
The summer holidays

During the whole summer holidays Inir and David was totally turning the village upside down. All the young brats from the many families also joined them. Vivi was always running behind Inir, so she was also creating little troubles at the time. They usually go to some farms with trees and rummage through them to get the fruits. Inir and David were protecting Vivi behind them and having fun in the village.

Once Vivi really wanted to climb the tree and get a fruit by herself. But she don't know how or which tree to go also. She is barely two years old. What will she know. But she saw a ladder near a big tree and try to crawl on the ladder. The young ones never knew fear. But halfway through she saw behind her and saw the height and got afraid of the height. Suddenly a scream went through the trees.

All the other boys noticed the villagers coming towards them and started to run from the place. David and Inir noticed that Vivi was missing so started to search for her.

David was the first to find her and immediately called Inir" There she is" And immediately started laughing.

"What happened?Why are you laughing like a mad person?" Inir was getting angry. They have find Vivi and leave this place quickly before getting in the hands of the elders.

"See her. She was trying to climb that tree". He was still laughing in between.

That was when Inir noticed that Vivi was on the ladder trying climb a tree but was crying after halfway. But he was afraid that she might fall so he went to her "Vivi, don't be afraid, come down slowly. I will hold you" he tried to persuade her. But her screaming was getting more. So without a choice he went and told David to get his father.

James was also coming towards them when he heard Vivi's scream. But when he saw her on the ladder, he was also truing to control his laughter.

"Father, don't laugh, Vivi is crying. Fast get her down"Inir was not finding any of this funny.

Then James pointed out and told him"Look, which tree she is climbing"

That is when he noticed that Vivi was trying to climb a Jackfruit tree. And fruit which she was trying to get was double her size. Where did she even get the thought of climbing a that tree and getting that fruit. Inir was amused.

"See it was because you, her elder brothers were misleading her so she also wanted to try despite her size and capabilities. So when you are with Vivi be more thoughtful and keep her safety in your mind. Or else your uncle will not be ready to marry her to you" James also used this chance to teach his naughty son.

"I am not her brother. I will be her husband. I will watch my actions hereafter" Inir firmly replied but with a little guilt.

Then James climbed over the ladder and got her in his arms. After that incident, Inir never went to play with the village boys, he was mostly playing in his house with David and Vivi. David also felt guilty that his sister got into trouble because of him and his friends so he also kept a watch on her. The days went on, Samuel and Jasmine came to visit the kids alternatively as someone has to be at home watching Nina. Vivi was getting better during the time when she was in the village.

She started to talk as well but she never called Samuel as pappa. She started calling him father and Jasmine as mother, same way Inir is calling his parents. Samuel was feeling sad but something was better than nothing. So he was nevertheless satisfied.

After the summer holidays got over, Samuel came to pick David and Vivi. Both were reluctant to leave but they have to go back to their house. So on the day of return, Vivi was clinging to Inir not leaving him. Inir also didn't want her to leave but she has to go to her house. So they left the Village and returned to Samuel's house.

Vivi totally forgot about her sister. So when they reached house she saw that Nina was trying to stand holding the door panel and smiling at her mother she was shocked. She thought that the new baby has left the house, so she was happy to come back. But when she saw how happy David was when he saw the new baby and went to her, but she didn't go inside. Samuel lifted her in his arms and went inside. He saw Jasmine and handed Vivi to her. But at that moment Nina was about fall down due to her week legs, as she is still a child. So he immediately went to her and lifter her in his arms. She didn't want to be here with the new baby. She immediately got down from her mother and ran inside the house without turning back.

The parents were really sad about her behavior. But they also can't do anything about it. Samuel put Nina down on her mat and ran after Vivi but he can't find her anywhere. He was really frustrated with her behavior but it was also his fault that he didn't control himself and shouted on her previously.

"Vivi baby, where are you?"

But there was no sound.

" Pappa has brought a chocky for you. Do you want to eat it or your brother will take if you come late".

But still there was no sound of her. So he thought she might have gone into any of the rooms. So he went to each room but he couldn't find her.

David came behind him and said "Dad, I know where she will be. Inir told me"

Then he went to the room where Inir and Nancy has stayed before. But he has searched before, she was not here. Then David crawled under the bed and said "Vivi come let's go and have some chocky and milk"

Then she came out slowly. Samuel couldn't say anything. Anyway it was his fault from the beginning. So he went outside.

Then David came outside with Vivi tailing behind him like his shadow. They went to the main hall were their parents were sitting. Vivi didn't leave David's side even for a minute. Nina crawled fastly and came to their side as well. She was smiling with her milky tooth as well at Vivi. But Vivi was looking at her with so much fear and clutched David's shirt.

"Vivi see this is our sister. She will be with us. She will also play with us. Just how we were playing in the village with other kids. See she is smiling at you. She likes you. Come see her" over the time, David has already become a little parent for Vivi. He has also seen how Inir use to talk to her and explain things and she will obey without a word.

"Brother.. brother.. afraid" but Vivi was totally in a different understanding. When the baby comes to her, her father will scold her. So didn't want the baby to come near her.

Tears were already coming out of her eyes. She totally went behind David and hid.

Jasmine came and took Nina away from that place and put her on her stroller. Then Nina started walking towards other direction.

"Vivi baby come mother will give snacks for you and your brother" Jasmine came to a point that he didn't want to do anything regarding this sisters. Once they grow up, they will understand each other and come to a solution by themselves. Samuel was also very tired of this. So he also left the matter to fate and went back to his works.

The following days were same, Vivi never come face to face with Nina. Especially when Nina was crying, whatever the reason maybe, but she will run away and hide under the bed. Even during night time she will react the same way. The couple was really afraid that something might happen if this continues so they again planned to send Vivi to the Village.

Samuel went to drop Vivi at James house and came back in very foul mood. But they can't do anything about it. This is for the sake of their children. But since this matter, the jolly and easygoing Samuel was long gone and became very silent and reserved type. He was also not smiling much. He never come in direct contact with any of the kids. It was always Jasmine who was taking care of the kids.

Vivi was reacting the same way even after six months. So they let her stay at the village. Samuel will go to the village every weekend if he didn't have any pressing matter he has to attend. Even though he doesn't talk much, it was clearly visible that he wanted his daughter to be in her eyes distance. Even though Nina was staying with her parents, only her mother was the only one who takes care of all the time. But Vivi was worst, she was living in someone else's house without a mother or father at her back. All four of them were having some pity in their eyes when ever they looked at her.

Nina's birthday party was not as happy as Vivi's. They just cut a cake and had a dinner. But Vivi was not present so they didn't have any mood to celebrate. This continued for next few years.