

WARNING!!: MATURE CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNGER READERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ["You took her away from me in the past and you do so now! You don't deserve to live! I'm going to kill you!!] Sacrificing herself to save the kingdom. Helena got married to a man, rumoured to be a demon lord. Love, hate, anger, betrayal all in one story. Will the rumors turn out to be true? and Will she be able to love her husband? ....

Fatimah_Abdulwahab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

Pure suicide attempt

"Answer me Robert! Is this the first time he's experiencing this kind of attack?!!" She asked with a firm tone.

"Err...uhm...this is actually...Uhm -"

"Go straight to the point! I'm starting to lose patience!" She said cutting him off.

"Yes princess. This is the first time someone dare to attack his highness. Truth is, he's never been attacked because he never takes interest in anything before. So I personally think that someone must have thought that his highness is starting to take interest in something and their trying to use you to lu -" He clamped his mouth shut when he realized he had answered more than the question being thrown to him.

"What are they trying to do huh?! And why would anyone attack someone just because he's starting to take interest in something? Or is it because that person never wants him to take interest and wants him to continue dwelling in darkness?" She asked.

'Uhm, you shouldn't be asking me that. Ask your husband. I definitely don't know the reason too. I'm just giving you theories I know because this is the first time his highness was attacked.' He said to himself.

"Uhm...I don't know your highness. I think you shouldn't think more on this. Don't worry, his highness would be fine." He said and Elen could only keep shut. She knew that even if he knew something about the situation, he wouldn't let her know without Alexander's permission and that was why she decided not to ask anything further again.

Elen was still holding tight onto Robert. The wind was blasting her face and it somehow reminded her of the time she competed with Amir and a smile curved up her lips. She knew this was not the time to feel nostalgic but she was missing her family. It's only been two weeks since she left them but it felt like centuries to her. She just wished that they could visit someday, besides Davish isn't that far from Lucrain.


Time passed and they already reached the palace. However, there was no sign of Alexander coming soon and she was starting to feel worried. 'Would he be alright?' Was the thought that kept chanting like a spell in her head.

They both got down from the horse and Elen stared at Robert for a long while. His expression returned normal as if the one who was in danger at that time was her and not her husband. She couldn't help but feel somewhat uneasy. Was he not bothered that their prince was in extreme danger?? Would they just leave him there to fight alone?! Shouldn't he have sent aids to help him? She was still thinking deeply until his voice jolted her.

"Uhm...I'll escort you to your chambers your highness." He said and Elen creased her brows.

"Shouldn't you be on your way to help him?" She asked and Robert just wanted the earth to swallow him that instant.

'Enough of all these questions! You're the real target here and not your husband so that's why you need to be guarded at all times. Okay?' He said, but when he realized that he wasn't even saying it out loud he could only heave a sigh inwardly.

'Where is my savior? Please help me out of this situation! Why did his highness choose me? I definitely can't answer her questions!!' He exclaimed in his mind.

Meanwhile, Lago was just hiding in a certain corner giving his comrade a mischievous smirk. Lago, of course didn't want to answer their princess's questions so he just meaningfully stepped aside and hid somewhere without the princess noticing.

"Are you alright?" She asked, jolting him from his world of thoughts.

"Y-y-yes. I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me. You need to rest." He said and thankfully Elen nodded.

In what felt like several hours to Elen was just few minutes when they finally reach her chambers.

Robert stopped at the door and gave her a nod.

"I-if you need anything. You can just call the maids. I'll be guarding your door." He said avoiding her gaze and Elen just nodded.

When he was certain that she's now in her room, he heaved a deep sigh and rested his back on the door. Whoa! That was close! That princess really knows how to interrogate! He was avoiding her gaze and speaking as fast as he could just so he could avoid her questions. He didn't know of anymore lie he could come up with if she decides to ask anything again. Even if he figures out all the lies in the world, he wouldn't even know the kind of questions she'll throw at him!! He just chuckled inwardly while thinking about his unfortunate fate. 'Even Lago dare to leave me behind and let me deal with all of this? That guy really has guts.' He thought as he chuckled inwardly again. He silently stood on the door stabilizing his breath which seemed to have been destabilized.


A maid was already in Elen's room, her bath was already prepared and it was now time for her to take a shower. However, that bad feeling at the pit of her stomach made her halt. She's knew Robert for quite a while now and he's only nervous around her when he's hiding something, but what could he be hiding. Did he perhaps not tell her the whole truth?? Well, now that she thought of it, what he had said earlier about Alexander taking interest in something didn't make any sense to her at all. Why would you have an enemy simply because you took interest in something. There definitely is something that he's hiding from her and she'll ask her husband as soon as he returns.


"My brother dare to send these people to attack me!! Did he think that these people would be able to kill me?!!" Alexander asked his men as he glared at the sea of dead bodies that surrounded them.

