
Chapter Twenty-Eight



Erwin and I enter the bustling party hall, followed by our best friends. Instantly everyone in the hall's head spin toward our direction. I am used to getting attention wherever I go, so it's not a big deal for me.


"Everyone seems to have a partner." I comment as I look about the hall.


"So do I." Erwin grins. "Would you like something to drink?"


"I don't do well with alcohol." I ponder over what drink I should choose because my usual drink is caffeine and I don't drink or eat anything at all in a party. I am not comfortable with it. But I can't behave like this especially when Ruth is here. He will start with all that healthy bullshit and all if he catches me starving once again. 


"Then what about soda?" Erwin suggests.


"Sounds nice." I drawl in approval.


"I will go get it for you." Erwin lets go of my hand, "I won't take long." He walks away.