

Adriano, don of the italian mafia, cold, ruthless, daring and only cares about himself. He's known for killing anyone who crosses him without flinching for even a second. During the background check of the don of the mexican mafia who's indebted to him, he comes across a picture of his daughter and is stunned enough to request having her as his wife or else he'll take his life. Novalie, sunshine going through her own share of life's disparity, who tries to face the world with optimism and hopefulness that anguish won't arise again. Unfortunately, her hope is set ablaze when her father, don of the mexican mafia, arranges a marriage for her with the don of the italian mafia to settle his debt and save his life. Despite the fact that situations led her to become a misandrist, will she be able to find comfort in a man in spite of her truama and inhibitions? Is there more to why he wants to marry her? and will he soften up and become what she needs? You can read my book on wattpad to see the pictures and aesthetics at, Marriage in a mafia world by su6san on Wattpad

Su6san · Urban
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8 Chs

CHAPTER 1 - Novalie

(TW- Mentions of violence and sexual content)

I'm paralyzed in shock.

The events that occurred in the last hour seem a little too thick to digest.

I snuggle further into my pillow to recount what had just happened hoping to comprehend this time.

Papa had just got back from a six-day trip. I'm not sure where he went to, I hadn't gotten the chance to ask yet. What I do know is, the trip definitely displeased Mama.

On his arrival, Mama and I rushed down to welcome him and soon after, they both left to their room. Mama has been yelling at him ever since.

My inquisitiveness was killing me because if it were thirty minutes before, I wouldn't have been able to picture her and my father at a cross.

Just as I was about to give up on respectfulness and go inquire, I heard a knock on my door before it swung open. I was greeted with a remorseful looking papa and a saddened, crying mama. Seeing mama in that state made my heart ache and I quickly rushed up to my mother and enveloped her in a hug while quietly asking what was wrong but she seemed too struck to talk.

I gave my father a questioning glance and he said in almost a whisper, "I have something to tell you carino, please sit"

Although very confused, I led mama to my bed and sat beside her. My dad sat on the chair at my desk and sighed, I could sense the hesitation in his form though it lasted below a second.

"You're getting married, princesa" he said quickly and I just stared. I heard ma quietly sob beside me.

I was very bemused and gave him a questioning look.

"I was in columbia for business, I met with my associate in a cafe and soon after he left, a man came up to me and insisted I follow him else he'll shoot. He had pointed a gun a little below my torso, unnoticeable to the eye of the indifferent people around. I took a quick glance around wondering where the hell my body guard was. Unable to find him, I was about to pull out my gun but the man moved quicker and pulled it out from my back pocket before I got to it. I was confused and too slow to act. Left with no other option, I obliged and followed him. Outside, there was a van of which two other armed men, dressed alike with the man leading me, stood waiting. They led me in, blindfolded and tied me up and then I was taken to an undisclosed location. a warehouse, strategically surrounded by atleast two dozen armed men. The two men dragged me in and abruptly let go resulting to my harsh landing on the hard floor" he said rubbing his knee through his suit pants.

"Luckily for me, they didn't waste time torturing me. They said they brought me for a simple meeting when I inquired" he continued and I attentively listened hoping to grasp his point

"They led me to their boss, that kid. I am indebted to him. obviously, not cash cause then it wont be a problem. I owe him my life. He saved me once, when I was in the hands of the albanian mafia a few years back, few seconds till death, he intercepted. Just at the right moment, he came in and killed the man who was previously seconds from blowing my brains away. Their boss gave me two options. He demanded something, he demanded to have you as his wife or else he'll take away my life. He even made a snark comment about how ironical it will be for him to take my life after once saving it" I listened as he narrated without interrupting.

"That kid, what an inane and half-witted proposal. And the worse part? I have no idea how it came about or why he seemed to be so interested in you. I tried to ask but he seemed ignorant to say" I sensed his apologetic tone.

Finally able to muster a word, "w-who?" I stammered.

"Lo siento, querida" {I'm sorry, darling} he paused. "It's Adriano Milano, don of the italian mafia. You'll be meeting him in two days to discuss the marriage." He said, saddened as he pulling me up to hug me while giving me a kiss on the cheek. He then, led mama out of my room, her still sobbing as they left.

I laid on my bed, trying to process the information I had just recieved and that brings us to where we started. My shock.


His life.

Two days.

Adriano Milano.

