
Marriage Deal

"What do you want Xavier?" "Cal I want to talk to you." "You're talking now." "I really need to talk to you. Don't shut me out." "We have nothing to talk about. You got what you wanted right so leave me the fuck alone. Calvina and Xavier are paired together by their fathers and none of them liked the idea. What will happen if they spend one month together alone. Will they face all odds and be together as one or will they decide to part ways as they always did. Let's follow Xavier and Calvina on this topsy turvy ride of love, hate and business. Who knows they might end up falling for each other or worse.

Esther_Laryea_3606 · Urban
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25 Chs



This is the worst morning ever in my life. Who wants to know why. I will still tell you guys. So I woke up this morning and my favorite coffee was not done I ignored. My dad called and told me there was going to be an emergency family meeting cool right. My little sister too called and told me that she needs help with her cheating boyfriend and my best friend Andrew also wants to accompany me to the family meeting since he's considered part of the family.

I'm rambling a lot but I've not introduced myself. My name's Calvina Williams am 25 and the CEO of my family's business. Yes so I'm fucking rich and I'm also a tomboy. So I was on my way to work with my bike when some crazy guy nearly run me over. I stopped my bike and walked towards his Benz and the dimwit also got out.

"Hey. What the fuck was that?"

"I should be asking you that question. You were speeding up like a crazy idiot."

"I was following the signs you were the one rushing on the street as if hell broke loose."

"Its pointless talking to you. I'm going to work."

With that he entered his car and drove off. What an idiot. I also walked to my bike and arrived at work. When I got to my office my secretary Lisa came to meet me.

"Good morning Cal."

"Morning Lisa. What's today's schedule?"

"You have a meeting with Drones company at 10,a meeting with Andrew's company at 2pm and some paperwork to sign."

"Thanks Lisa you are a lifesaver. Is my coffee in my office?"

"Yes Cal. Have a blast"

I turned on my laptop and prepared my business plan to present to Drones company for their partnership.


Work over I packed my bags and was about to go to my place when my dad called.

"Hey son when are you coming?"

"Dad I'll be over in a minute."

"Well be quick cause the meeting can't start without you."

"Yeah alright"

Hello I'm Xavier Stone. I'm 29 years and the eldest in my family and so naturally I became the CEO of my father's company. I was told my father wanted a family meeting and I had to attend. I  drove over to their place and entered the study and met my father with another man and a lady and my little brother.

"Dad I'm here."

My dad turned to look at me with the other man.

"Xavier. Good you showed up."

"Yeah so what seems to be the problem"

I sat down on a chair and my dad smiled.

"Xavier this is my best friend Fred."

Fred: Hi Xavier its finally nice to meet you.

Xavier: Likewise sir.

Collins : He is the owner of Calvin's company.

Xavier: Really? So you are the multi billionaire?

Fred: Oh no I am a multi millionaire. The billionaire is my daughter Calvina. She does all the magic.

Xavier: Well maybe we can meet and partner up.

Fred: That would have to take a lot of come convincing to do.

Collins: That's what we are here to discuss. Where's Calvina by the way.

Calvina: Here did I miss something dad?

I turned and saw the person I nearly run over today. I'm sure she also did because of the glare I got.

Calvina: what's he doing here?

Collins: I can see you already know each other.

Xavier: Well yes I kind of tried to run over her.

Collins: Okay let's start then take a seat Calvina.

She sat down beside her sister and my dad started talking.

Collins: Okay the reason we are here is to tell you guys about your wedding.

Calvina: Excuse me who's wedding?

Fred: You and Xavier Cal.

Xavier: Wait what? I can't just get up and marry someone I don't even know.

Fred: That's where I'm getting at. You guys would spend one month alone in a house we purchased to your satisfaction so you won't have to worry about anything.

Calvina:No I can't dad. I have work to do and also there's Lisa and....

Xavier: Who the hell is Lisa?

Calvina: My secretary who's getting married. Dad please I'm not ready to marry. Rose tell him.

Fred: Cal I know after James you don't want anyone again. But you can't live knowing that I didn't do anything for my girl.

Calvina: Okay dad. I'll do it. Only for you.

Collins: Then its settled then. You guys move in tomorrow.