

WARNING!!: MATURE CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNGER READERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ["You took her away from me in the past and you do so now! You don't deserve to live! I'm going to kill you!!] Sacrificing herself to save the kingdom. Helena got married to a man, rumoured to be a demon lord. Love, hate, anger, betrayal all in one story. Will the rumors turn out to be true? and Will she be able to love her husband? ....

Fatimah_Abdulwahab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

There's no other way

    Helena nodded and they both headed towards her chamber.

      After a few minutes, he opened the door to her chambers. They were a few maids in there laying her bed. Helena dismissed them all and they left. Some left hesitantly because they were staring at amir. She admits that he was very handsome. His black hair was as dark as the night sky and his blue eyes could make you lose focus, they were so mesmerizing. His lips and nose were very perfect. His whole figure was perfect.

       When he was sure that all the maids were gone he sat  and used his hands to tussle his hair. 

      He looks so cute when he does that. She thought..

      After what felt like eternity, he finally spoke. "Why did you agree to the marriage?!" His voice was clearly sounding upset. She had never seen him this distraught.

    "I had to do it to save the throne Amir." 

       "You don't have to sacrifice your happiness. This is not right, I never believed that uncle lucid would do something like this."

      "It's okay Amir, I've already agreed to the marriage and I don't really mind sacrificing myself anymore. I always thought I would get married based on love but I asked for too much as a princess. I know it's almost impossible for a princess to get married to  her choice so it's not father's fault." She said.

      Amir groaned inwardly, he couldn't believe this was happening to his friend! 

         "You can still convince him Helena. There is still a way out. You can find someone el..."

      "No Amir, there's no other way. Father had made up his mind and he's not going to change it no matter what anyone says." She explained.

      "I can't believe you have to get married to that prince rumored to be a demon. Does your father not have any ideas about the rumors?" 

      "He says it's all a lie and that the rumors are baseless." 

       "My wedding is in two days time,  I hope you'll be there to wish your friend goodbye." She added.

       "If he ever lays a finger on you, I promise I won't spare him." He threatened.

      "He wouldn't dare, knowing this friend of mine is here by my side." She said and she gave him a warm hug.

       "Then fine, I'll come."

          "But..." He said and a mischievous smirk appeared on his face.

       ' what is he up to now. I'm sure he's up to no good'. She thought.

         "But what Amir?" She asked raising a brow making her amber eyes more beautiful.

       "You'll have to defeat me in a sword fight, only then would I come for your wedding." He said feeling very excited.

     She knew she couldn't argue no longer, she heaved a sigh.  she changed into her training outfit when he left the room and she found him the courtyard training with one of her guards.

      'show off'. She thought and then scoffed inwardly.

      "Amir!" She yelled his name and he turned to look and that was when her guard dropped his sword down.

     He glared at her for making him lose and she chuckled.

      "You should learn how to focus. Don't be easily distracted or you'll lose." She said smiling at him.

     "Now that you mentioned, I'll keep that in mind." He said and winked an eye at her.

       Why does he have to show off even now that he lost! She thought.

      They pulled their sword out and they walked in circles for some moment until  Helena started to attack. He dodged the attack and smiled.

      "I can see you're getting more accurate in your attacks." He said.

      "You should keep focus or I might end up thrusting your sword away." She told him.

      They began to attack fiercely. Everyone who were watching were impressed with the princess. Her skills had improved.

       She monitored each and every of his movements which made it easier to dodge most of his attacks.

      Lucid and Titus came out to the courtyard when they were done discussing their 'important' issue as Amir had said. They saw the both of them clashing their swords and they were both impressed with the princess's improvement.

      "She's really improving in her fighting skills all she needs is to know how to defend herself and not just attack." Lucid said as his gaze was still fixed intently in his daughter.

     "She really has improved all she needs is a little more practice and she'll be perfect." Titus said.

         Helena was still thrusting her sword at him and amir got a little distracted when he saw both their parents watching them and that was just all Helena needed to take him down. She gave him one last thrust and his sword was in the floor.

     Amir's mouth hung open. He didn't know what to say, he had never lost a fight to her! Just when did she improve this much! It was a good thing she improved in her fighting skills but he didn't want to lose! Never!

     "See, I told you to be focused." Helena told him and she began to wipe her face with the towei her maids had brought.

      "Fine! You win." He said as he let out a lie groan.

      Helena smiled at him and he gave her a look that says ' next time I'll win'. She shook her head and continued drying herself up.

      She saw her father and Titus and she proceeded to ask them about her fighting skills.