
Married by first sight

Summer Cale just got out of a relationship with her jerk boyfriend who left her for another girl after she had sponsored him through law school for five years. Little did she know that pretending to be a CEO's wife would uncover a lot of secrets.

CaseeJopen · Urban
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18 Chs

Nancy Cale

Summer had her Grandma moved to the same hospital Mr Reeve came to. As she and Chris walked in, Chris saw Nancy leave the doctor's office and he tried to fathom what evil she was up to this time.

  "What are you staring at?" Summer asked. Chris didn't want her to worry. He'd handle it himself.

  "Nothing. Let's go."

Summer had told only Ben were she was. In hope that he wouldn't repeat the stupid mistake he did. She went into her grandma's ward and saw Ben there. He looked apologetic. She looked at her Grandma and she looked as pale as ever.

  "Summer can I talk to you." He began. She looked at him. "Alone." He glanced at Chris. Summer gestured to him and he nodded, sending Ben a threatening look, before leaving the ward. 

  "Summer, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you and grandma." He apologized.

  "Not gonna lie, that was a pretty shitty thing you did. You're better than that. But I appreciate you apologizing though." She accepted. Despite everything, she knew she had to forgive him. It was his parents that was a bad influence on him. Every damn time.

  "There's something I should have told you a long time ago. You and my sister were born on the same day. Dad said he swapped the both of you because you were born into a richer family." He confessed. Summer processed the information she just heard. How could anyone stoop so low?

  "What?" She shook her head and left the ward, torn. She stepped out and Chris held her, rubbing her shoulders. "How much of that did you hear?"

  "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. I know it's a lot to process."

  "If I really am a Reeve, it means that Nancy's a..." She sighed. This was not going to end well at all. Nancy? Really? Chris held her close. He knew she was scared but he would protect her.

Later that night, Nancy and Vincent lay on their bed, laughing at funny pictures on the internet. Nancy's phone rang and she picked it. Her heart leapt with fear.

  "I'll be right back." She left the room and walked further away. "You have the results?"

  "Yes. The two samples Mr Reeve gave me were a match, while the sample you gave me had no relations to them." He said.

  "What!?" Nancy screamed. No no no, this couldn't be happening. "That's impossible!" She bit her fingers. She had to think of something and fast. "Okay, uhm, switch the two female samples. I'll give you an extra million."

  "I don't know. I'm risking a lot here." The doctor replied. Nancy rolled her eyes.

  "Fine! Three million."

  "Okay, I'll do that." He agreed and she ended the call then breathed in hard. Problem solved right? She admired Vincent lying on the bed. Tears filled her eyes.



  "Would you still love me if I wasn't a Reeve?" She asked. It was her wealth that made their relationship fun and without it, she feared he would leave her. He laughed.


  "I'm just asking."

  "Well, yea of I would. I'm not after your money." He chuckled nervously. Hopefully she didn't catch his lie. Nancy smiled then joined him on the bed.

The next day, Summer and Chris were relaxing on the couch, talking and Summer's phone rang. She hoped it wasn't her crazy dad. She picked up.

  "Summer, I really hoped you could be my granddaughter."

  "Mr Reeve... wait, may I ask which hospital Nancy was born at?" Summer asked. She strongly believed that we're in fact related because of what Ben told her.

  "The closest to us at the time of Yvonne's labour was St Regis hospital."

She breathed. It was the same hospital she was born in. Why then didn't the DNA samples match? Chris began texting Cecelia to go to the hospital and find out what really happened.

  "Is it alright if we pay you a visit?" She nodded then hung up. "Nancy and I were born on the same day in the same hospital."

  "Don't worry, my assistant is on it. I got this, okay?" He assured her.

Later, they both arrived at the Reeves house and was welcome by Nancy. Well, not-so-welcomed. She scoffed at the sight of them.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "We're here to see your grandfather." Summer spoke.

  "Well, he doesn't want to see you...now get out before I call the guards." She was about to shut the door when Mr Reeve said from behind her.

  "Nancy, let them in."

Summer gave a smirk and walked past her, Chris too, shoving Nancy aside as he did. Nancy boiled with anger as she followed them to the living room and sat beside her grandfather. Chris and Summer sat opposite them. Summer began.

  "I know it's hard to believe but Grey Cale swapped his own daughter with me because I was born into an affluent family and Nancy and I were born in the same hospital on the same day." Nancy laughed.

  "Where did you get your ideas for a crazy story like that?" She faced her grandfather , "This sounds like a cash grab." She faced Summer. "You have no shame." She took the file from the table and held it up. "Here, these are the test results to prove that you're lying."

Summer smiled. The cunning bitch. She thought she was so smart.

  "Maybe... but that's not enough proof for me... bring him in." At her command, Chris' security guards walked in holding the doctor, he looked tattered and slightly beaten. Nancy's eyes widened in horror.

  "Now's your chance. Tell the truth or go to jail."Chris said to the doctor.

  "Chris saw you snooping around the hospital. Turns out, you were bribing doctors. I figured you do something like this." Summer spat. It was Nancy after all capable of anything.

  "The two samples Mr Reeve gave was indeed a match and Miss Reeve found out the hers wasn't a match and she made me swap the samples." He brought out the cheque Nancy gave him from his pocket. "...you can have your money back."

There was silence in the room for a while, everyone had their gaze on Nancy. How could she stoop so low? Nancy then rushed towards the doctor to attack him but Chris' security held her back. Mr Reeve signaled his guards standing by the door.

  "Lock her in her room and don't let her out until I say so." He ordered. They grabbed Nancy.

  "Grandpa no..." She cried as they dragged her away. "No, no, they're lying... they're all lying!" She cried, kicked and screamed as they took her away.

   "Summer, I'm so sorry, I didn't know that Nancy..."

  "I'm okay Mr Reeve. It's fine." She smiled. Finally. She felt like she had found peace at last.

  "It's really you. If only your real parents were here to see you now." Mr Reeve smiled softly.

  "Christian told me about the crash. But it's okay, we have each other now." Chris placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her forehead.

  "You can call me Grandpa dear." Mr Reeve insisted.

Nancy was thrown inside her room and as the heavy wooden door clicked shut, her cries faltered, replaced by fury. She banged her fists against the door, each strike echoing through the empty hallway.

  "Let me out, grandpa!" she screamed, her voice filled with rage. But the door remained unmoved. Frustration boiled within her, mingling with the bitter realization that she had been exposed. She slid down against the door, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge.

  "I'll make her pay," she whispered to herself, her eyes narrowing with revenge. "I will get you Summer Cale!"