
Married On The Run!

24 year old Aeon Bakar is the rebellious, reckless and distrusted black sheep of the powerful Elrods family. His family are the strongest and most prominent in the city and beyond. The problem though is that they were utterly perfect. But Aeon was not. He wanted to gain approval from his family like his twin brother but that seemed impossible because he was always getting into trouble. He even got Ivin killed. This bad boy gets into a mess with someone he really shouldn't have offended and his life is threatened. However, what he doesn't plan is crashing a marriage ceremony and getting married to a complete stranger while trying to hide from the men after him. When 22 year old Mira Dhar of the Das family, his new wife refuses to leave him and joins him on the run, she does not see the new world she has been married into. Nor does she expect the tempests that are fated to come.

EstherJacobsII · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

My Wife

* * * *


I was having a good time at the club party, about to get a hotter job from that stripper in the mask when I saw something that caught my attention. I pushed the stripper off roughly, veins popping in my head with anger.

"How dare they mess with what is mine? " I thought, her laughter irritating me further.

I walked up to the bar, barely zipping up my fly.

There was milk girl, leaning cozily on a man's shoulder, her lips buried in his neck. My blood froze with anger. How dare she?

The man is about to grope her behind when I slap his hand off and pull her away.

" How dare you touch my wife? "

My voice is a heavy growl. I feel like a tiger ready to pounce on his prey.

He looked gloomy instantly, his eyes going bloodshot.

"And who are you?" He asks, glancing swiftly at a tall figure in black beside him.

" Are you deaf or you're just simply daft? I already told you who I am." I reply, ignoring whoever it is he's with.

I know he is probably a big shot. Families like mine never let their valued scions go unprotected so the person beside him is probably a very strong powerhouse and I should be careful, but this is how my rage is. Reckless.

" Who is this young man?"

" How dare he be so arrogant before Mr Parker? "

" He is that young lady's husband so they must both be new here."

" He might be a rich scion too to shame Mr. Parker like this."

I overhear the crowd's discussion and it only confirms my suspicions. So, he really is a rich scion. And an arrogant one at that. I look at him to see his face has turned beet red. He must have heard the crowd's discussion too.

" I don't care who you are or which family you come from punk, I want that woman. I already spiked her drink so you might as well let me complete what I started."

" What? "

I look at milk girl who is now leaning on me.

She does look out of sorts. I can see little beads of sweat forming on her brows.

He said he spiked her drink. Could it be with... No.

" You dirty bastard!" My eyes must be red with anger. I want to punch that stupid smirk off his face but the person in black steps in and milk girl stumbles, almost hitting the ground.

" You see mister, I can have anything and anyone I want so it's useless to fight against me. Hand her over." The idiot says, walking over to stand in front of me.

Before I can reply, milk girl is snatched from my side. I see another person in black carrying her on his shoulder.

" You thieving bastard!" The roar is already out before I can stop it. I have never had a girl being snatched so blatantly from me. Ivory left on her own so it is quite different from this. And this one is my wife! How can I possibly take such insult?

I stare at him, my veins boiling with rage. Wait.

Where the hell is Ronald?

* * * * *


" Boss, the plan is in progress but there is a little hitch-"

" Then fix it."

" Boss, I- I can't. It's from a major family. If we offend them, we might gain a powerful enemy."

" Are you doubting me?" The voice was gruff and seemed to vibrate through the phone. The caller shivered.

" No Sir, I would never."

" Then eliminate it. It will delay our plan by a month or so but it will be worth it. We want all his guards down before we strike."

The caller didn't dare argue. If the boss said eliminate, then it was done.

" Yes Boss."

* * * * *


The party was going well until few minutes ago when I heard gasps and murmurs. I hate disturbances, especially when I'm having a good time.

" There is a scuffle Boss. Your friend has gotten into a conflict with Wilson Parker." My subordinate reports.

A groan escapes me. Of course it has to be that rascal. Why didn't I see this coming?

I'm at the bar now and I can see the two spoilt brats in a stand off.

From a distance you would think they are both on equal footing but on a closer look, you would see Aeon is at a disadvantage. His wife is on the shoulder of a man in black and there is another person covered from head to toe in black beside Wilson Parker.

I gasp as I see that person's eyes. It can't be her. It seems like this conflict is way bigger than I thought.

The crowd gives way for me, my subordinates keeping them all at a distance.

" Oh, Mr Heist, you're finally here. I'm afraid I might have caused a bit of an uproar here." Wilson is the first person to speak.

I don't smile. I arch an eyebrow in a questioning manner at him.

" It's not a big deal. You see, I want that woman and he thinks he can stop me." Wilson answers, an evil smirk stretching his lips.

I look over at Aeon, who is about to burst with fury and smile internally.

This friend of mine has never seen this part of life before. If only he knew how ugly it would get. With that person covered fully in black, this can't end well.

" Ronald, she's my wife! We got married barely a week ago."

I feign ignorance, my eyes widening with surprise.

" Mr Wilson, perhaps you chose the wrong one this time. She is married!" I exclaim, watching him grit his teeth with frustration.

" I don't think you understand me Heist, but I won't argue with you. I'm leaving. " He scoffs, and the people in black follow him, taking Aeon's wife along.

I watch Aeon's alarmed expression and laughed in my head.

I think I might as well put on a good show for him.

* * * * *


I was very happy and relieved when I saw Ronald but now, I'm not so sure he knows what he's doing. That scumbag is leaving with milk girl and he's just here doing nothing!

" Hey you, stop! You can't leave with her." I yell, my voice sounding strange even to me.

Is this karma or what? I can't help but remember the guy who wanted to beat me up for marrying Mira.

This annoying guy turns to look at me with a scoff.

" Stop me if you can." He sneers, giving me a disgusted look.

I have never been so humiliated by an outsider in my life before. I ordinarily won't bother about milk girl but she's my wife, I haven't even touched her. Letting him have her will be bruising my ego worse than it is already.

And another problem is, Darken's men can use her to get to me!

I am about to hurl vulgarities at him when the guy carrying Mira lurches forward, clutching his throat his eyes wide with alarm.

I stare with a feeling I can't place as blood gurgles from his throat and he lands on the floor, dumping milk girl unceremoniously in his own pool of blood.

The Wilson guy's eyes constrict with something between shock and terror, then he squints with rage.

" You!" He exclaims furiously, pointing a finger at me.

" Me?"

" I had mercy by letting you live but you decided to buy a death ticket by killing my person with a sneak attack! Now I will never let you off!"

What is he talking about? I never killed his man. I can barely throw a punch at such a huge, agile person.

" No, I-"

" Lee, deal with him! Make sure he dies a horrible death!" He commands the first person in black, totally ignoring my protests.

Dread fills my heart and my knees are buckling beneath me, but I will not beg. I can't beg him!

I give Ronald a pleading gaze, asking him to do something but I can't believe what happened.

My jaw must be hanging open with shock right now and I can't breath.

Ronald just ignored me, smirked and walked away.

How, how could he? Or is this all a setup?