

WARNING!!: MATURE CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR YOUNGER READERS. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ["You took her away from me in the past and you do so now! You don't deserve to live! I'm going to kill you!!] Sacrificing herself to save the kingdom. Helena got married to a man, rumoured to be a demon lord. Love, hate, anger, betrayal all in one story. Will the rumors turn out to be true? and Will she be able to love her husband? ....

Fatimah_Abdulwahab · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs


Amir sat on his horse patiently waiting for his friend. What was taking her so long? He shouldn't have showed her this place in the first instance! He really made a big mistake bringing her here. Now he was going to be stuck here till that friend of his eventually want to leave! Amir cursed inwardly.

Elen saw the reaction on his face and she chuckled inwardly. He really has been a good friend today. But....what this girl had to say was more important.

"I and my parents were leaving very happily, my father was one of the richest noble men. He loved my and my mother so much....until one day, death came knocking on his door..." She cleaned the tears rolling down her cheeks. Elen wanted to burst out crying, this was just the beginning of her story and she was already feeling emotional.... "My father died and he left his family. My mother was so devastated....my father's family took all of his wealth and they left me and my mother with nothing.

Two weeks after, my mother became sick and died as well, the house which my father left behind got taken by his cruel brothers. They did not only take my house away from me but also my freedom....they sold me to a man, but before the man could t-t-touch me, I escaped....I...I kept on running to where my feet could take me and I found myself here.... I came to this place just last month and these people embraced me even in their difficult state. I just want one thing, to take what rightfully belongs to me, so I can help these people but there's no way I can do that because my uncles are very powerful, there's no way I can beat them so I just resigned to what fate has given me..." She explained her heart clenching situation, Elena didn't know when tears started rolling down her cheeks.

"It's okay, don't cry...." The girl said.

What was she doing?! She's the one who is suppose to console her not the other way round!! 'oh, Helena, when did you become a crybaby' she thought.

Elen shook her tears and wiped away her tears. " I'm okay, don't worry about me." She said.

The girl nodded." Can I give you a hug?" She asked and Elena approved.

"What if I tell you, I will take you out of here, you can forget about revenge...you...you can stay with me...my parents won't bother once they hear your story." Elen said.

"Then I'll be very glad, princess." She said and her last word shocked Elen. She tried her best to wear the most simplest outfit just so people wouldn't recognize her and yet, this girl...

Elen checked her surroundings to see if anyone was behind them and then she leaned closer to the girl's ear. "How do you know I'm a princess?" She whispered.

"Of course I know, before my father died, he went to visit the king for business and I trailed along with him. The only reason I went with him was to see you. I heard many amazing stories about you_ your fighting skills and your courage. I wanted to see for myself the courageous princess, and thankfully I saw you...but before I could leave to speak with you, you already left the throne hall so I didn't get a chance to speak with you."

"I'm sorry, I didn't even see you there." Elen said.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." She said.

"So...can we go back to my castle.". Elen said.

The girl was hesitant a bit but Elen insisted, she could only give in. This was the salvation she was looking for, so why should she back off now?


It's been almost an hour now and Elen was nowhere to be seen. Amir was starting to be impatient. No one had ever made him wait this long! What was taking her so long? Did she think that her love and care would take away all of their pain?! This friend of his was just to naive.

Just when he was about to go meet her, he saw her walking towards him. She was not alone, she was with a girl?! What the hell does Elen think she's doing, taking a stranger with her?!!

Amir was about to speak but his tongue lost it's word. He was simply gaping with mouth hung open.

This girl is the most stunning creature he's ever met. Her blonde silky hair and her green eyes were features to take breathes away. Though, her body was not in a perfect condition, her face was truly stunning, but that doesn't change the fact that Elena is taking this stranger with them.

"Amir." Elen called, that was the moment Amir snapped out if his dazed state.

Elen pulled him away and explained everything to him. He could only widen his eyes in shock.

"That means she has been here for barely two months!" Amir exclaimed.

"Yes Amir, and that is why I'll take her with me...to stop her short term suffering. I know she won't be able to forget it that easily but she'll forget it sooner or later, that's why Amir, I want you to be there for her. I would be leaving for good now, you are the only one that can keep her company. So please..." She pleaded.

"Ohh, I'm going to make this beauty forget everything and focus on me alone." He said as he smiled mischievously.

"Amir!! I didn't mean it that way, you fool. Just know that she's different from many of your mischievous encounters. So don't try anything with her unless she's willing..." She explained.

"Can't she live in my house?" He asked.




Amir sighed, knowing that she'll never agree even if he pleaded and his throat ran dry.


The two walked over to where they left the girl and they were surprised that she was on one of the horses.

She noticed their presence and she waved at them. She got down from the horse and walked towards the princess totally ignoring Amir, which made Amir smile even wider. He liked her type. He was definitely her type and he'll make her succumb to him.

Elen turned towards Amir. "Amir, this is Helena. And Helena, this is my best friend Amir." Amir almost choked, he didn't see that coming. Did he hear well? Or did he perhaps, at some point develop hearing impairment?!!

"Huh?" He said but the princess ignored him.

"Nice to meet you". Helena said.

Amir was at loss of words, not only was this girl very beautiful, she also beared the same name with the princess?! This is going to be so much fun. He thought.

When Elen realized that he wasn't responding, she took it over from there. " Uhm, Helena, he's just acting stupid, that's just how he is. Don't take him serious if at all he's trying to annoy you." She explained.

"Who did you just call stupid, you bitchy princess?" He said.

"You're at it again, calling me a bitch, you asshole." She gave him a comeback which made the two best friends chuckle.

They both sat on the horses. Amir insisted that the 'new Helena' sit on his horse but she refused, which made him feel dejected. No girl had ever refused anything he asks! This just made the game of hard to get more interesting...

It was evening already and a thought came to Amir. That was right! He needed to show Elen something, like he had promised.

"We're going to the river bank." He said breaking the silence.

"Why?" Elena asked raising a brow.

"I want to show you, what I've been wanting to show you earlier today, the sight at evenings are the best." He said, Elen could only agree.

Elen was starting to worry, her parents might get angry at her for two offences she commited_ sneaking out of the house, and staying late outside.

Whatever it is Amir wants to show her, he better do it fast because she could already picture her father's angry face and her mother's worried look.