
Chapter 137 Days to the wedding 18

  I was still wondering why Alex was here in Dubai when he's supposed to be preparing for his bachelor's party and me my hens party. I couldn't get my eyes off him neither did he stop staring at me. For some reasons we were both lost in each other's eyes as he walked up to me unhurriedly.

"Hazel!" He called my name, his deep voice sounded sweeter than Ed Sheeran's music in my ears. We've basically not seen each other for almost two days but it felt like two centuries had passed and I was starved. I don't know if Alex felt the same way I felt, but I knew I wanted to kiss him.

Just a little taste of his lips will heal my yearning heart for him. "Alex!" His name sounded as almost a whisper, we cared less about the people staring at us right then, they could stare all they wanted. 

Alex raised my chin with his index fingers and captured my lips, his left hand crept to my waist as his right hand supported the back of my head so he could have full acess to my lips. We kissed passionately lost in our own world, this was all I wanted to feel his soft lips on mine.

To taste his lips, I wanted him to make me heave for air. I loved it, my entire being loved it. If I was inlove with Alex before then now I know I was crazy inlove with him. The more I tried to hide or stop my feelings for him, the more it increases by the minute. I loved this stubborn man and I didn't know how long I could hide it.

We pulled out only when we both heaved for air and I cluntched unto his shirt. "What did you do with my card Hazel?" He asked with a hoarse voice. I knew he would notice it this time, the money was in billions not millions. 

I parted my lips to speak but got interupted by him, "I can't believe you can't take care of my stuff's when I leave them in your care!" He continued. "Alex!" "Not now mother I'm scolding my wife!" Alex held my hands and placed me in his car and the chauffeur drove out. 

"Alex....!' "shuu!" He placed his index fingers on my lips. "You owe me alot Hazel, how would you pay?" "You had your credit card with you but you decided to use mine!' 

His words left me confused, my credit card? The last time I checked, I didn't have a dine in my account and now he said I had a credit card and not just any card but a black card. I was astonished. "I have a card?" I asked bewildered.

Alex noticed my confused state and said, "It's part of the deal we had, your monthly allowance!" I beamed with joy hearing this. The only reason I was happy was cause, I could pay him the money I owe from my monthly allowance.

"Then it's easy to pay you right?" "What are you talking about?' Alex narrowed his eyes, "I could pay my debth from my monthly allowance!" I said and Alex smiled. "Smart woman!"

"I hate to burst bubbles but, your allowance has just been reduced to a million dollars cause of your act!" He said smiling mischievously, and I glared at him. This evil cunning man. "You're a coward Alex, accept your defeat. What am I meant to do with a million dollars?" I said sternly.

"I must have really spoilt my sweet wife alot. Well you have to manage your life. You're not the type that will eventually leave me if I'm broke are you?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

Alex was right, I was sounding as if a million dollars meant nothing to me. Just how much does he place in my account as allowance? "don't stay such Alex, how can you get broke!" He pinched my cheeks.

"Things happen, you never can tell what awaits one in the future!" He left my cheeks and I just stared at him. "Where do you live, let me take you home, I need to leave right now!" 

"Now? Since you're already here you can stay till morning?" I suggested a little panicked. I just didn't think I could stay a minute without seeing him. "No, I can't stay!" Alex rejected my offer. "Turn the car to the Wilson's Mansion Gus!" Alex ordered the chauffeur and the man turned the car around.