
Married Or Contracted

Liam Reigns in the corporate world is a household name , there's no business he ventured into that he doesn't come out successful. He was known to be cruel and heartless despite his calm demeanor and innocent face. Liam's true self surfaced after he couldn't fufill his promise he made to old granny Dawkins on her death bed to marry her granddaughter named Rose. But that promise was left unfulfilled because Rose died in a plane crash in place of her best friend Chloe. He promised himself to avenge the old woman's daughter by blackmailing her friend that caused her death into a contract marriage in Rose's stead. ***** All Chloe wanted to be was a famous actress , her flitting dream came to pass when she was picked by a famous company to be their brand ambassador. But unfortunately for her she couldn't go because of a stomach ache, Chloe couldn't sit back and watch her dream die and pleaded with her best friend Rose to shoot the AD in her stead. But Rose couldn't make it to Spain because she died on a plane crash shattering Chloe soul and her dream . Chloe was confronted by Rose's fiance about her death, feeling guilty Chloe promised to atone for Rose's death in any way she can . From that moment upwards she became Liam's wife on a piece of paper. Caught between her hate and love for Liam , Chloe didn't plan to find herself caring for her husband to the extent she founds herself willing to risk everything to protect him. Getting married was an easy part, but staying in the marriage was another thing entirely and Chloe wasn't happy with the immense filling she's having for Liam . Even fairytale has it's ups and down. When she thought she was ready to face whatever curveball their relationship is gonna throw her way all the lies , the deceit, the manipulation stared her right in the face . She found out she was just a pawn in his game . Whoever said failing in love was a piece of cake hasn't been prickled by its thorn . Chloe successfully found her way back into entertainment industry and it's one step from achieving her dreams and clearing her name . Then Rose, her former best friend and Liam's fiancee who was reportedly dead resurfaced again with a malicious intent of ruining everything the had. Chloe ended up been kidnapped by Gwen an actress and model who was obsessed with Liam

Mirachi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Dinner with my wife

Liam's eyes were fixed on his computer, he had watched the CCTV footage three times yet he couldn't understand the real reason behind Rivero approaching Chloe. For some odd reason they didn't tamper with the cameras in the restaurant. 'which means they wanted me to see this. But why ? '. What are you up to this time Rivero ' he turned his swirl chair, lit a cigarette, inhaled and puffed the smoke in the air .

His hands found its way to the monitor again and he played the surveillance footage once more , this time he watched with a keen interest. At the beginning of the video the voices in the background could be heard loud and clear, he said and heard Chloe's protest when he sat on the chair she reserved for her friend , a chuckle escaped his lips he found himself chuckling at her willfulness . He saw her as a kitty that wants to claw her offender.

After Klaus introduced himself to her he noticed something unusual the rest of their conversation was hazy , almost like a whisper . It occurred to him that they really left the video for him to watch after tampering with it. ' But why would they tamper with the last part of the video ? ' He inhaled a good amount of it and puffed the smoke out . The dark office is now filled with dense smoke . The ending part of the video was like a blur , but his eagle eyes picked out something amidst the blurry visuals. He paused the video and zoomed in on it, his dark eyes narrowed it the discovery of what he didn't want him to see.

Too bad for them he has eagle eyes. ' Tsk , Rivero, your aide did a bad job. He could have erased it, but he didn't; rather he made the video blurry so I couldn't get to find out ' an evil smirk crept up his lips. A normal person would find him creepy at the moment.

For some weird reason the situation seems like a trap to him . 'even if that's the case I will change the game for them, I am not called The Game Changer in vain ' he smiled knowingly at the thought. He knew sooner or later they will find out he is married to Chloe Adams, but he didn't know it will be this soon .

Liam stood up, grabbed his coat that was dropped on his chair and left his office in a long strides, outside his office he saw Blaze leaning lazily on the door of his office. He didn't give him a second glance and walked away towards his private elevator. Blaze, who saw that his brother ignored him , shook his head and walked after him. The elevator was about to close when he got there. Luckily for him, he acted swiftly and stuck his left foot inside the elevator and it opened once again.

Liam did not spare him a glance , rather he pressed the button indicating the last floor of the building.

" What are you doing?"

" Following you " came Blaze nonchalant reply

" For ?"

" To make sure you did not do anything crazy "

" Like "

" Strangling Chloe of course"

" You don't have to"

" Really? The last time you had this look on you went on a killing spree , you even killed my girlfriend !".

" That wasn't your girlfriend she was your toy" He said as a matter of fact

" Literally, Blaze said and rolled his eyes , but you still killed her ! "

" She was a spy "

" Same reason I have to follow you to avoid history repeating itself , besides I had the situation under control "

" It doesn't seem that way to me, rather it seemed like she had you under control. I had to do what's necessary ". Liam mentioned without stress nor did he show any sign of him being affected by what his brother said.

Blaze coughed a little and blinked his eyes when Liam mentioned the obvious of him being used as a pawn by his deceased toy, it was true but he let her have his way because she was his favorite toy and he wanted to figure out who was behind her , but his overbearing brother killed her before he gets to figure it out.

" That's the reason I am following you, so you don't have to kill your wedded bride without proper investigation," Blaze pointed out. Liam only gave him an inquisitive stare " who said I am going to do that ?"

" That's what explains your hurried movement, " Blaze explained, scrutinizing him up and down. Liam smiled at his stupidity.

" Is that why you're following me ? If that's the case you shouldn't stress yourself. Am only going home to have dinner with my wife " Liam said and the elevator stopped and opened just in time for him to step out of it.

Blaze stood transfixed still inside the elevator, after his brother dropped the bombshell on him . At first he was surprised but later he broke down into a serious laughter, he laughed and laughed and bent his shoulders, he held his knees with his hands and laughed really hard, his shoulder now trembling due to his immense laughter . He didn't even notice when the elevator shut on his face.
