
Married Or Contracted

Liam Reigns in the corporate world is a household name , there's no business he ventured into that he doesn't come out successful. He was known to be cruel and heartless despite his calm demeanor and innocent face. Liam's true self surfaced after he couldn't fufill his promise he made to old granny Dawkins on her death bed to marry her granddaughter named Rose. But that promise was left unfulfilled because Rose died in a plane crash in place of her best friend Chloe. He promised himself to avenge the old woman's daughter by blackmailing her friend that caused her death into a contract marriage in Rose's stead. ***** All Chloe wanted to be was a famous actress , her flitting dream came to pass when she was picked by a famous company to be their brand ambassador. But unfortunately for her she couldn't go because of a stomach ache, Chloe couldn't sit back and watch her dream die and pleaded with her best friend Rose to shoot the AD in her stead. But Rose couldn't make it to Spain because she died on a plane crash shattering Chloe soul and her dream . Chloe was confronted by Rose's fiance about her death, feeling guilty Chloe promised to atone for Rose's death in any way she can . From that moment upwards she became Liam's wife on a piece of paper. Caught between her hate and love for Liam , Chloe didn't plan to find herself caring for her husband to the extent she founds herself willing to risk everything to protect him. Getting married was an easy part, but staying in the marriage was another thing entirely and Chloe wasn't happy with the immense filling she's having for Liam . Even fairytale has it's ups and down. When she thought she was ready to face whatever curveball their relationship is gonna throw her way all the lies , the deceit, the manipulation stared her right in the face . She found out she was just a pawn in his game . Whoever said failing in love was a piece of cake hasn't been prickled by its thorn . Chloe successfully found her way back into entertainment industry and it's one step from achieving her dreams and clearing her name . Then Rose, her former best friend and Liam's fiancee who was reportedly dead resurfaced again with a malicious intent of ruining everything the had. Chloe ended up been kidnapped by Gwen an actress and model who was obsessed with Liam

Mirachi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Handsome Stranger - I

At the other side of the city , in a huge mansion , two pairs of well polished leather shoes walked in the beautifully lit hallway . After a few more steps,the two pairs of shoes arrived at a double mahogany teakwood door. Magnificent texts were engraved with bright gold letters into the wood, along with spread out patterns which adorned the door.

After a few knocks the two pairs walked inside the room.

A figure was seen standing at the window , two of his hands rested on the window sill , the moonlight shone in the dark night his mohawk hair danced with the wind . His broad shoulder blocking the moonlight from gaining access into the dark room and bathing it with its bright beautiful light.The shirt he was putting on made from Italian fabric did not do any justice to his well toned muscles.

Sensing a presence in the room Rivero turned to see his right hand man Klaus , clad in a dark blue tuxedo, a black tie , two shiny pair of black leather shoes to match, on his right wrist was a gold wristwatch, his brown hair cut stood out in the moonlight, his beard was well trimmed ,his sapphire orbs shone in the dark room.

Rivero's eyes traveled down from his head to the file he held in his right hand.

" Did you get everything ?" His voice broke the tranquil silence

" Yes Boss, here " Klaus handed him the file containing the details of Chloe Adams.

Klaus scratched his hair in difficulty , he knew his boss doesn't act rashly nor make hasty decisions.But his reason for enquiring about Chloe Adams was what he did not understand. But his boss's voice interrupted his train of thoughts.

" What is it Klaus? " Rivero asked , his hands crossed on his stomach.

" Don't be offended boss , it's just that I don't understand why you deviated from the mission after finding out from scorpion that Blaze protected Chloe Adams"

" What made you think that Blaze Reigns will protect a cab driver and a woman ?" He answered Klaus' question with a question throwing him off balance.

" I-i don't know Boss " your inquisitive nature will bring you trouble one day Klaus he scolded himself, partially wishing his boss will satisfy his curiosity.

" According to Intel, Liam Reigns sent her to pick up brother at the airport. In your opinion, would Liam risk the life of his brother by sending a clumsy woman to pick his brother up ?" He asked again with a raised brow, tasting Klaus knowledge

" Knowing Liam Reigns he wouldn't do such a thing unless ….. she's family" Klaus answered picking the pieces together . Rivero nodded affirmatively

" You didn't get it quite right Klaus, but you made a point " Rivero unclasped his hands from his stomach and opened the file Klaus gave him some minutes ago.

" Name : Chloe Adams

Parents: Father alive ( chronic gambler ) mother (dead)

Sibling: Tyler Adams

Occupation: C listed actress and best friend to the deceased famous actress Rose Smith."

Realization dawn on Klaus , " Chloe Adams was the actress that was framed for the murder of Rose Smith who was the fiancee to Liam Reigns, of she was seen with Blaze Reigns on the order of Liam Reigns which means…"

" That's my point Klaus, so I would want you to set up a meeting with Chloe Adams"

" Yes Boss " Klaus acknowledged him and left almost immediately.



Chloe arrived at a classic Italian restaurant that she and Daisy frequented whenever they wanted to catch-up . She chose to sit at a table close to the window so she could see the view of the city from there. In her disguise, dressed in a knee length body fitted gown and flat shoes , a shawl covered her hair tied at her neck ,and a pair of dark shades covered her eyes.

She has been a hot topic since Rose's death. And Rose's fans are not taking it easy on her, badmouthing her on social media , holding a protest against her at the entertainment company she works with . Her name and face on every news channel , she wonders what they are going to do if they get to see her face to face.

Thinking of that a cold shiver ran down her spine and she shuddered from it , No! She didn't want them to recognize her one bit , till Rose's death is clarified she won't come out in public without disguise.


A waitress approached her table with a menu , smartly dressed in white turtleneck shirt tucked in in a plain black skirt , her long brown hair packed in a ponytail , her feet in average black stilettos. Her smiles reached the end of her mouth.

" Salve signora" The waitress greeted

" Sorry?" Noticing the confusion on Chloe's face figured she's not an Italian

" Sorry, Madam you looked Italian,I thought you are one"

" Oh! am not, am English" Chloe said with a wave of her fingers

" Ok, what would you like to have " She asked passing her the menu

" I have not ordered yet , but I am waiting for someone. But can I have a glass of champagne? Thank you !"

" Coming right up Madam"

Chloe's eyes roamed the restaurant, few people were eating, the rest conversing . A couple that was seated opposite her held hands and said affectionate words to themselves.