
Married To A Big Shot

The Story of a Scorned Woman and a Big Shot. A few years after stepping out of the limelight, Elena Huang confidently returns in full swing with revenge running thick in her veins. Elena almost lost everything in the past. Thus, she now plans to worm her way into the life of the most eligible billionaire bachelor of City H, all in hopes that she can use him to solidify her status and seek revenge on those that betrayed and hurt her in the past. But something falls out of her meticulous plan. The Big Shot she was after also happens to be the stranger she had a one-night stand with when she was at the peak of losing herself entirely. What would Elena’s reaction be when she finds out that the man she had been looking for, had been in her line of sight all this while? On the other hand, unknown to her, the elusive Mark Wang remembers her from the passionate night they shared and has since gained an interest in her. Fascinated by her, will he accept her desperate proposal and help her climb the social ranks again when he finds out her intentions? But at what expense? And when Mark’s messy past comes threatening to disrupt their present-day affairs, will they be able to move on together? Most importantly, will Elena finally learn what genuine happiness truly is? ******* ~EXCERPT~ “Mark, if you help me, I promise I will do anything for you in return. Just as long as cheating is not involved.” “You will do anything I want?” Mark probed, his eyes glittering as he focused on her. He now seemed more interested in her promise than in whatever it was she wanted from him. “Yes, I give you my word.” Mark stared into her eyes and seeing how desperate she was, he leaned back into his seat and tapped his fingers on the table. “Careful what you promise, Darling, I’m not a good boy.” “I don’t care,” Elena replied with determination in her eyes. “I’m not a good girl either.” ----- Official commissioned cover by Artist Laylee: @Laylee_hiu Contact me on Instagram: @authorpaschalinelily For firsthand Announcements, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/GywPN7X

Paschalinelily · Urban
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325 Chs

Terms and Conditions

"I need your help to climb the social circle again."

Figuring that Mark didn't have the time for a 'beating around the bush' conversation, Elena went straight to the point.

"Why?" Mark asked as his back relaxed against the backrest of his chair.

She wasn't popular. She didn't have an interesting job that would fit in their 'cabal' list. In summary, she had nothing in common with the people of the social class.

Why was she interested in being a member?

Elena sighed. "I know I don't have what it takes to be there, but I really want to get on that track for personal reasons."

Despite hearing every word that was spoken, Mark remained indifferent with his eyes glued to her face. With the way he stopped eating and held his cup of coffee in his hands, it looked like Elena had a few missing words she was yet to say, the catalyst of the whole conversation.

Elena felt her heart skip a beat with his just staring at her without acknowledging her statement. 'Had she failed?' She asked herself.

With the mindset that she had to do whatever it takes to get him to help her, she tried again, "Mark, if you help me, I promise I will do anything for you in return." She paused for a second before adding quickly, "Just as long as cheating is not involved."

She didn't want it, no matter what kind of cheating it was. She wanted an exclusive agreement with him.

"You will do anything I want?" Mark probed, his interest piqued with his eyes glittering as he focused his gaze on her. He now seemed more interested in her promise than it whatever it was she wanted from him.

"Yes, I give you my word."

Mark stared into her eyes and seeing how desperate she was, he leaned back into his seat and tapped his fingers on the table. "Careful what you promise, Mi Amor, I'm not a good boy."

"I don't care," Elena replied with determination in her eyes while trying not to think too much about what he just called her. "I'm not a good girl, either."

When he told her that she could come to him for help, she never expected to get it for free. She was only grateful that she had found someone she could carry out her plans through.

Mark didn't look like someone she would have a serious issue with. He was brilliant and composed. He could be the best partner she would ever find.

Elena had come prepared instead of living with the failed fairytale from the Cinderella series. There were a lot of Cinderella cartoons and movies right now each with the same storyline of the poor and maltreated pauper ending up with her Prince Charming.

What started as a smirk at the corner of Mark's lips ended up turning into a wide grin. "I like you," he confessed and then went ahead to put down his cup of flat white on the table. "You understand how transactions work."

'Is that a, yes?' Elena thought to herself, not daring to exhale in relief. Even though she hadn't said those words out loud, her questioning brows revealed everything.

Mark was amused by her facial expression. He wondered what it would change to next if he decided to tease her. But on a second thought, he changed his mind.

"Fine. I, Mark Wang, agree to help you, Elena Huang get back into the social class."

Finally, Elena's tensed nerves expanded as her brows and heart rate relaxed. "Thank you. What do you want in return? I will take note of the conditions on my phone and draw up a contract by tomorrow."

"No way." Mark flatly refused a physical contract. "I don't want anyone magically discovering it and leaking it to the press," he said with his gaze pressed on her before carrying on, "We are both honest adults. A verbal agreement is more than enough."

Although Elena was scared about one of them, especially him going back on his promise, she didn't reveal it. But one thing remained a subject of concern. "What do you want from me in return?"

The 'Terms and Conditions' of both parties were very important before the agreement would be sealed.

"Let's date," Mark revealed with a smile that reached his eyes

Elena let out a soft sigh while briefly shutting her eyes. At least he wasn't asking to have another one-night stand with her or do something hideous that would make her regret ever encountering him in the first place.

But wait a minute, he wanted to have a real relationship with her?

Her eyes flew open immediately. "Do you like me?" she blurted out without giving the question a second thought.

That was the only possible reason she could think of. Why would he want a real relationship with her if they could fake one?

Mark found her question so direct that he couldn't give an answer until a few moments had passed. "If I didn't like you, I would have never tried to find you after the night at the elevator."

Already, Elena had been thinking if his helping her had anything to do with her saving his reputation at that party that night, or the one nightstand they had five years ago. But hearing his response, she finally knew that the answer she was looking for was connected to both ideas.

Elena's brows were still constricted in one of the not-so-good expressions Mark couldn't pinpoint. "Relax, I'm not asking you to marry me. I am interested in you, that's why I want us to date," he confessed. "Also, our relationship with make your climbing the social rank, effortless."

Mark picked up the remaining piece of his croissant and added before biting into it, "We don't have to fake anything; besides, I hate lies. It's so stressful to keep up with them."

Instantly, colour drained from Elena's face as her blood ran cold.

Currently, she was hiding a very deep secret from him, one she was not yet ready to unveil.

What would he think of her, and what would he do to her if he accidentally found out about it?

Thinking of how she would be sent packing from the big city and probably chased back to her hometown, she shuddered.

She knew that Mark Wang was capable of anything. And with him giving her a hint about hating lies, she had to take it.

"Actually, I have something important I'm keeping from you," she confessed, staring straight into his eyes.