Thoughts that spun in my head as I tried to understand.

"Why do I have to marry?" I said out loud to no one but myself, hoping I might be able to answer my own question.

"Did pa choose to sell me off without a second thought, I want him alive but did he even consider the second option?"

Shit thats selfish, you really want your daddy to die just so you dont get married? My subconscious replied.

A tear fell down from my cheek as my breathing started to become erratic. I willed myself to not think of why I subjected to misandry, why my father and brother had become the only men in my life that didn't make me nervous and scared. I tried to remember what therapy had taught me and tried to prevent myself from having another panic attack. I was strong willed and determined to not return to that dark path, and just at the moment I was about to seep through, I stood up and made another attempt to change the path I'm being pushed through. I couldn't imagine being forced to marry that gender.

"And who the fuck is Adriano Milano to just seat back and request what isn't his?" i said almost yelling as I walked out of my room going to the only person who could still help me. Mum already seemed retired so I might as well try my last option.

I didn't bother knocking before I opened the door and I instantly regretted that.

The image before me, my brother, on his bed, sliding in an out a lady, thankfully under the covers. But still, I gagged.

"ew ew ew ew what the fuck Miguel" I said shading my eyes to close them, not wanting to witness that again and giving them the opportunity to get decent before I spoke.

"Hey sis, forgot about manners?" he said thrusting into her again and she moaned. She moaned, for my brother, in my presence. I dry heaved still in the corner.

"Um, I've been scarred enough for a lifetime in just one day so I'll be waiting for you outside I guess" I said stepping out and before I closed the door I heard him mutter, "I'll be back for you beautiful" then he gave her a peck which was on the verge of advancing into a make out session.


Outside, the thoughts of my brother being the ultimate flirt and his compulsive sexual behaviour made me chuckle. He'll never change, I thought. And for a second, just a second though, I forgot my turmoil.

"For what big reasons am I interrupted during intercourse, hermanita?" he said coming out and closing the door behind him.

"Apparently I'm getting married" I said not wasting any time.

"what?" he chuckled and I narrated everything I had just found out to him.

The look on his face, I had that look a while ago too. Confusion. Unlike me, he didn't waste time thinking and quickly strode to my parents room while I sluggishly followed behind. Just like me, he didnt knock too, he just opened the door and walked in.

"Why the fuck does she have to get married?" he said glaring at my dad and I could feel the coldness in his voice from where I was standing.

My brother and I have always been close. We never told eachother we loved eachother cause there was no need, we both already knew.

"Do you want me dead, hijo?" {son} "do you really think I want to marry my daughter off to just any man, I've always wanted her to marry whoever the fuck she wanted and i trusted. And if she didn't want to marry after what had been done to her, I had prepared to come to peace with that. But now, was i given that option? fuck no" he said annoyed he couldn't have done anything to protect me.

And before miguel had the chance to talk, dad continued, "Look at you, Miguel. if I die you're obviously not ready to take over this mafia. Yes, you're good at the missions you perform, but your weakness? your weakness is women. If I die, our enemies will send women to decieve you and take over. Yes, one day you will take over, but right now, you're all but ready to be a leader." he said to miguel and i could sense miguel's grief and anger when he said, "but at the expense of your only daughters safety and wellbeing?"

"I didn't know what to do" my dad said gripping his head in agony. "Please be kind to, him princesa, I dont think he'll hurt you unless you give him a reason to" he added remorsefully and without a response I walked out of the room, uninterested in the conversation anymore.

I'm getting married. I'M getting MARRIED!

I tried to stable my breathing. I refused to return there. I sobbed.

Miguel walked in just then, he immediately engulfed me in a hug and kissed my forehead.

"If you don't like him when we meet him, I can marry him for you" He joked and I giggled.

"Promise?" I smiled.

" Ofcourse, I can already imagine how sexy I'll look in my white dress when marrying that handsome specimen" he said using gestures to describe and I laughed.

Miguel has always knew what to say to cheer me up. I stopped crying and we spent time together, keeping eachother company till he left to return to the woman he has over.

"Mr Promiscuity" I teased as he left and he chuckled.


There you have it, the first chapter!!

Thankyou you for reading and please support me by voting and commenting☺️

Have a great day!❤️

~1755 words



There you have it, the first chapter!!

Thankyou you for reading and please support me by voting and commenting

Have a great day!

~1755 words


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