
Ahead of Her Wedding

Diane believed that Christian actually jinxed her shopping experience after she ran into Julia.

It's not like there wasn't any other shopping mall in Dubai, so why must they run into each other, and that too, face to face?

Julia was a successful female artist hence the reason she had people following her around. Though she was only popular in the southeastern part hence the reason no one knew her in the US, she had made quite a name for herself.

"Who am I seeing if it isn't Diane?" Julia smiled while striking a pose. Today, she was putting on a black handless crop top with two big rose patterns on each of her boobs. She wore a long red skirt with knee-length black winter boots.

She looked like a hot female character straight from an anime, thanks to her makeup.

Diane almost did not recognise her if not for the familiar aura she felt around her.

Julia waved her silky straight black hair behind her to reveal her full face. She looked Chinese.