
married to a manwhore

Ningxi29 · General
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71 Chs

chapter 28

Fred 💔

I dialed Gray's number and he picks at the first ring.

"Yeah, boss?"

"Grayson have two of your boys follow Eva, they should protect her if need be" I ordered him.


Hmm, Eva let's see what you're up to. Humph! Spending time with Bree, bullshit!




I stand outside a huge gate, Peter's gate to be precised. I thought he'd be staying at a hotel, but turns out he has a very big mansion in LA.

"Hey, you!" A security guard ask me.

He walks towards me with a blank expression. I don't know if he's trying to look intimidating, but I'm not intimidated one bit.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"Hi, I'm Eva and I'm looking for Peter" I said.

He narrows his eyes at me, he looks me from up to down. He shakes his head and sigh.

"Argh! I never thought I'd never live to see this day, so even paupers are trying to get boss's attention now. Argh!"

I frown. I look at my clothes.

"Hey, don't insult me"

"Am I?" He asked with an arch eyebrows. "Listen, woman. Better run along now, my boss don't have time for girls like you"

Oh, so he thought I'm here to seduce his boss? He's sick to think that.

He turns and start going back inside.

"I'm Bianca's sister-in-law and I just want to have a talk with Peter!" I said.

He stops walking but doesn't turn to face me.

"Come with me"

I smile and quickly run to him. I follow behind as he walks inside, he leads me through a garden of lillies and we arrive at a pavilion. I see Peter sitting on a chair holding a glass of wine with three girls surrounding him, two sits by his side and the third one playing chess with him.

"Boss, someone is here to see you" the guard said.

"I don't want to see anyone, send them away" he said without raising his head.

I step forward.

"Hi, I'm Eva"

He raises his head when he hears my voice. He looks at me with narrowed eyes, he looks me up to down. I roll my eyes, now I know where his guard learnt that from.

"Eva, I don't think we've come across each other before" he said.

"No, we've not"

He nods.

"Well, you came at the right time. I'm in the spirit of charity today" he turns to his guard. "Give her some cash and get her in a cab, send her back to wherever she came from"

I gap at him. Do I look like a beggar to him? He's so arrogant, he's even worse than my husband. Well, I'm here for Bianca, I shouldn't get angry.

"Peter, I'm not a beggar"


"I'm here for Bianca"

He frowns and take a second look at me.

"So now she's even sending people here?" He mutters under his breath but I heard him clearly.

"She didn't send me here. I came on my own will" I said.

"Who are you and why did you come here in her stead?"

"I'm her sister-in-law"

"Sister-in-law?" He pause. "Fred's wife?"

I nod. He smirks and shake his head. He stands up and walk towards me, he stops right in front of me.

"Hmm, I thought Fred would end up with one of those superstars" he place his finger tip under my chin. "I never expected this"

I removed his finger.

"Can we talk?"

"Talk? What exactly are we gonna talk about?"

"You and Bianca"

He clenched his jaw and his eyes harden.

"There's nothing to talk about" he said.

"You think so?"

He takes his glass to his mouth and finish the wine in one gulp, then he throws the glass on the ground next to me and I flinch back a little.

"I provided that bitch with everything but that ungrateful bitch decided to leave. Can you believe she even filed for divorce? And she took my son away too"

"Is that how you address your wife? Calling her a bitch?"

"She's my wife I can call her whatever name I like"

"She's your wife not your slave. Did you ask her why she wanted to divorce you?"

He chuckles.

"I don't need to ask why, that bitch is ungrateful"

"Peter every woman's dream is to get married to someone who loves and adores her, every woman's dream is to have her husband all to herself. But you, Peter, you bring different women home every night, you cheat on your wife in your home and flaunt your girlfriends in her face, when she tries to talk to you about it, you beat her. Do you think she'll be happy? Don't you know she's feeling hurt everytime?"

He looks at me for some minutes, his arms fold across his chest? He smirked sinisterly.

"Ava or whatever your name is, I don't have time for all this nonsense you are saying. I just need you to do something for me" he takes a step closer to me, he leans in my ear. "Pass this message to Bianca for me, tell her to bring my son to me"

I step back from him.

"Bring Roy to you? Will you even have time to care for him? Or are you gonna leave him.... " I gesture to the three girls. "Are you gonna leave him under their care?"

"It's none of your business"

I shake my head. Now I see why Bianca wants to divorce him, he's so full of himself. His pride is too big that he can't even see what his mistakes are.

"You know what, I don't blame Bianca for filing for divorce. You don't deserve her love, she's..... "

I suddenly feel a painful impact on my left cheek and I fell to the ground. He rushes to me and pick me up by my neck, his hand tightly wrap around my neck, choking me in the process. I gasp for air as I struggle to remove his hand.

Before I knew what's happening, he's had a gun pointing at my head. My eyes widened in fear. I didn't see this coming.

