
Chapter 302 HE'S BACK 3

       AUTHORS NOTE: I've not been able to update for almost a week cause of some health issues which I'm getting better. Thank you to those who reached out to me while I was down. I will no longer leave this kind of notes on here anymore as it's no longer required. To know more about the book and author you can find me on Instagram and Facebook @kourtney sspears.


      I stepped into the bathroom too, to wash off his blood stains from my hands and body. "You didn't come back with your crutches?" I asked as we both stared at our reflection from the mirror right in front of the sink, he met my gaze and returned it. "I don't have the strength for arguments Hazel, I was never crippled or paralyzed, it's just another lie." He confessed.

        And once again I was played by this lying scumbag into getting back with him, "You're nothing less to the devil Alex." "I never said I wasn't related to him." He took out his shirt to clean the blood stains on his body, mine did not need just cleaning, but bathing.

         I couldn't argue this time cause I was tired of arguing with him about being a better person, he wouldn't listen even if I tried. It really doesn't hurt to be good but Alex never listens, it just hurts me south to see him in so much pain. "You should be careful next time not to hurt yourself, you have people who care about you a lot." 

            "I know." Was his only reply to me before stepping out of the bathroom. I quickly went under the shower to bathe before heading back to the room in his new shirt. I stare at Alex who looked like he was already asleep, touching his forehead to know he was not having a fever or signs of it. The injury on his hands was really deep and would take time to heal.

         From touching his forehead my curious hands went to his face as my thumb caressed his skin, I could feel his skin reacting to my touch which made me smile. I thought I hated Alex for being this tough and cruel, now I don't know what's wrong with me. I want to do the right thing so bad, I don't want to be a part of his murdering life.

        I don't want the kids to grow up with his kind of life, but I can't leave him no matter how much I try. I loved him so much and everything about him, at this point I cared less what he was, if he killed his father, or if he was a mafia lord or even a murderer. I just wanted to be by his side again.

          I just wanted him to be okay, and live for me and the kids, there's no way we'd be able to leave without him. I felt like we've become so attached that nothing can separate us.

            "If you're done admiring this handsomeness, can you let me go now?" I retracted my hands from his face immediately to lay on the bed properly. "You know you could just pretend for an extra hour." He smiled. "And let you just touch my face?" I said nothing and just stared at him, "I just wanted to know if you've caught any fever, you should go to the hospital, you'd get better treatment there"

         "Phill will be here by tomorrow, go to sleep it's late." He said. "Don't let Chan into your room again when we get back home" I had to let him know about my feelings, I was jealous when I saw her in there even if they weren't doing a thing. "Hmm." Alex hummed deep in his throat.

         "You should go to bed now Hazel, sorry for disturbing earlier." He said. "You should be more careful next time, what will the kids think if they see their father injured again? It's quite traumatizing, don't make this alright for them." I kissed his cheek and turned to face the night lamp backing him. I shouldn't have listened to Uncle Kendrick before, we were just fine the way we were.

          But how long was Alex going to keep those secrets from me, how long was he going to keep me in the dark. He quickly accepted everything Kendrick said about him and filed for a divorce so quickly. Just as I thought about him I recalled the shocking event of the day and decided to spill.

         "Do you know Falcon's the man getting married to Avery in a week?" I heard his deep frustrating sigh, "Go to bed Hazel it's late." He didn't say another word to me. I stayed up the whole night tending to him since his body temperature went high as he caught fever later on. 

          Phill arrived as early as 6:30 am the next morning, I gave him space to work on Alex, it seemed like we wouldn't be leaving this mansion anytime soon, plus I love to be here with everyone, rather than living in that mansion all alone with no one to talk to except the kids. Phill applied some treatment and stitched the injury before breakfast, I went to the kitchen to inform Leonard to serve Alex's breakfast in his room.

          We all gathered in the dining room for breakfast dressed like royalty, that includes my little kids who were not really used to it. Leah and Lila sat next to her grandfather while the boys were close to mother and grandma, they loved the attention they were getting from everyone.

       The table got bigger as the family expanded, I'm sure the same would be done with the arrival of Falcon. Father loved this large happy family as he has always said it's been his dream to have a largely peaceful and happy family. The unending smile that graced his lips said it all.

       Avery and Falcon walked in late to eat on the claims they both got up late, Chan wasn't found on the table and I didn't care why. "Where's Alex?" Mother asked since he's the only one not present in the room, Lukas met my gaze in question. "He's being attended to by a doctor," I said.

         "What? What happened to him?" Mother asked, and I gave her a signal to the kids who had their ears up for the next curse word to catch from the adults, and she understood. I knew everyone suddenly lost their appetite after my words which I regretted telling except the Dior's which was quite amusing.

        But it's understandable why they all acted this way, even if Avery was getting married to Falcon, their quarrel with Alex was yet to be settled. But I couldn't understand Falcon's nonchalant attitude especially if he had an amnesia. His attitude was quite suspiciou,s especially the way hesuspicsuspiciouss, his eyes never left them which was so creepy.