
Marriage of a village girl

Nokubonga_Mbatha · Urban
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21 Chs

Chapter 15

I woke up the following day with rays of light penetrating through the small opening of the curtains . I was happy for the new start of the day ,I went downstairs and halfway through the stairs I was immediately hit by a beautiful aroma of smell I was drooling and my legs carried me to where all of my problems could  dissipate.

As I made my way to the kitchen I was met with a handsome Zweli showing of his hard body and well built muscles to say he wasn't sexy would be an understatement . "I made pancakes and some bacons , they will be ready in 2 minutes ", I was shocked to know that he felt my presence .

As if feeling my eyes drilling his back he turned around and raised his eyebrow in a questionable way and smirk , it didn't register to me that I was still ogling him . I averted my eyes of him quickly not wanting to embarrass myself even more because  I knew I looked like a tomato.

He beckoned me  to sit down and I did as he said I was still baffled by the new treatment .A few moments later he brought a plate , I smiled I was very much happy for the kindly gesture.

I sat there gawking at the food , I didn't realise I was starring for too long until I heard him say ,"You don't like it ?", He said that in a pained voice. "No no no am sorry it's just that am not use to have my food being prepared by someone else", it was the honest truth and on top of that Zweli was the one who made that food.

He just nodded in an understandable way, I couldn't keep my curiosity from wanting to resurface I decided to ask him a question I have been wanting to ask . "Ummm is Layla not coming to join us ?", he looked at me and just shocked his head .

I don't know if he felt like he should justify his answer , "She went out to meet with her friends early ", I nodded not wanting to paster him with more questions.

"So how is the new job treating you ", I was shocked and I spitted my drink back into the glass. When I brought my eyes to him he had a smirk on his face and a look that said 'you think I didn't know '.

I decided to play dumb, "What new job ?", I said that with coughs in between. "Oh you know that job of yours at the Café ",he said that as if it was the most normal thing ever.

"You knew about that?", I was surprised that he didn't stop me from workimg there yet. "Yes Thandiwe I knew but what I don't understand is why would you hide that from me .....?", he trailed off and said ,"Actually why do you need to work ?".

I had to tell him all of my reasons even though I was not sure how he would take all of that but it was worth a try I might as well just say goodbye to my work and new friends.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about the job I was afraid that you will stop me from wanting to work, I just wanted to feel the sense of freedom and independency I just didn't want to stay all cooped up in this house for the rest of my life ", I felt a sense of pride take inside of me ,I felt as if a huge burden had been lifted of my shoulders.

I saw him watch me sternly and I just didn't back down I looked him straight in the eyes ,I knew that he was surprised to see me stand up for myself and take pride in what I do.

"I suppose I can make an exception in that case but I don't like being disrespected like that imagine what all of this could do to my reputation what will people say , they will say how I let you stoop so low and work at a Café while I have money?".

I saw him fuming but that's not what I was focussing on he said he van make an exception wait does that mean he's okay with me working there or not ?. "I am sorry Mr Majola I didn't mean to be disrespectful I just wanted to know how does it feel to wake up early in the morning and go face other people in the big world rather than scrubbing the floor all day", He was still a bit ataken by my new self confidence.

"Now that you've felt it I want you to quit the job this instance", I was angry at that moment how could he be so mean towards me Layla was allowed to do as she wondered whiles I had to be told what to do.

I was tired ,tired of the way I was treated , tired of being told what to do, tired of being Zwelis puppet. "Oh so now you are tired wow you have a way of showing it", my subconscious was the biggest bitch she was always mocking me.I had to put a stop to everything.

"Well to bad because I will not do as you would like, I am my own person ", I said that as I was standing up going towards him . "I am tired of you  controlling me , I have had enough of you BS , I have been nothing but good to you not even when you were hitting not even when you raped me, but for once in your life you can't allow me to be me and enjoy my life you always want to ruin me. But all that is going to change ,you see this is a new me you don't get to question my action you don't get to tell me what to do ", I said that as I stabbed my finger in his chest he looked scared and shocked I didn't take that as a sign to back down but I was angry ,angry at everyone for treating me badly angry at myself for even allowing that to happen.

I was angry at my parents for never thinking about me angry at them for not loving me. " I am going to work in that café with or without your concern because I don't care what you think because am done allowing you to dictate my life", I felt like patting myself on the shoulder I was so happy that I could stand up for myself to my biggest bully.

He started at me and cleared his throat he stood up and was just hovering above me he brought his lips to my ears I felt his hot air tickling me I won't lie he did have an impact on me. All my blood rushed downwards my breathing decided to escalate I had to take a shake intake.

"Don't ever do that to me if you ever think that you want to feel inferior think again because next time I won't hesitate to lock inside the house and make you suffer", he made sure to that I understood him I was so scared that he would think of doing something like that but hey this is Zweli we are talking about.

He said that and marched off but before he could round the corner he said ,"You can continue working but you still have to do your wufe duties in this house".

To say I was not happy would be an understatement.  I was now going to be able to go to work without having to worry about what will Zweli do if he found out about my whereabouts.

I was also relieved that I was able to tell him everything without even backing down I was proud of myself and my newly found confidence.