
Married and Rejected By My Cruel Alpha

His breath is warm against my lips as he lowers his face toward mine. I melt under his touch and wrap my arms around his neck. We fit together like the last two pieces of a puzzle. He pulls away to catch his breath, his eyes shimmering in the moonlight. “Who are you?” he breathes again, resting his forehead against mine. When Alicia learns she is to be married to the rival pack Alpha, she’s heartbroken. She just met her mate two weeks ago—and now she has to be with someone else. But Alicia will make any sacrifice for her people. Then, when she goes to meet her husband-to-be, she is shocked to see her mate standing in front of her. Problem solved... right? “I didn’t know this was your daughter,” he says in a pained voice. My heart sinks. This isn’t the kind, warm, sweet man I met that night two weeks ago. His expression is cold and dark as he stares me down with hooded eyes. Married and Rejected By My Cruel Alpha is created by Kathy Malkovich, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Author.

Kathy Malkovich · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 39: Why Are You Here, Adrian?

Alicia’s POV

“Adrian…” I breathe, unable to believe what I’m seeing. How did Adrian find me here? “What are you doing here?”

This isn’t the same Adrian I last saw a few days ago. No, this is an Adrian I have never seen before. His shaggy hair is limp, messy, and falling over his eyes, mostly shielding them. His five o’clock shadow is more grown out and unkempt than usual, and his tan skin appears paler in color as if he hasn’t slept in days.

What has happened in the past few days since I left? He looks like a mess.

My heart races in my chest as Adrian walks closer to me. I forget that John is beside me watching the entire interaction and that we’re in line to get into a bar to have drinks. All rational thought goes out the window as Adrian stops a few feet away from me, his eyes glowing under the moonlight.

“I came to see you,” Adrian simply says, never taking his eyes off me.