What kind of job is this guy doing? Is he a criminal?

Oh God, I'm gonna die.... I shouldn't have come here.... I should have told someone where I was going....

"L-let... Let... M-me.. go..."

"Shut up!" He roared angrily in my face, he cocks his gun. "You think your husband is almighty and I don't dare to kill you?!!"

What is he talking about?

"What made you think you can talk to me about relationships? Your husband isn't any better? Fred is far worse than me!! I can just shoot you dead now and send your body to Fred as a gift"

I cough repeatedly, my vision blurring away. Oh God, please send someone to save me.

Then I hear gun shots.

"Holy shit!!" Peter exclaims and he release his grip on my neck.

I fall down and sprain my ankle. The gun shots increases and someone rushed towards me with a gun in his hand. I close my eyes and cowers away in fear.

"Please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't kill me" I cry.

I feel a touch on my shoulder and I flinch away.

"Please don't kill me, please don't kill me"

"Boss lady, I'm not gonna kill you" I hear him say.

I raise my head and open my eyes. Why is he calling me boss lady.... Did he mistake me for someone?

"What did you just call me?"

"N-nothing" he said in a short stutter. "Come on, let's get you out of here"

He help me up but I couldn't stand properly.

"I sprained my ankle" I told him.

He turns and bend his back.

"Hop on" he said.

I hop on his back and he starts running towards the exit. Soon we made it outside the gate, he stops a cab and watch me enter. As soon as the cab starts moving, he runs back inside.

Few meters away from Peter's mansion, my phone starts ringing. I reach out for it and see it's Bianca, I quickly press the answer button.

"Hey, B-bianca" I try to keep my voice steady.

"Eva, where are you? Is Roy still with you? Are you still at the penthouse?"

"Oh, Roy? Yeah, he's with Fred..."

"Are you free? Can we meet?"

I cough and rub my neck.


"Ok, I'll text you the address" then she hangs up.

My phone beep, it's Bianca's address. It's an hotel not far from here. I told the driver to take me to the hotel.





"Boss, Peter almost shot your wife, but we intervened in time"

Grayson report to me on phone.

He dares threatened Eva life? I see he's tired of living.

"Where is the bastard now?! Did you let him escape?!"

"No, we brought him back with us. He's in your play room"

"Good!. Have him chained upside down until I get there" I command.

"Yes, boss"

"Then what about my wife, why isn't she back yet?!" I asked.

"I don't know, boss. We got her out of the place in midst of the chaos, she was safely put in a cab she's supposed to have gotten home since one hour ago"

I gritt my teeth. Why isn't she here yet.... Did something happen to her?.

"Track her phone and tell me where she is"



"Ok, boss!"




"Oh my God, Eva what happened to you?" Bianca exclaims when she sees me.

I know I'm a mess right now, after all I just escaped death few moments ago.

"It's nothing, I'm fine" I said.

"No, you're not fine!" She raise my chin and examine my neck. "How did you get these bruises?"

I sigh.

"I went to Peter's"

She gasp loudly.

"You did what?!"

"I thought I could reason with him"

"Evaaaaa!! You shouldn't have done that..... Peter is a phycopath, look what he's done to you" she complains.

I smile.

"Don't worry, Bianca. I'm fine"

"You should have talked to me first, there's a reason I told you to avoid him" she paused and look at me worriedly. "We can't let Fred see this or he'll skin Peter alive"

"Bianca, I think we should tell Fred about this.... It's getting out of hand".

"Fine! We'll tell him, but first let's cover this up. Fred shouldn't see it".

"I shouldn't see what?!" Huh, Fred?.

Bianca and I turn our heads towards the direction his voice came from. My eyes grow wide.

It's really Fred... How did he know I'm here.... I lied that I was gonna be with Bree but now he sees me here... How am I going to explain this..

Wait, my face. I quickly let my hair down and use it to cover my face.

"F-fred" Bianca stutters.

"Bianca, you're here too. What a coincidence!" His eyes move to my direction. "Where's Bree, I thought you had somewhere to be with her"

I chuckle nervously and bit my lip.

"About that.... I.. we... "

Fred leans forward a little and frown. He steps closer to me and move my hair from my face and his gaze harden, his eyes quickly switched colors, from grey to black. I don't even know how that is possible.

"Who did this?" He asked.

I exchange looks with Bianca, but she keeps begging me not to say a word. I furrow my brows, why is she covering up for someone who sees her as nothing....

"I ASKED A QUESTION.... WHO. DID. THIS?!!". He shouts and heads turn to our table.

Bianca and I still remains silent.

Fred lets out a dry laugh.

"Fine don't speak" he pause and look between Bianca and I. "BUT SOMEONE IS GONNA DIED" then he takes long strides toward the exit.

Bianca turns to me.

"Did you tell Fred you're coming here?"


"He's gonna kill Peter" she murmurs.

Is he really gonna kill Peter?

T. B. C