
Marriage isn't always easy

A young-married couple reunites after the husband came home from the Navy. Not long after the young couple decides to have their first child. Not knowing what might happen to their unborn child.

Danni_B · Realistic
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5 Chs

Finally home

In the evening I heard a knock on the door. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I opened the door to see who it was.

"Makayla, I missed you so much."

My jaw dropped, I finally managed to get the words out of my mouth. "Daniel, I missed you so much, how was work."After saying that.

I gave him a passionate kiss on the lips. He walked into the house. "So what's for dinner my love," he said.

I laughed and said, "What do you want for dinner?" He looked at me thinking about what he wanted to eat.

"I want pizza for dinner," he uttered.

"Little Ceasars or pizza hut?" I asked.

"Pizza Hut would be nice" Daniel smiled as he said that.

I smiled "What kind of pizza would you like, I know I want pepperoni pizza." I said to Daniel.

"Please get me cheese pizza babe," Daniel remarked.

Thirty minutes later the delivery guy came and ranged our doorbell.

"Hello, You ordered a pepperoni pizza and cheese pizza," the pizza guy remarked.

"Yes, sir I did thank you for delivering my pizzas to my house," I said.

"That will be thirteen dollars and ninety-five cents," the pizza guy said.

I gave him the money and a twenty-dollar tip. He walked away with a huge smile on his face. Which made me happy, I love to see people smile.

We sat down on the couch, put the pizza on the table and put on a movie. My favorite movie I put on was El Dorado.

I started to fall asleep in the middle of the movie. Daniel cut off the tv, Picked me up and carried me to our bedroom.

"I really thought you'd stay awake, Makayla," Daniel said.

He placed me on the bed, pulled the cover back. Put the cover on me. Kissed me on my forehead. "Goodnight my love"  Daniel retorted.

Daniel woke me up to breakfast in bed. I never thought he'd do that though. Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and strawberries.

"That was so delicious, Daniel," I said patting my stomach.

"Your welcome, I knew you'd love your breakfast.