
Married @ sweet 16

"I may not be the man you choose to love and to be with. I just want you to know, I feel no regrets to all those years that I cherish and love you." The man smiled at him dearly.  "If you ask me something in return for that. It's only one thing.. I want nothing but to see you happy." He covers her eyes where her tears never stop from pouring. "Crying like this is the very last thing I wish to see you. Not until I'm alive."  "For the last time… just this time. Please forgive me for this." The man didn't wait for her to react. He crossed the distance between their lips and kissed her with all his heart while his hand is still covering her eyes. ____________ Married Twice. To two different men. On two different circumstances.  Married at young age. Yuiren Mae and the love of his life on his teenage life got married on her 16th birthday. Married@Sweet16. But misunderstanding test their love to each other. He left her completely lost and broken as her heart shattered into pieces.  Little did she know her first husband who she doesn't remember completely she has, also renew their marriage license also on her 16th birthday. He stayed on her side in her worse and always there for her without asking anything in exchange. Lift her up and make her feel special.  Time will come and she needs to choose. Who among them?  The one she wants to forget but she loves dearly? Or The one she forgot but loves her unconditionally?

Xheiah_kim · Urban
Not enough ratings
107 Chs

Turning into piglet.

Josh checked Yui in her room after the call. He walks over in her bed. She's still sleeping. He touches her forehead. Her fever subside now. After fixing her blanket, he walked outside and decided to make lunch for them.

He almost done cooking when he heard Yui's door opened. "Good morning." She greeted him with weak and raspy voice.

"it's already afternoon little Mae. How do you feel." He guides her to sit on the counter.

"Not good. My head is like about to blow anytime. It's really hurt." She whine.

Josh helplessly chuckle. He went behind her and starts massaging her temple gently. "feels good?"

"Hmnn.. Thanks Josh… Gosh you're good in everything." Yui close her eyes in a good sensation she felt on Josh hands.

"Am I?.. I think not.. There are things that I can't do." He removed her hair band and massage her scalp.

"Like what?" Yui moaned. That's so relaxing..

Josh froze when he heard her moan. How come that simple sound affect him so much. He decided to stop massaging her and continue with his cooking. Yui whined in protest.

"I'm sorry little Mae I need to finish this first so I can feed you and you can take again your medicine." Josh tried to calm himself.

"Fine.. Can I have that massage again later? I really need it. My body really aches."

He looked at her with worried eyes. "Want me to call a masseuse for you?" He continued cutting the last ingredient for the soup.

"What for? I'm sure you're better than them. Can you do it Josh please?" Yui make her voice cute and pitiful at the same time like what she usually do to her brothers when she wants something.

"ahhh… Shi----" Josh didn't continue as he remembered Yui is there. He just groaned in his stupidity. He got distracted by Yui's pleading and lost his focus on cutting. Now he accidentally got slit on his finger.

"Oh my God!!!! Are you alright?!!" Yui run on his side and grab his hand. "You're bleeding!!" she exclaimed.

Josh was about to say something when he froze for what Yui did. She put his finger in her mouth and suck it gently. He also feels her tongue caressing his wound in his finger that's inside her mouth. His body can't move as he felt his temperature rise in notches.

"You're such a klutz.. Stay there I will get the first aid kit." Then she ran towards the bathroom.

When Yui comes back with a box of first aid kit, Josh found himself rooted on the spot in disbelief. He snapped back to his senses when Yui pulled him on the chair and made him sit.

"You should be careful so you can't hurt yourself." Yui scolds him as she putting some antiseptic on his wound. He winced unknowingly when she dab the cotton with solution. "Oh I'm sorry.. I'll make it more gentle." As she said that Yui blow his wound while continuously dabbing the cotton.

Josh face flushed. He felt his ear starting to get hot. As Yui done attending his wound and put band aid with it. She cheerfully raise his hand.

"There.. It's done." She said showing him his finger with pink band aid. "Oh.. There's more!!!" Josh got confused in a moment. He feels a warmth in his heart as Yui kiss his covered wound like what she used to do before. "Now be careful next time OK?"

He ruffled her hair and caresses her cheek. "I will my pretty little nurse." He said with a smile. He pulled her and kiss her on the crown.

"Good.. Now let me help you."

"No.. I'm almost done here. Just sit there and wait as your humble servant serve you."

"Hey!!!.. You're not my servant!!!" She disagrees.

"OK.. OK how about your handsome chef?" He said with a wink.

"Now you're become a narcissist in an instant.. Fine.. Make it faster my handsome Chef because your dear food taster is so hungry now. In fact.. So hungry she can eat you whole."

"Just give me a minute or two milady." Josh playfully bow to her and continue his cooking.

Soon after Josh put the dishes on the table and sit across her.

"What a waste.. Because of your wound I can't get that super good massage from you." Yui pout in dismay.

'Thank goodness!!!' Josh exclaimed inside. "You want me now to call a masseuse for you?" He asked looking at her.

"Maybe next time.. I'll just go back to sleep later." She said poking the vegetables in her plate.

"Quit playing with your vegetables. Here eat more.. You're always eating fast foods look at you.. You're so thin!!" Josh scold her this time. He put a more food on her plate.

"Wait!!!.. That's too much!!!"

"That's just enough... Now eat.."

"Why do I have this feeling that you want to turn me into a pig?"

"Not really a pig.. Just a piglet.. I mean look at you you're so skinny. Good thing Nick didn't asked you yet for some sparring with him or else he will knock you down with just a single blow."

"Hey!!!!!.. I'm not that weak you know.. Although I haven't been in a training for quite a while now.. But still I'm not that weak!!"

"OK.. OK.. Stop pouting that lips you can't get me with that this time. Go eat!!!." He add more vegetables and gave her some soup. "You're not going anywhere until you finish what's on your plate." He said in a stern voice.

Yui had no choice but to follow him.


After eating and cleaning the kitchen. Josh make sure that Yui take her medicine first before she sleeps again. She becomes sleepy because of her colds and also because of the medicine. When he's sure that she's already sleeping, he carefully closed the door of her room. He changed his clothes and left a little on his bedside table near her phone then go outside.

Not long after when he's already on the road his phone rang.

"What's up?"

"It's confirm.. 100 percent that him!!!"

"That bastard!!! I knew it when I didn't see his body anywhere around that area!!!"

"So.. What's your plan?"

"I'm going to finish what I started. I'm going to make him pay… It's a shame my dagger missed his glabella and went to his left eye instead. I was distracted when your sister run towards me and stop me back then. This time I'll make sure he will pay double on what he did.!!!"

"ohhhh… Scary huh.." The guy from the other line laugh. "So.. How is she? Still sick?"

"Just cold.. Her fever is gone now. Just a little rest and she'll be fine."

"She's with you?"

"No.. Not at the moment. I go out for a while. You're sister needs some warm clothes. It's getting cold here now."

"Awww… What a sweet and loving husband you are.. How to be you bro."

"Just shut up!!!" When Josh heard the laughter from the other line he just dropped the call and shook his head. Miko is far more different from his twin Mako. Although they are identical twins. Miko is just like Nick. They share the same personality. While Mako is more like Jake.

Well what he can say is.. Miko and Nick are the kind of demon who will let you enjoy your life first. They will play with you to your heart content before they send you to hell. While Jake and Mako are the kind of demon that will send you directly to hell without batting an eyelids. That's what Saotori brothers are..