
The Failed Drama

"Hey...ahhh...!" Joane Sanjaya fell to the floor, the dress she was wearing was damaged by the spilled drink from her glass.

"You ruined my dress..!" Joane shouted angrily. Nesia laughed seeing it. Gibson wanted to help him up, but Nesia stopped him.

"Don't touch him... be careful if you dare... we'll just go home... I don't like it here!" Nesia pushed Gibson back away from Joane. She seems to be very drunk. Gibson gave the code to Budi Sandi. The man understood. He moves fast he takes the car. Gibson carried Nesia, took her away from the party. Nesia laughed in Gibson's arms. She's like flying.

Joane wept in anger and embarrassment. This party was a mess because of Nesia. Shah Reza helped him up and led him away from the guests.

"Sorry for this incident...!" said Kumar Sanjaya to the guests. What just happened was beyond his control.

"Please enjoy this party...I'll excuse myself for a moment!" Kumar and his wife followed Joane upstairs.