
chapter 7(I have a step son!!!)


What!! , he has a son , and he didn't even tell me about it, I made a sound to be noticed, they both turned towards me,"oh I'm sorry, Evelyn this is my son, Stefan smith, and Stefan this is my wife Evelyn isn't she pretty"Collins introduced us to each other, Stefan was. Staring at me, and he smiled and said "hey nice to meet you Evelyn, or should I say step mom"he chuckled, and I felt kinda angry the way he addressed me I replied "it my pleasure to meet you, I hope we get to know each other"I said


What,a pretty young lady, she looks so beautiful, I walked up to her to shake her , she was hesitant but gave in , her hands are so soft and silky.

My dad left he said he had an urgent meeting, I saw it as an opportunity to get to know her better.

"Hey" I said, she looked at me so intensely,and replied saying"hi, nice to meet you "

"Well can I know u more, tell me about yourself "I asked her. She replied and asked me. " What do u want to know about me??"lol,I replied"your name , age hubbies, why u agreed to marry my dad and so " "well "she replied" I'm Evelyn Scott, I'm 19, I like to read, cook, sing and play games, I married your dad cause I love him."

" Whoa , u re so young, how did you fall in love with him and u re interested in older men?"

Evelyn -"yes I am , any problem?"Stefan -"no not at all it's okay, I have to go talk to my dad see u later.

As I was on my way to dad's study, my mom called me, she's asking me how dad was I said he was fine, and I told her he is married joyce-"married when, how, to whom, like seriously?" Stefan-" yh mom he is to a lady named Evelyn she's quite young, anyways bye mom talk to u later I'm kinda busy right now.


What!! He has a son and didn't tell me about it , I'm I not important.

Anyways we just got married yesterday so , maybe I don't really know much about him.