
Broken Agreement

"While it looks like nothing spectacular happened, the older Sanders siblings met with Ashley Heirs separately within three days," Celine's secretary reported.

Looking her in the eye, Celine questioned, "What was the meeting about?"

"Unfortunately, we couldn't get the details, but here is our speculation; one of them said something to Ashley Heirs." The secretary went on to deliver every detail she was able to get from the investigation that was made.

While it was not certain what Ashley was told or any proof to show she tipped the press off as they didn't see her meeting anyone else after Vivian Sanders, there was a fifty percent chance her hands were not clean.

Celine understood. She was very smart to know that Ashley wasn't innocent.

Celine was a woman, and she wasn't oblivious to the fact that Ashley had a thing for Christian, more especially with the media shipping them in the past.