"I think prince Beowulf sent these people to capture your wife. It was obvious they weren't after you but your wife. It seems that was the order given to them." Finn spoke.

"Lucas. Go back to the palace and check if my wife returned safety and report back." Alexander said and the young man nodded.

"I'll need to dig into this matter. How did that sly fox get a hold of this large number of army?! I believe that he already has a powerful ally and I need to find out as soon as possible." Alexander said with a cold gaze.

"And if it happens to be what I'm thinking..." He paused and gave a short evil chuckle.... "then I certainly would destroy that man. He asked for this anyway. I'm going to annihilate his existence for daring to try this kind of thing." He said and he walked towards the thick forest.

"I want you to tell the rest that I'll be back in three days and make sure not to speak anything about it to my wife. Understand?" He told them and they glanced at each other before Amadeus spoke.

"Uhm...your highness, the princess is filled with questions and she won't stop asking until we tell her the truth. What should we tell her if she asks? Should we just ignore her?" He asked and Alexander's aura turned dark as if what he heard displeased him.

"Don't you dare ignore her!! Find some believable excuse to tell her but don't tell her the truth." He said and thus, he left the two men blinking their eyes in shock.

"Oh great! His highness really knows how to dodge his wife's questions. Now we're going to do the answering for him." Finn complained but what followed was an unimaginable silence.

"And you know her highness is not someone we can easily fool with words! She'll definitely find a way to choke the truth out of us!!" Finn added as he panicked.

"Shut up and stop panicking like an old granny. We'll find some believable excuse and just like the last time, we'll just avoid any questions she throws at us." Amadeus finally spoke.

"Are you sure? I don't have a good feeling about this." Finn panicked.

"I think you're finally reaching your age limit. You're soon going to die." Amadeus said plainly. If no one knew who the kind of person he was, they would have thought he was serious with the look he was giving out.

Finn choked and punched the guy on the abdomen. "Die?! What makes you think I'll die soon?" Finn asked, visibly angry.

"Well, it's because you're worrying like an old granny who is on her death bed and still doesn't want to die." He said and a slight but rare smirk appeared on his face.

"I think you should be worried about yourself because you're the one acting like an ann --"

"Where's his highness?" Lucas cut Finn off.

"Wow! You really came earlier than expected. Good job kid." Finn said as he patted his shoulder like a proud father who just sent his son on the front lines and appeared victorious.

"Stop calling me kid and just answer my questions already!" Lucas said as he shoved Finn's hands off his shoulder.

"Why are you being so rude to this elder huh?" Finn asked but Lucas just turned his gaze and faced their leader.

"Where's his highn --"

"He said he's going to uncover the mystery about these numerous army. He'll be gone for three days too." Amadeus said and Lucas just stared at the man for a long while with the words 'How rude. Couldn't you let me finish my sentence before you cut in?' but he couldn't even think about the irrelevant things anymore because the last words Amadeus said was enough for all the blood in his body to dry up. 'Wait, did I hear right? Three days?!! His highness is leaving us with the princess and her endless questions for three days?!! That prince really knows how to dodge questions. He couldn't even bid her goodbye before he left!!' Lucas could only scream in his head. They really are in deep trouble because the princess won't let them off the hook so easily!!

"T-three days? That's way too much. He would have easily sent us. Why did he have to go by himself?" Lucas said and Amadeus and Finn both nodded meaningfully. Now that they thought about it. The prince could have easily sent them to unravel the mystery, he didn't have to go by himself! Or was there another motive their prince was seeking and that was why he went alone?!! They could only ask their selves in their head. Must be it, maybe their prince already had something up his sleeves that he didn't want anyone to figure about till the right time comes.

"Well, that's true but you all know his highness, that whatever he does, it's always for a reason." Amadeus said and they all nodded.

Lucas looked at the pool of dead bodies scattered in the ground and he could only shake his head. "Alright then. It seems to me that these people didn't value their lives and jumped into the volcano even when they knew that it would be pure suicide attempt. It looks like the person who sent this army has countless of minions he could sacrifice and maybe he considered this large numbers as little." Lucas said and they both nodded.

"That would be the only reason but where did Beowulf get this large number of soldiers...." Amadeus paused and as if a realization dawned on him he slightly widened his eyes.

"Unless, he made a deal with someone powerful that no one could ever set their eyes on. That prince turned out to be a sly fox indeed. We really underestimated him. He's really someone not to be taken lightly, he even went as far as using these people." He said and shook his head.

"We don't know for sure now. We'll have to wait for his highness's return."

"Yes I know that but this is the only reasonable explanation I could come up with."

"Okay, okay. I get, let's just focus on what to tell her highness when we return back to the castle." Lucas said and they all left with their horses.
