
Chapter 291 LOST FRIEND 1

         I held the glass rail starting at the beautiful city of NYC, taking in deep heavy breaths trying to calm my nerves. Yes, I shouldn't have listened to Kendrick, but how long was he willing to keep all these from me. He's right we're no longer together, I shouldn't be bothered about him, I shouldn't be here either. He's an asshole.

          I sobbed lightly, it felt like my heart was going to rip out of my chest. I realized the more we talked to settle things out, was the more we were steps apart. It hurt me badly cause I was so into him, but he's right it's time to move on, it's time I face reality, we're over and never coming back again. At least that's what he meant. We're totally not compatible with each other, we're better off alone than together.

        "What could a beautiful lady do here all alone at this hour." I wasn't bothered by the figure talking to me, I was too heartbroken to notice his presence. "Hey hey, a beauty like you shouldn't be crying like this." He held my chin and turned my face around, "Hazel." I met his gaze astonished at who I saw.

         Blonde hair, and hazel eyes, he's a tall slender looking figure but has all the attributes of a man. Fair in complexion and has a cute smile. He reminds me so much of Delaney, maybe that's one of the reasons I loved to hang out with Delany. Maybe if Beverly didn't step in, we still would have been friends to this very day.  

         "Leonard? What are you doing here?" I was happy to see him, the one guy Sage liked more than ever if he hadn't left without a word. She might hate him and never forgive him, but that wouldn't change her feelings for him, I'm very sure. She's lucky to have her first love be a normal person while mine is a devil. I still can't understand why I'd let myself love that man this much.

         'What is wrong with you Hazel?' I cursed inwardly gritting my teeth

         "Shouldn't I ask you the same question, you look like the one who's crying alone in this cold." He used his thumb to brush the tears at the corners of my eyes. "I'm fine, are you here for someone?" "Yes my mother, she got admitted here today so I had to rush over. I'm very sure she would be happy to see you too." "I'll see her tomorrow, I have a patient to care for."

          "Your mum? Let's go see her." He mumbled "It's not my mum, it's my husband I mean ex-husband. We have a lot to talk about, especially how you just disappeared into thin without a word to either of us." I quickly changed the conversation, avoiding any conversation that would be up Alex is the best decision right now. "Sage must be so upset, but I had to earn some coin." He deepened his hands into his pocket. "Hm, she doesn't think about you anymore, she's got a husband and a kid now." 

          I could see the two(2) seconds slight frown on his face which quickly went back to normal, "It's good she's happy, you look stressed out, you should get some rest." "I will. Now go see your mother."

        "Yes bye." I headed back to Alex's ward, hopefully, he's asleep this time. I stepped into the room with hanged breath only to see another bed dressed next to his. 'Was he having a roomie? Thought this ward is made for Alex alone?' Still mulling over my thoughts, I heard the bathroom door click open with Alex stepping out of it.

         His wheelchair as been replaced with four-legged crutches, though his legs were trembling, he still walked slowly to his bed. "Where have you been?" Came his superfluous question like we didn't have a serious argument a few moments ago "Out, to get fresh air."

         "You should use the bathroom, your eyes are swollen." He sat on the bed "The bed, do you have company?" "It's for you." I helped him place his legs on the bed before heading into the bathroom to wash my stupid face before heading back into the room to sleep. It was really hard to show I was crying just so I would embarrass myself before this stoned-hearted man.



         A few hours later, there was a knock on the door and a "Come in" could be heard by Leonard. He's here to give his boss the news about the new business after hearing a few minutes ago that he was now awake. The old-time friend he saw earlier couldn't escape from his head, it's been so long since he saw her and she seemed to be in a better condition now. Even if he once dated Sage, Hazel was always the girl he liked, but she was not interested in a relationship at that point.

           Going to school and taking good care of her mother was her major goal and he didn't want to destroy that for her. He thought if he made money, he might be able to come back and help her dying mother, but life isn't as easy as it seems. Making it to the top requires a lot of sacrifice and illegal actions which he doesn't regret doing.

         He stepped into the room only to see his Boss on the bed, beside him was another bed which held a woman sleeping peacefully on it. "Don't make any sound, I don't want my wife waking up." Alex started with an expressionless face. "What's the information at hand? How're my businesses coping? Tell Ben I need shuffling." "Yes sir." He bowed.

        "For the businesses, they're all doing perfectly fine. Vandlar..." "Don't touch him." Alex cut in immediately, "I want to deal with him myself, let him run while he can I'll find him when I want to." He said coldly. "Someone paid them to get you killed sir, it was not about the shipments." Alex let out a heavy sigh, he thought about it and knew who it is that wants him dead. It's best he doesn't find out and just let Phillips be, cause he might kill him if he investigates further.

            Leo on the other hand stared at the woman on the next bed who just turned around for her face to come into view, his eyes widened in astonishment. Is his boss the ex-husband Hazel meant, how the hell did she end up with him? He had so many questions running through his mind all at once.

        Once again, he's late as always, late to tell her his feelings before he left. If she's with his boss, then he actually has no chance of getting her back, he just has to hide from her forever. "You can leave now." Alex lay on the bed staring at the ceiling in total silence, as he heard the door click. Slowly his eyes closed and he traveled to dreamland.



         The next day came by and I had to get Alex to bath before his family start coming one after another. "You haven't touched your food Alex, you need to eat something." "My hands are suddenly weak, I can't use them." I narrowed my eyes at his lies, I really can't tell what has possessed Alex this early to taunt me.

          "You bath yourself earlier on, so how come all of a sudden you can't eat with the same hands?" "How can I? After all your punches." "It's not the first time I've punched you, when did you suddenly become a weakling?" I couldn't believe this lying demon. "Those times were different Hazel, I'm a sick man that should be pampered and loved not tortured."

         "I'll punch all over again if you try to kiss me next time, you should be happy I decided to help you cause you're my children's father." "Do you believe that lies...? You're here cause you don't want me being touched by someone else." I stared at him in awe without even noticing my mouth that was hanging open. This man finds the slightest opening to tease me.

         "T... That's not true." I stuttered to earn a chuckle from him, "I know you so well Hazel, every damn thing about you. You've paralyzed me, so feed me, besides I'd be pleased staring at the red spot on your cheek." I gave up, there was no point arguing against someone that'll always win me every freaking time we argue. I've never seen a man that talks so much like Alex.

         The door to the room flew open with chan running in to hug him. Her action, kissing all over his face without shame was so overboard. But there was nothing I could do, it's not like we're together anymore. Even though he laughed and teased me, that doesn't mean we're still together. I tried to control my emotions before them, I can't show I'm jealous even if I am.

          "I'm so happy you're awake now brother Alex, you don't know how worried we all were." He said nothing to her, "Thank you, Hazel, you can leave now we'll take good care of Alex." She took the food from me ready to feed him, "Where are you going, Hazel?" I met his gaze. "Here I want you to feed me, you paralyzed my hands so feed me." He took the bowl from Chan placing it in my hands.

         "Haha, Brother, do you have amnesia? You're both divorced now, it happened before your accident." She said smiling.

          "It doesn't make her less mine, she's still my woman, she's always been before we got married, and still is even after our separation." He declared.