on, don't be sad. But yes I'm serious about moving out, I can't continue living with you and your husband under one roof. It doesn't seem right"

"So you wanna leave me alone with that monster"

"Hey, he's not that bad. At least he knows how to beat you and make you scream his name"

I blush. I roll my eyes, Roy is really a kid. He heard me screaming so he just assumed Fred was beating me.

"But be careful, check every details or you'll be cheated of your money. We can't trust everything online" I advised her.

"I know"

Bianca takes in my outfit.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, Bree and I are visiting Jason's grave today"

"Jason's grave? I thought Fred said you shouldn't go"

"Don't mind that jealous freak. He won't even know that I left the house, I'll be back in a gp"

"Ok, have fun!"

I frown.

"Have fun? Are you sure I'm gonna have fun?"

"Oh, cry well? Mourn well? Happy mourning? Safe grave visiting? Ugh! I give up"

We both shared a laugh.

"Ok, I should get going"

"See ya later"



I arrived at Aubrey's apartment, she's already ready. She has two bouquet of flowers in her hands, she hands me one and holds the other one.

I look at her confused.

"Why are you giving me flowers?"

She rolls her eyes.

"You'll place it on his grave, dummy"


"Yeah!" She mocks me and we giggle. "I know you won't remember bringing any flowers so I bought one for you too"

We step out of her apartment and stops a cab. She tells the driver where we are going and the driver zooms off.


The cab stops and we alight. I look around and saw a big gate in front of us, I guess this is the cemetery where Jason is buried.

Aubrey and I walk towards the gate, Aubrey opens the gate and we steps in.

After walk for a few minutes, I see graves with flowers laying in front of them and I feel my eyes water. Even though I didn't know those people, I still feel my heart ache seeing them.

Finally Aubrey stops in front of a grave. Boldly written on it are these inscriptions.


I couldn't hold my legs anymore, I fall on my knees and rest my head on his grave. Tears starts pouring out of my eyes non-stop, I open my mouth and release a loud scream.

I can't believe he's gone, I didn't know I have been in denial since all these while. Seeing his grave now just made me realize something.

He is gone, really gone. I can no longer see him, I can no longer talk to him. I can no longer love or hate him and to top it all he died for someone else's sin.

"J-jason.. I'm sorry.. I really am sorry, p-please forgive me" I cried out.

"If I could make a wish I'd wish for you to come back to life, I'd wish for none of this to happen, I'd wish for us to go back to when we were friends. I'd wish for us to go back to when we were kids and didn't have to worry about anything. I'd wish for you to be alive.... I'm so sorry Jason"

I whimper loudly.

"You didn't have to die Jason, you didn't have to.... How could you die just like that, didn't you think of me? Didn't you think I'll be sad and heartbroken? Did you think I'm very heartless so you decide to leave me? Why? Jason why?"

I feel Aubrey wrap her arms around my shoulder. I rest my head on her shoulder.

"He's gone Aubrey, Jason is really gone"

"I know, Eva"

"It's my fault, Bree. It's all my fault, he died because of me"

"It's gonna be ok" she console me.

"I'm sorry Jason, please forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. I'm so sorry, I didn't me..... "

"I didn't know I hold an important part in your heart!"

I stilled under Aubrey's hold.

That voice....

I know that voice....

Am I hearing things.....

Jason? Jason.....

I turn around and saw him standing behind me, a wide smile on his lips.

"Il mio cuore!" He calls me.

Am I dreaming or this is real?