
Chapter 127 Days to the Engagement 8

  I placed the pictures back into the file and handed it over to Alex as I laid back on the bed. I took in deep breaths and exhaled and stared at the man next to me, "You had a beautiful Family!" I said with a smile. "I had a beautiful family!" Alex picked the files and left the room.

"Why was he suddenly acting all strange" I thought, but I couldn't think of a reason for Alex's sudden change of attitude. I tucked myself further into the duvet, thinking of the events of today, I just never thought I'd be meeting Alex's real family today.

Who would have thought Mr Oliver was not his father but uncle, there was so much secrets in the family and I was glad Alex was letting me in little by little. I picked my phone and saw a text from my father, I frowned. What does he want from me right now? I thought.

"Meet me at my office tomorrow at noon!" Was all there was in the text. The hell, why would I meet him at his office tomorrow? What does he want from me?

After some time of carefully thinking about his proposal, I finally decided if I was to go then I have to go with my best friend Carie since she knows the real issues between my family.

Carie would be in a better position to go with me. I dailed her number and was elated when it went through. "Zel my love!" Hearing her voice after our little fight the last time we met made me really happy. 

"Carie I need your assistance!" "What is it babe!" "It's my Father, he sent a text earlier demanding my presence in his office tomorrow!" I said to Carie. "What why?

"I really don't know but I have a bad feeling about this!" "Calm down Zel, I've already told you before, your Father can not harm you no matter what!" Carie's words helped calm my nerves, I just didn't know if I should tell Alex about this too. "Alright, I just really want you to be there with me!" 

"I wish I could, but I have to be in Spain by tomorrow. It's business important!" Carie's words killed all the courage in me, but I knew if she had the time she would definitely have been there with me. Who are my kidding, she's a top business woman even if she acts like a kid most times. "Alright I need to go find your brother I'll call you tomorrow before you leave!" 

"Okay byeee!" I hunged up. Where's this husband of mine when I need him the most? I darted my gaze to the door as my feet kissed the my pink fluffy slippers and I padded out the door. I searched everywhere for Alex but could not find him anywhere. Luckily I met a maid, "where's Alex?" I asked the maid who bowed. "I...in his house office madam!" She said.

So this mansion has a private office, I never thought of it. "Take me there!" I ordered and we started moving, till we got to a black door. She left the moment we got to the door and I got in. It was dark and the only light in there was the light coming from the hallway.

"Alex!" I called a little frightened by the darkness, just why do this man love darkness this much. "You can't stay a minute without me can you?" The lights were turned on and I saw him sitted on his black swivel chair, with a bottle of liquid and a glass.

"What are you doing here alone!" I walked up to him. "Alex you've drank alot, you rink of alcohol!" I complained. "You hate the smell?" He asked to have me nod.

Alex got up and took his shirt off, sniffing the air. Why does he keep doing this to me? He knows how much my hands love to linger around his hard chest and he just keeps showing it off. My most favorite part of his body. "What do you want?" He sniffed the air again.

"You left me in the bedroom alone, so I came in search of you!" He held my wrist and placed me on his legs. "I trust you!" He used the back of his palm in caressing my chin, his touch sent shiver to my body. Why was he suddenly saying this? "I don't trust people alot. Once my trust is broken it's really hard to fix!". His words were confusing, or maybe it's the influence of the liquid he's drinking.

He left my chin and kept his hands to himself, "Hazel I'm not in the right frame of mind right now, go to bed I'll meet you later!" He said. "I know today's a bad day for you, probably the worst day of your life. But you don't have to keep dwelling in the past Alex. I'm sure your family would want you to move on too!" I stroke his hair gingerly.

Damn Alex's hair is the softest thing I've ever touched in my life. No it should be softer or as soft as Cotton. Alex got hold of my wrist and took my hands off his hair, "your soft butt on me is enough, unless you want us to do some crazy things tonight!" On his words I got up.

"Let's go to bed, I need to shower!" He emptied the glass and we left his office.


First chapter, second coming soon.

You can also check out my other books, "The Ruthless Billoniares wife" and also "SANTA'S CRAZY PRESENT FOR CHRISTMAS.❤️❤️❤️