
Chapter- 10

After our dance, I was feeling very irritated with all the lovey dovey acts that we had to do to make the world believe that we were so much in love. So I told Sarah to get ready as we are leaving soon.

After Sarah said goodbye to her friend and father we sat in our car and then we drove towards my penthouse with each of us lost in our own thoughts.

While we were still lost in our thoughts, the driver disrupted the eerie silence of the car by announcing that we have reached our destination. The driver opened the door for me to get down but when he was about to open the door for Sarah, I couldn't help myself from stopping him and opened the door for her myself. I don't know what it is in me but thinking about another make getting close to her something twitched in me and I couldn't help but preventing it from happening.

After getting down from the car we both got into the elevator and I pressed the 40th floor button and waited for the elevator to take us to our destination. Not a single word was exchanged between us since we left the reception party but we both knew that we needed to talk to each other as soon as we reached the penthouse to discuss our current situation.

As soon as we reached the penthouse, I told that I wanted to talk with her.

"Sarah, I want to talk with you about our living arrangement."

"Yeah!I also wanted to talk to you about the same thing."

"I just wanted to make it clear to you that though we got married, you are not allowed to meddle in my and Nathan's life. Thus marriage is nothing but a business deal to me. There will be no husband and wife relation between us and neither we will share any intimate life. You will live your life and I will live mine. And try to stay out of my way as much as possible. Don't expect anything from me. This marriage is nothing but a facade to save the reputayion of our family. But make sure to act like my wife in front of me and I will do the same. But behind the closed doors we don't need to act and we both are free to live our own lives. But whatever you do make sure you don't spoil my reputation or get caught in the eyes of the media."

"Listen even I am not interested in you, yoy are way out of my league so I will not interfere in your life. And I don't need to be discreet about my acts because unlike you I am not a playboy who cannot keep his dick in his pants and will fuck anything that wears skirt. Anyways whatever you do is not my concern but make sure you are discreet when you are whoring around because I have a reputation to behold. Now tell me where is my room. I am really tired."

"Oh please! I don't just sleep with anybody. I have a class and that is why I am not interested in you, you just not upto my standard."

"I don't even want to be of your standard. Those plastic bimbos who will jump at anyone for their money are upto your standard and they disgust me to the core. Now just show me my room. I don't want to talk with you."

"Yeah whatever. Even I don't want to waste my time on you. Your room is that day. Come with me."

"The housekeeper comes in everyday to do the cooking and all other household chores. So you don't need to do anything. And Nathan will come back from my parents' house tomorrow and then he will be staying with us. And make sure you behave well with him and don't try to mess with him or cause him any harm. He means a lot to me so if you try to do anything with him, trust me you are going to regret big time."

"Don't worry I am not that heartless to harm a little kid. I am a paeditritian so I can understand your possessiveness about him. Be rest assured."

"Ok then. Good night."


The next morning I woke up to the delicious smell of bacon and pancakes. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen to see Sarah cooking breakfast.

I was really surprised to see her cooking. Usually daughters of rich fathers are quite spoiled and they don't usually know how to cook. This is really something new that I am witnessing. But who knows maybe she is just pretending and she maybe just like any other girls.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Oh! You are awake. Nothing I was just making breakfast."

"But you know right that you don't need to do all these work. The housekeeper will be here soon and she can do all these work."

"I know that but I am used to do my own work and I was quite bored as well. So I just thought that making breakfast will give me something to do."

"Oh well. Then I guess it is fine. Anyways I just wanted to inform you that Nathan will be here in an hour. So please don't do or say something that might hurt him. He is a bit sensitive. I hope you understand."

"Yes, I do understand Jason. Be rest assured about anything regarding Nathan. I am not going to cause him any harm in any way. Now why don't you go and freshen up. Then we can have our breakfast."

"Yeah! Sure, just give me a minute."

After getting ready for office, I went to the kitchen to see Sarah setting the table. So I took a seat and as soon as Sarah was finished setting everything we dig in our food.

We had our breakfast in silence and surprisingly the food tasted delicious. I wanted to compliment her but I thought better of it and then I went to the living room to wait for Nathan to arrive.

After sometime, I heard the doorbell ringing and I went to open it immediately to see Nathan with his personal driver and bodyguard Mark.

Mark is like a friend to me and knows everything about us including Nathan's real identity. He was working with us since he was a teenager. His father used to work for my father and so on. He is really trustworthy and therefore I trust him with Nathan.

"Where is Nathan's nanny Mark?"

"Sir, she had an emergency back at her home. So she took immediate leave for a week."

"Oh! Ok! Can you look after Nathan today? I have to go to the office and Nathan's school is off today."

"But sir, how can I look after him? I am supposed to come with you. You know right it is not safe for you to go out alone ."

"Yeah! You are right. You go and get the car ready. I will come down soon."

" Ok sir."

While I was still thinking about where I should keep Nathan, Sarah came out of her room. So I thought about asking for her help. Letting Nathan stay with her for only a day will not cause any harm. After all it's just for a day and she looks trustworthy to me. So I decided to ask for her help.

"Hey! Sarah! Can you help me with something?"

"Yeah sure! Tell me how can I help you?"

"Can you keep Nathan with you for today? His nanny is on emergency leave and I have a very important meeting today, so I can't skip office today."

"Yeah sure. Why not. "

"Alright then, I will leave you two to get familiar with each other."


Then I went to my room to take my wallet and my phone. As I was walking out of my room, I heard Sarah asking Nathan what he likes doing. And Nathan tells her how he likes drawing and reading books. Then they decide to do drawing for now and then they will watch a movie and then read a book.

Maybe leaving Nathan with her was not such a bad idea. She seems good with kids. I just hope she doesn't hurt him in way.

With this thought in mind I went out the door and got down the elevator proceeding towards my destination.