

She is a cheerful cafe owner who is hoping for her boyfriend to pop the question but is instead surprised to find out that he has been cheating on her.... He is a famous actor who is planning to propose to his girlfriend and even make their relationship public when she suddenly gets married to another man.... Both heartbroken souls set out to let out their grief and anger but things go out of hand when they spark rumours of being in a relationship.....forcing them into a marriage of convenience with one another.. Two strangers,same heart break...will they be able to heal each other or have their hearts gone cold from being heartbroken.... Follow Jiang Hao( HE) and Sang Yi( HER) on this journey of healing

asha_dayah · Urban
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44 Chs


" Are you sure about this?" asked," Iam sure...I want to have time for my self for now...get out of the spotlight and all the judgemental looks everyone has been giving me for the past years over every single thing I do." I explained," Look the reason why Iam asking is because I don't want you to make a hasty decision because you overly emotional...take some time to think about this." she added," I have thought for days...it's not like the cancellation won't do good for the company...didn't they want to cancel the contract too?" I replied," I'll give them what they want...it's also what I want anyway." I added as she sighed and walked to her cabinet..." As much as I don't want this...I still respect your choice...so give me a week's time to draft the cancellation document and revise the terms and conditions...." she replied as I smiled at her...she had been my manager from the very first day I walked into this company..she had been a friend too and I figured she was feeling the pain of parting from me as well...but I still stood firm on my decision.

As I left the company, I received a call from Jiang Lili ( my sister), it was surprising that she had held back from calling since this incident began but I figured to leave it that way since she also has an entire company to run all on her own.



" A cafe, restaurant, a park or even my home...we could have met in any of those places so why did you pick a boxing gym?" I asked Jiang Lili who was fastening her boxing gloves," Well it's been a while since ive practiced this...I want to see if I still got that charm." she replied," Well..you could practice as I sit and watch...why do I have to be your sparring partner?" I asked as she smiled mischievously..." Ohhhh...no you are just going to stand defenselessly as I throw my punches at you..." she replied as I stepped back a bit," What are you talking about?' I asked," Well I deserve to hit you atleast once for lying to me.." she replied as she walked towards me....and threw a punch that almost landed on my face..." Hey!!!!!" I screamed....I slowly opened my eyes and stared back at her and the glare in her fiery eyes was enough to tell me how she felt...she was angry!



" If you think icecream is enough to fix this then you are humbly mistaken..." she said as she scooped some and had a taste," Well maybe four more would.." she added as we both laughed..." Look Jiang Hao..I understand that we both have our lives and that we both don't want to burden each other but we are the only family we have....and we need to share our burdens to feel a bit lighter." she explained as I felt moved by her words," I know...and Iam really sorry i left you out on this...but you have the company too and I know it's stressing so I didn't want to add this on that as well." I explained as I reached out for her hand," But I agree with what you have said....we need to learn how to share our burdens." I added as she stared at me with tears in her eyes," So what's the truth now...?" she asked," I mean...is what you and Sang you have fake or real?" she added," Do you like her?" she added as I smiled at her," Of course I do...yes this entire thing started out as fake but I really did fall for her....I don't just like her...I love her." she said as I bit my lower lip and looked away shyly..." Yaahh!!! stop it !!" she exclaimed..." Well Iam glad....uhhmmm you know I could have forced you into a contract marriage at some point if that's what it took to find the person you love." she explained..." And Iam glad you did..." she added as she continued having her icecream..." Does this mean that you aren't angry anymore?" I asked as she stopped and glared at me.." Well...I will have to order a few more of these before I decide." she said with a smile over her face," Of course.. anything for my beautiful sister." I replied as we both laughed.




" She has been responding positively to the medication...and we can tell that she is getting better ." she head nurse said as I sighed with relief..." Although I have to say..she needs to get away from this place." she added," What Iam trying to say is that ...I believe she feels confined in this place .she doesn't feel free and I guess that could be hindering her complete recovery so we were thinking...how about you take her home...some where she could feel free and surrounded but loved ones....I believe spending more time in a relaxed environment will definitely help her heal even more." she explained..." Well...I would love to spend time with mom too especially if it will help with her well being....." I said as I stopped to think ...." Can I get back to you after I make some preparations?" I asked as she patiently agreed...since we share the house with Alia ..I had to talk to her and I also had to make other preparations...so I needed some time.

After talking to the head nurse, I went to see my mom...she was sorted in the garden as always stating at flowers...I called out to her and she turned back and smiled at me....it has to have been the warmest of smiles I had received from her for a while now...so maybe she really was getting better.

" Mom...Iam going to take you home with me, Iam going to take good care of you until you get better." I whispered to her as she continued to pay more attention to her flowers and rather than me...but it was okay...all of that was going to change once I started living with her.



" What are you talking about?...it's auntie and not some stranger you don't have to ask." Alia said," You finally have time to spend with her...Iam more than happy to let you guys have this place all to your selves.." she added," You really don't have to leave....we can all stay here together." I said as she politely declined," You should spend time with your mom....l will find a place to stay." Alia replied with a smile.

I couldn't let her look for a place to stay on her own, as much as Alia was a social person, she also kept her close friends limited so I figured she was either aiming for a hotel room or any other place Iam not aware of ....I had to help her out so I called Eric and asked him to recommend me a few nice apartments that were available and cheap to rent...he seemed pretty enthusiastic about the idea of helping Alia out so I figured it was all going to work out.




" You should have asked me....I have plenty of comfortable villas you could stay in with your mom.." I said...." It's okay...you already have alot in your plate so I didn't want to add to it...plus Alia has agreed and so I'll be staying with my mom at my place..." Sang replied as he slowly passed her hands through my hair," Just don't ever feel restricted from asking for my help." he replied...as I stared down to her lips..." Is that a new lipstick colour..." I said as she quickly wiped touched her lips..." There is no lip stick.." she said as I smiled mischievously and stole a kiss from her...." Jiang Hao!!" she exclaimed as we both laughed...."l'll get my revenge soon..." she added as I pulled her my the hand and made her sit on my lap..." You can revenge right now..." I said as I closed my eyes," Are you sure?" she asked as she caressed my neck....I felt an electric surge passing through my body as I anxiously waited for her kiss..." Open your eyes already..." she said as she stood up from my lap..." Why??" I asked," That's my revenge..." she replied as I smiled through the pain..." Ouch..." I exclaimed as she laughed her way out of the room...." Forget it.." I said to my self as I slept back in the couch....


